[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

Really, if we have breakfast burritos, sky is the limit.

Breakfast cookie? I think it’s high time we made this happen.


Greetings all.

I’m having some anxiety because I lost a filling in my tooth. How have y’all been?

Also, I’m leveling a Fury Warrior on classic and having way more fun than I was with Arms. Currently level 20 going on 21 and counting!


Heads up, folks! There’s a total Lunar eclipse Friday morning. It’ll be visible (weather permitting) over all of the continental US.
More info: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2025-march-14

Hopefully you can get that sorted pretty quickly, before any pain develops.
I just found out last week that I have a cavity developing under a crown. So I get to go under the drill a bit, too.


Ooh yeah, I’m excited for the eclipse! I’m hoping I can photograph it with my mother’s Seestar telescope.

Also, oof. My dentist does this sort of thing while I’m awake, so that’s even more anxiety for me.

That’s on my list of things to get.

See if you can put some headphones in - I’ve never had that issue, but when I was younger, my dentist had a walkman we could use to listen to something other than the drill.

Now when I got my wisdom teeth removed, I had them put me all the way under.

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Yeah, that’s our oven. No clue why my grandma chose a dual oven that has NO numeric keypad. It’s oven start/stop controls and up/down arrows. And it takes foreeeeeeeeeeeever to move the clock. Microwave? Hit “clock”, type time, hit “clock” again, done. I can understand why coffeemakers don’t have numeric keypads, but ovens with gobs of space between them? Thankfully I don’t have to bother with the air fryer because that gets unplugged when not in use since when fully active it can suck down 1700W, and if literally anything else is active on the circuit, BAM, flipped breaker.

I’ve got some El Monterey applewood smoked bacon, egg, and cheese burritos in the freezer. I think I might go nuke some.

I can hear the drill through my skull thanks to the vibrations. I need to be nitro’d in addition to the septocaine (novacaine does nothing for me). If it’s a root canal or they have to go anywhere near a nerve, it’s nitro + septocaine + halcyon and I’ll just sleep it off in the passenger side of my car (so I don’t get arrested for being behind the wheel drugged up).

My dentist’s practice can at least make their own crowns on the spot, so that’s good. Though if I ever get another implant, I’ll ask them to do the lab for that one so it’s a perfect match guaranteed.

*Noms the typing Mirasol*


I am in my 50s if that helps. The CSF tends to skew a bit on the older side in general, not that young ones are not very welcome! We have chores for them to do, grass to mow, things on high shelves to reach, stuff to lift up for us!

We also have coffee, snacks, recipes, and caring people :dracthyr_love_animated:

/Sets up the vats of hot, fresh, coffee and sets out the hot water kettle for tea. Puts out breakfast PIE! I hereby confirm nearly anything is breakfast food and fruit pies fit that category perfectly. OMG cherry pie or apple pie with coffee is lovely. Or…blueberry, or peach…wanders off with coffee and pie while thinking of pie

Sunny here today and it will be warm-ish in the 60s. Have the dishwasher running, need to run the vacuum, and get the laundry on. I DID round it up yesterday so that is at least progress. My mojo seems to be stuck on almost empty so we shall see.

No touchy!


That’s why I needed to be put under for my wisdom teeth. They made me watch a video of how they do the procedure before they’d do it. Decided that I didn’t want to know anything while it was happening. I’m pretty sure that was a good choice.

I used to do that, too (well, with novacaine, anyway). I wasn’t taking any chances on feeling anything.

I’ve put almost all of my winter stuff away (pullovers, heavy flannel shirts, etc.). I’m sure I’ve just jinxed myself, but I still have some stuff available, so I should be okay for a few cold days. I just need to pull out some of my spring/early summer stuff and get it de-wrinkled.

Sames … will be 54 in few weeks. I will spend that day with the Murlocs as per tradition.


Hey, thanks for toasting my derriere. It’s freezing right now that that hit the spot! :slight_smile:

I was put under for mine as well. They warned me I might say things in my sleep etc., but I apparently just slept peacefully until all four were out. $2500 later I was a sore guy, but I learned something interesting from the dentist I had at the time. Pineapple juice (canned) has an enzyme that heals gums faster. You’re not supposed to swish it over the gums, but drink it (preferrably without letting it hit said healing gums due to the sutures). It actually sped up my healing by nearly two weeks. Can’t complain there.

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Been there done that had to get a wisdom tooth pulled because they couldnt redo the filling.

Agreed. I was planning to have leftover pizza, myself. But didn’t roll out of bed until 4:30, when I have to be at work at 5, so skipped it entirely.

I now officially hate my brother enough to do serious damage to him if I see him again. His sitting on his lard butt dragging out getting the forms signed and faxed made it so that enough time passed between my mom’s passing and now that she is no longer viewable. So he took yet another thing from me and now I’ll never have full closure.

I was going to help him get the car transferred to his name, but screw it. When I go down to take pictures of the house for the person that will eventually buy it from my grandpa to flip, I’ll give him a death certificate and he can use it with the DMV on his own. Once that house is sold he can find his own way. Nobody in the family is going to help him after what he just pulled.


Mine too. At least I only have to do it a few times a year (time change plus the occasional power outage).

Mine didn’t even have a clock. It had a mechanical timer knob on top and a mechanical temperature knob on the front, and that’s all the controls it had. That part suited me fine. But I realized it was so small, and wasn’t giving me any results I couldn’t get from my 30 year old toaster oven. And it was tripping breakers (actually the GFCI) constantly, which the toaster oven doesn’t do, even if I run it and the kettle at the same time. So I hardly used it. So it got donated last month.

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Cold pizza is great to grab on the way out the door, and is the perfect way to eat in the morning.

I should be working on undermine what am i gona do glyph hunting in dragon isles and tww areas lol.

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Sighs, tia is older than me. I’m 42 I think. Oh well I do feel like I’m 30 most days. And tia give you lazy butt brother a what for. Rip the rug out from under him.



Any hope of any kind of reconciliation went down the drain once I was told I couldn’t view my mom before she was cremated. He already cost me my dearest friend thirty years ago and along with her two families. Now he costs me my closure. I’ll be doing whatever I can to hasten his departure from my mom’s house. I moved over half a dozen doctors’ appointments back to be able to go down and view my mom. Everything he has to do with turns to ash.

Guess I’ll get my grandpa’s necessities in a box and mail them to him since I’m not going to go down until my mom’s remains and death certificates show up where he’s at (I’m going down to take the remains back up here so my grandpa doesn’t have to deal with them until he’s emotionally ready).


The last few times I went I was fine. My biggest concern is that they’re gonna send me back to the endodontist to get a root canal. Last time they sent me there, the specialist told me they were gonna try to save my teeth without a root canal. Long story short, it worked out! For now. The tooth that lost a filling is a different tooth.

Also, you should definitely get a Seestar! My mom got one for her birthday and she’s been letting dad and I use it. It works best on deep space objects and needs time to develop. Try getting the Orion Nebula if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere one winter.

EDIT: It’s not the kind of telescope you look through. You need an app on your smartphone to be able to control it.