That sounds about normal left hand usualy doesnt know what the right hand is doing let the reign of confusion begin.
I hope you mean in-game hour and not real time hour. That wouldn’t make any sense to take that long unless it’s literally streaming and soft saving system maps to your computer like MS Flight Simulator does for its modern versions.
That’s usually a sign that management has realized no amount of fighting with people is going to get them to do things the right way, either because they’re set in their ways and/or they’re unable to adapt and learn a procedure properly (the latter is a red flag to most managers though as it indicates a worker that will never perform properly).
It is real time hour. Like, Elite Dangerous is based on a 1:1 scale of the entire Milky Way Galaxy, so yes, it goes by real hours, where most games would have a scaled down version of worlds, and would have time suited differently to the scaled down version of the world.
Plus, to prevent server overloads, Frontier has this thing where you have to organize a jump in Freight Carriers, since these ships are huge, and the way they jump from one system to another is very different to any other ship in the game.
Thats sad they just revealed the COD for gene hackman and his no foul play but his wife passed away a week prior then gene died but aparently he had alzheimers that explains alot.
Odd that it would be different. I mean, you’d think it’s just coordinates and your ship emerges from FTL travel at those coordinates and then loads/streams textures. Still faaster than current real life tech at least.
I mean, if anything, it is way better than Starfield with all the loading screens for everything.
The only loading screen actually is when engaging hyperspace jump to travel from one star system to another. But it doesn’t feel like a loading screen, it feels like a hyperspace jump.
I had heard Starfield was built on a codebase of loading screens (in addition to being supremely unoptimized).
I still rage at how disappointing this game was, knowing it could have easily been Bethesda’s greatest product and one of the best games the world has ever seen. Bethesda seriously dropped the ball on this one.
Besides, we should be playing Elder Scrolls 6 instead of loading screen simulator.
I still wish it was x platform not just xbox and pc
Bethesda made a huge mistake using an outdated engine and coding suite for Starfield. They were told it was outdated, they knew it was outdated, but they used it anyway and welp, craptacular it is. And it doesn’t help that their NPC AI is a massive, massive resource hog.
It is.
- Want to land on a planet? Loading screen.
- Want to supercruise to another planet within the same system? Loading Screen.
- Want to hyperspace to another system. Loading screen.
- Want to board or unboard a ship? Loading screen.
- Want to travel from 1 part of the planet to another? Loading screen.
- Want to play the game? Loading screen…
It tells you something when Starfield currently has 3k players, Skyrim has 24k, and Fallout has 13k. Even Fallout New Vegas has more current players on steam than Starfield at 4k.
That has got to be beyond embarrassing for the studio.
Keep in mind that these are only numbers reported by whatever tools (such as SteamDB, etc.) are available. Numbers are likely higher, though by how much we’ll probably never know. Starfield’s crazy system requirements for even 1080p60 are part of their problem. The hardware class it requires to be enjoyable is well above what most players can afford. Couple that with the bugs, lackluster story arc, and terribad optimization and you get the stinker that exists now.
Edit: Swell. Winamp was working on my phone perfectly earlier today. Now it doesn’t work and from the looks of it, it’s because the new version’s developers managed to corrupt the old APKs with some sort of kill switch signal. Problem is the new version lacks swipe to change songs, doesn’t see any of my .m3u files which all of my music folders have (or did…seems the new Winamp also erased the .m3u files I had made and now I have to manually make new ones for several hundred albums), doesn’t remember basic settings like repeat, randomly jumps to the top of whatever scrolling menu I’m in and…ugh.
Edit 2: I think I’ve settled on Foobar2000 for Android. Absolutely linux-like UI with a learning curve hovering somewhere around “Requires MENSA certification”, but it plays my files fine. It doesn’t see .m3u files inside the album folders automatically and you have to open the playlist by manually tapping said .m3u files in the UI, but it’s serviceable.
Can I have a refund on the year already?
It’s annoying, but I’ve also learned to pick my battles. The main consequences will fall on management either way, so I’m happy to let them decide in this case.
When decluttering my bedroom, I finally found my favorite iPod, which has been missing since about 2010. (It was in the pocket of a bag.) And… I’m not sure if I’d actually use it for anything now. It’s the one the size of a postage stamp, so you can’t really choose songs, you just get whatever playlist you put in it. My iMac is also from 2010 and is incredibly slow and I was planning to get rid of it, but it currently has all my music files, and I couldn’t use the iPod without iTunes or some kind of iTunes replacement.
Complicating any decision I make about this is that for some reason, in the past, I apparently decided to convert all my music files to AAC. Really don’t know what I was thinking!
Starfield could have been something. You can see so many undercooked ideas as you play that could have been great.
I know it’s heavy on the space hogging, but I convert/rip mine to WAV. If I’m going to use it on the phone, it gets whatever native sample/bit rate it has. If it’s for the car, I limit it to 16-bit/48 KHz as that’s all the 2013 Ford Sync radio can handle. Any purchased iTunes songs in AAC have been converted to WAV as well. I chose WAV as it’s both lossless and requires significantly less processor power to parse than FLAC. In other words, I trade space for battery life. Thankfully I don’t have to worry about that with Droidsound-E as everything is either in .zip or .rar format and you can’t lower the CPU power needed to parse those files.
I’ve got an iPod somewhere in my desk drawer, but its battery can’t hold a charge. It’s the 2006 80 GB model. I was never impressed with its really cheap DAC though and it had a hell of a time driving even 32 Ω headphones to full volume without clipping. I’d have gone with one of the more expensive DAPs (digital audio players), but modern Android smartphones support high resolution built in and the Belkin combo passthrough charger + headphone dongle lets me keep the phone charged while listening to my music, and the dongle supports at least 192/24 which is fine enough for me.
One thing that won’t be undercooked is your CPU and GPU. That game will make them both go full KFC on you.
It didn’t to mine. I don’t let settings run the FPS too far past 80. I’ll force VSINC if I have too.
Good morning all and happy Saturday. Windy here and despite the rain in the past two days we have high fire risk warnings again. SUPER odd for where I live. Very low humidity and high winds though just dries everything out fast.
/Tidies lounge and brews hot fresh coffee. Sets out the coffee vats, hot water kettle, and some banana nut muffins.
/insert muffin emoji here
Feeling very meh today Physically fine, just waves hands things are crazy.
I miss the WinAmp of old. But VLC is now my player of choice - PC and Android. No ads and the dev has turned down some great offers to sell out, so it should stay pretty great.
I have one of those, too! It’s what I started playing WoW on. Currently, it’s sitting in storage; I should pull the drive and get the whole thing recycled. Unfortunately, at some point, my iTunes account got mangled, so I can’t get all the music I purchased (and it was a ton!). So I’ve been piecing together a new music library. But it won’t compare to what I had.
Mornin’ everyone!
A cold, crisp morning so far, but not a cloud in the sky, so it’ll probably be a gorgeous day.
Spring forward tonight, so back to walking in the dark. Fortunately, I have lights and hi-viz jackets (and so does Onyx).
grabs the coffee and a muffin