[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

If it was in my pocket it wouldn’t be raw for long. :wink:

Good morning. Happy friday.

Kinda feeling real meh, but that’s not good enough to miss work.

Did the…end of the raid before the beginning of it? Joined a PuG and we’re at Gally, downed him on the second attempt. I’m gonna try to get a fresh group tonight and run through it proper.

You all have an alright day.

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Mornin’ yall! And more Happy Fridays!

I’ve got the weekend off, and no plans (beyond some laundry at some point).

A crisp morning today, but clear; we could see the stars on our walk. It looks like it’ll be a pretty nice day here today.

Starts the coffee so I can drink it all


As a Canuk…right now…I’d have to go Boston creme for…reasons…

Morning everyone. Happy Friday or upside down Saturday. I won a free donut that I think I’ll claim this morning too.



Creme filled donuts.

Bacon-creme filled donuts.



It was still Friday here when you posted this, but now it is Saturday.

/puts down some fresh coffee for everyone.


The only proper combo for bacon and donuts is maple glazed with bacon, in my opinion!

/Cleans the Lounge house, fluffs and straightens the pillow fort, makes sure the gnome coffee pool is clean and filled, adds wood to the fires. Brews up some fresh, hot coffee, gets the hot water kettle on, and makes sure the fridge has lots of cold juice, iced coffee, assorted cold beverages. Sets out a packet of bacon for the fox, and several dozen donuts of all sorts!

:coffee: :doughnut: :teapot:

Chilly and windy here but sunny. Not sure what I am doing today, honestly. I AM about to go get my own coffee out of my little coffee press though.


It has been raining here. Feel sorry for those up north on the Queensland/New South Wales border with Cyclone Alfred though. Some areas have already experience strong winds bringing down trees and powerlines, and Lismore is under evacuation orders incase of flooding like the floods it got in 2022 that put the town completely under water.


Oh no! I had not caught up on the real news yet. That sounds scary - major storms are so destructive. More so lately it seems.

Glad you are safe!


OMG bacon glazed donuts. Now that sounds good.

Someone, somewhere cut a fiber line, which is keeping us from connecting to some applications running on AWS. So we can’t, for example, enter our hours worked this week.

And that, friends, has been the highlight of my work day. :yawning_face:

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You do have a work around right? Like a template you fill out, print, sign, and fax/scan? Can you call someone with access at HR to have them enter the data?

I got one earlier today. Odd how European phone numbers are contacting me over American tolls I’ve never went through!

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They’ve gotten work arounds for just about everything. Except payroll. On the plus side, we don’t have to have it done until Monday morning at 10:00am. And the latest update they’ve heard was 2:00pm (today, Central) for the repairs. But since it’s fiber, I’m not holding my breath.

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You are giving me horrible memories of senior mgt days where I could not get certain people to do their timecard on time!!! ARGH. We did have a paper system I could fax/scan and send if our main system was down. Being a remote work location at a customer site we kind of had to plan for no internet connectivity.

Under normal circumstances, my boss wants our payroll submitted Friday by 3:00pm just to avoid those issues.

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Tired and blelh think im gona go to the water park in edmonton on mon gona see if i can convince my sister to pull my nieces from school and go as well


Nothing like an hours wait to move this from one system to another.

You are giving me horrible flashbacks to… a few hours ago, when I sent an email on this very subject that I knew was going to make some people mad, and by the time I left, I heard some of them being mad. Fortunately it’s not really up to me - if I get a complaint I can tell them if they don’t want to do it the way the email said, they can discuss it with management. And I don’t even care that much if management decides to let them keep doing it the other way. I just do what they tell me to. But it still stresses me out. I don’t like making people unhappy, but sometimes it’s part of the job. That’s why I’m sitting in my car reading forums - it’s sometimes how I decompress from work.


It irritates me when manglement says “Do it this way” one moment, then turns around and says “Eh - you can keep doing it the old way.”