[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

Good morning.

Feeling alright. Found my CT scan results, confirmed it’s a hernia. No blockages or anything. Can’t really do anything about it for now but, also not anything more dangerous.

A co-worker invited me to a wedding she’s having. I’m not sure I should go. I feel like I’d just drag things down since I’m not exactly a social butterfly.

It’s not like talking online, I don’t really have the time to formulate my thoughts and I can just feel people judging me for it. Post surgery my brain sure seems to be struggling more than I think it should.

How it goes, I guess. Anyway, cloudy and cool, things should start drying up soon to do more stuffs.

Hope you all have an alright saturday!


That’s me in a nutshell too. I’ve now been up for nearly 72 hours straight. Hard to sleep when you’re on a medication that keeps you up for days at a time and you’re stressed to the max because your brother has been dragging his feet with getting things moving (this despite him ripping my head off when I initially told him the plan for our mom because he didn’t want her sitting in the freezer for a long time). Supposedly he actually did go to the UPS store and got the forms faxed yesterday. I’ll find out later this morning. If he didn’t actually do so, I’m stuck going down there just to have him sign the forms so I can fax them myself. And I just had to postpone my EKG appointment and will have to do so for my hearing test as well.

If he actually got the forms faxed properly I can send them his photo ID and then it’s just a matter of waiting for them to tell me when to come view my mom. It’ll also allow me to maybe destress enough to sleep.

VLC’s a bit of a resource hog unfortunately, and its UI isn’t the best for purely audio workloads. When Winamp 5.5.6 stops working purely natively (Windows), I’ll switch to running it in a VM since that’s my VGM library player and the Foobar2000 plugins can’t hold a candle to the Winamp versions, especially the Alpha II SNESAmp and NotSoFatso NES plugins.

I don’t know if this one can, because I haven’t dug up its special dock yet. It’s not lost, just… somewhere. Seen it recently. Fortunately I didn’t care about sound quality with this one, since I only ever used it for a) exercise; b) playing white noise at a time I had to do most of my work in the law library. Not super noisy (library!) but there were a lot of people coming and going so it really helped to cut distractions.

Now if I’m at the gym I think I’d rather have my phone with Bluetooth instead of wired iPod. Only problem is that I want to curate my own playlist, which means either paying a subscription for Spotify or whatever service, or using something like iTunes that would let me transfer my own music to the phone and make a playlist. But I haven’t researched what that would be. Sounds like that’s what you’ve been working on.

Already? I was wondering why my bedroom clock was an hour off, given that it isn’t Sunday and also I didn’t think it was this week. Just checked and bedroom clock thought it was tomorrow. I never look at its date and didn’t know it used the date to decide when to change, but apparently it does. My other auto time setting clock uses WWV (I think) and doesn’t know the date, so it must just receive a signal telling it when to change over.

Oh good old Winamp and realplayer. That brings back memories. Now I wonder if there’s a macamp lol.


If you’re on an iPhone, there should be a built in app for local files. If you’re on Android, I used to recommend Winamp, but that obviously sucks now. I’m using Foobar2000, the mobile version of the bigger, more powerful desktop app. The mobile version is a player while the desktop version is both a player and a converter. I use My Playlist Maker PRO to create .m3u files on Android. It stopped working for a couple versions of Android but is working just fine again ever since Android switched to user assigned permissions. It’s no longer available on Google Play, though I backed it up in multiple locations so I wouldn’t lose it. With it you could bring over “clean” folders of music and use the app to make .m3u files right on your phone, no having to do the whole manual song and dance on the PC side.

There was. It was a barebones Winwmp with a similar UI for Mac OS 9. It was abandoned early on though when it became clear Apple was going to turn SoundJam, which it had purchased, into its own music app (it later became iTunes). Zophar.net has a fairly comprehensive compilation of these apps and many VGM files as well.

Did you check the junk drawer of odds and ends of things your saving for another day.


In my room that’s called the packrat’s nest. I keep everything computer related. You never know when an old part will come in handy in the tech support realm.

And my brother finally managed to successfully fax the forms. He signed them slightly oddly, but they’re letting that slide due to how much trouble the whole affair was just to get him to do anything correctly. I had a minor mishap with his ID picture because there’s a bug with Samsung’s Messages app where if you directly forward a picture from Messages into the email app, it lops off the file extension and the person at the funeral service saw it as an unknown file and didn’t know how to deal with it. So I sent it a second time after saving the file to my desktop and adding .jpg to it to turn it back into a picture. Gotta love Windows still relying on the DOS x.3 underpinings.

I can finally get some rest since it won’t be until Monday when I hear about when to go down to view my mom. And do I ever need the rest. I’ve been up for 80 hours straight now thanks to the combination of CellCept hammering me as usual + the stress of dealing with my brother (and the added stress of losing Winamp and having to go through Foobar2000’s steep learning curve to set it up to where it’s usable).

*Flops over dead*



OMG I just went to Coop in Wetaskiwin. OMG there POS still is based on MSDos. Holy crap I remember programming basic on that 30 years ago.

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/pokes Vrakthris arm.

I am wondering, is there something going on with the forums again, or is it just me, or is it just the support articles. When I link some support articles, the link won’t give any preview, while some support articles won’t show the preview window while editing or posting, but will show it after clicking reply.

I’ve been here for a LONG time and I can honestly say there is almost always something going on with the forums. :crazy_face:

I haven’t noticed anything with Support Articles. I just tested one and it seemed to populate just fine. Are you noticing it with a specific article or it just happens randomly?

I don’t think they are working on anything over the weekend.


It is just happening randomly.

Take for example with this post where the support article didn’t show its preview, but just stayed as a link.

Not often i see u say heavy handed with a punishment bit even gms are human right.


No, GM’s are Gnomes and Goblins.

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It is rare. From what I could see I think they assumed it was an exploitative account, as it mimicked some exploitation we often see from those. I think the appeal was already handled and found that wasn’t the case.


Hope everyones having a good thursday since u have to turn u clocks back 2 days .

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2 DAYS? We have to turn our clocks back 2 days?


I really don’t want to repeat Thursday!


Wow! I thought one hour was tough. :laughing:

I’m going to have a bbq tomorrow. I bought the steaks and salmon. I don’t think I have had one since the holidays. We got kind of lazy. We usually cook outside all winter, but it’s been cold and windy. It looks like a spring teaser week coming up.

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so we’re springing back and falling forward, eh?