Having a potluck at friend’s tonight. I’m bringing deviled duck eggs.
My friend gave me a flat of her duck eggs so I used part of the flat. I have 4 different flavors for people to try: sweet pickle, dill pickle, everything bagel hummus mixture, and then a pimento cheese mixture.
It has been an adventure today … been storming all day. Managed to shatter a glass bowl while doing the eggs and spill mayo all over. Thankfully the eggs are fine so far. Just hoping to make it into her house without dropping anything, lol.
Had steaks and salmon on the grill. Plus, stinky garlic potatoes and sliced apples tossed in a sweetened lemon juice, so they won’t brown up. It felt like a spring meal. It’s 55 right now.
Potluck went well. We had a variety of baked desserts, a DIY mini taco bar, my deviled eggs, and 3 different butter boards - plus cocktails and great conversation.
Mostly just the pickle ones I think. Though my friend did take the leftovers to keep for herself. So hopefully she will enjoy the other flavors. I enjoyed all the flavors - it was nice to try something new. Hubby even liked the one I mixed with the hummus.
The butter boards were interesting. We had a honey butter board that we spread on Hawaiian rolls. Then there was a smoked salmon one with capers, dill, and red onions over the butter. Last one was a Mediterranean styled one that had: butter, everything bagel hummus, olives, tomatoes, feta, red onions, and green leaf lettuce. It was really good.
This may have to do with where the support article is linked in the post. The Battle.net side of things will first redirect you to the main support/blog/game page and if you then go back and click the link from the post, it works. It does this all the time with Diablo 3 and 4’s patch blogs that the CMs put on the fora.
I got you beat - Apple BASIC on their ProDOS for the //e.
See above.
I have several. Not bins, but repurposed giant cheeseball containers and some of those big 300 fun size snickers buckets. Those buckets are awesome as for such a cheap enclosure that handle holds up really well.
I avoid smart anything for appliances. I’m sorry, but I don’t need my fridge or stove reporting on what I do in the kitchen.
Cast a spell and steal some of my mojo. I’ve got some to spare after finally resting. And no email from the funeral service stating they goofed again, so all looks good. Waiting on pins and needles for the phone call on Monday telling me when to view my mom so I can finish this phase of misery.
Oooooooooooh taco bar. I’d probably have eaten it dry or at least until I started having the greasy pffffffffffffffffffffts.
My word, have I finally lived long enough to be the oldest regular in the CSF? I can only think of two or three that I am at least reasonably sure were my senior, and none of them are active here any longer.
Good morning, in to give blood, and then on to work. Breakfest sometime in between.
Party went well, they liked my gift so happy for that. Outside of that getting ready for outdoor stuffs!
WoW wise got my new goblin Warrior to 80. Also got my Mage geared up. Found out it’s real easy to get initial gear with the Weathered crests, you can craft the gear that doesn’t require Sparks and with Weathered Enchanted crests they’re 629, which is enough to do just about anything including normal LoU! Doesn’t take too long, either.
Outside of that, nothing exciting planned for me. Hope you all have an alright Monday!
Starts a taco bar in the lounge. Probably not for breakfast, but in the future! Unless someone has a breakfast taco idea.
The clock is literally the only thing I wish would set itself. OR, at least make it something I can set easily without having to hold a button down like I’m setting a bed-side radio clock from the 1990s!!
As for all the deviled egg talk, is anyone watching Severance? For those who are…the egg cart is very coveted!
Just came back in from letting the dog out. The sunrise is kinda pretty today. Lots of oranges fading up from the horizon. A bit chilly so far today, though we’ll hit 60. I get to work today and tomorrow, then the rest of the week off. I really need to take a full week soon, just to burn off some time. I’m currently one hour from my max, and I gain more PTO at the end of the month. It’s kind of annoying to have to keep taking a day or two here and there just to keep from losing it. Sometimes I wish I could just “sell” hours back to the company, but then I’d be losing out on days off.
All that said, no plans for the PTO, just relaxing, playing with the dog, and eating.
So working as expected.
Starts the coffee then makes some tacos
There’s no reason you can’t have tacos for breakfast.