[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.


Why not. Atleast it is not repeating Monday


This is very true. Monday is also a day I’m not looking forward to.

Yay! I love Doctor Who!


Yeah, I never could get the hang of Thursdays. I’d prefer not to repeat the mistakes I made this Thursday.

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I have a plastic bin full of electronics and cables and old phones and stuff. I think I shoved it in there. I think electronics, tools, and hardware are my next decluttering and organizing target, so I’ll find it then.

It’s kind of funny that because this dock thing was attached to the top of the iMac with a command strip for a long time, I’ve mostly known where it was throughout the 15 years the iPod itself was missing.

I have a different tiny screenless iPod in my gym bag that I probably haven’t used in 15 years even though I did know where it was. And I used to have one of the original style that’s basically a hard drive with a battery and a screen on it. Can’t remember if I got rid of that or if it’s in one of the boxes marked “office stuff.” You could use those as a portable hard drive. You could even set them up to boot from them, and I think I’d done that, so if it’s around it may have data on it that needs cleaned off before I recycle it. Decluttering electronics brings its own special set of challenges like that - can’t just chuck it in the dumpster.

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Hope you all having a great night!

Trying to figure out how to report players that were bricking my keys earlier tonight. Had (2) players join my group in different runs and then when we got to first boss they logged off during the encounter and never came back on.

I know Blizzard is suspending players that do this. Just trying to figure out how to report. The only options I see in-game are to report for either communication or their player name. If anyone could tell me how to report them would be appreciated.

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Could do a ticket, or perhaps use the comment box to type in what they were doing.

I’m not sure you can at the moment. The ones punished for this recently were actioned in a wave, like bots, based on a history of bricking keys rather than specific instances.


Good morning.

Heading to a birthday party. Sadly going to be a lot of people so I’ll need to be properly prepared, especially since there’s, y’know, kids.

Think I’m going to head to that wedding, too. That’s off in May, so still aways off.

Think that’s it! Enjoy your Sunday!

(Mind is still trying to adjust to the time change…)


I was completely oblivious to the fact that this was DST weekend until a co-worker reminded me that it was happening at 2am Sunday, “so… tomorrow night.”

“No, Johnnie, 2am Sunday was a half an hour ago. Well, technically, I guess it was actually an hour and a half ago.”

Then I had to explain that no, we don’t get an extra hour of pay, just like they don’t cheat us out of an hour in the fall.


Mornin’ y’all.

Got up at the regular time, under protest, so the doggo and I could get our walk in. We were a little slower than normal, mainly because Onyx wanted to stop and sniff everything. I assure you, that was the only reason. Another crisp clear morning - almost like a perfect fall morning. There’s a bit of frost, clear enough to see the stars, no wind…

Not a lot going today - laundry, some stuff around the house, maybe a run to get some cheese. And a bit of jigsaw puzzle work; we’ve been working on one for a few days now. I spent a bunch of time picking away at it yesterday, so I might take a bit of a break from it today.

Now… where’d I put my coffee?


Looked at the time this morning and was surprised my daughter was still sleeping…until I saw the time on the stove as it isn’t smart enough to change with the time change.

It’s Sunday and I feel like losing an hour on a Sunday is just bad mojo.


/walks into the lounge and see no coffee, so makes a lot of coffee and places it down for everyone.


Thank you for the Sunday time jump coffee! Much appreciated. My motivation levels are super low right now.

/Sips a large, warm, mug of coffee by the fire



Morning folks!

I’ll take some of that coffee, looks like I’m going to need it.



I dont think theres gona be enough coffee makes a thermos that never runs out.


Laundry’s washed and out on the line. It’s in the low 50s and breezy, so everything is drying pretty quickly. Playing a little WoW - got my 'lock up to a 609 ilvl. That one and Poct are running LFR, which is… interesting… with the “unknown” mechanics (and I was just as guilty on my first run). And I’ve started a couple other characters through the new zone to try to get them some higher ilvl gear.


This is actually a good idea. I need to do clothing type laundry. I did all the towels and bedding last week - the whole linen closet! I should at least go get stuff from the hamper and bring it to the basement laundry.