Someday, I’d like to see a company push a limited release of product, wait a week or so, then surprise release enough stock for everyone to get the product, just to stick it to the scalpers.
I am pretty sure that advertising something as limited release, then changing that may violate some laws. False advertising and such. Collector’s items are a big thing and protecting consumer value is real.
People get super upset when things that used to be limited at Blizzard end up released again 10 years down the road, even if it is a different color or through a different means.
It probably would be. But what I’m thinking is more like what gaming console producers do when they first release a product - there’s never enough product to cover demand early (my ‘conspiracy theory’ is they do that to get more people talking about it and increasing demand), but then opening the production flow faster. Maybe not flooding the market, but hurt the scalpers.
I worked in retail for four years and will never do so again.
- Some lady tried to return something on a year and a half old receipt and then immediately said she was suing the store after I told her she would get a store credit
- Some guy walked into the store, pretended like his GF (who did not exist) was already in the store about to return a $99 baby item, and proceeded to yell at absolutely nobody, walk to the baby section to the item he probably scoped out earlier when he planned this, and just returned it without a receipt when we all knew exactly what he was doing (fraud)
- People coming into the store 20 minutes before closing and then buying several carts worth of items or doing overly-complicated exchanges that waste everyone’s time
- Demanding to speak to the manager over a policy I cited that is printed on a massive billboard that is posted on the pillar directly behind my back
- Ripping price tag off of a $100 brand-new furnishing items and replacing them with a $5 clearance tag from a bag of chips
I could write an entire book on the subject. I still get aggravated just thinking about the nonsense I had to deal with.
We have a limit of 2 per member. Doesnt stop them they will try to use there moms card kinda pathetic.
So far today, the snow’s missed us - to the north and to the south. We’ve been in this weird gap. /shrug
If it’s going to be cold, I want more snow!!!
The one that isn’t commercial?
Happy birthday, Waters!
So far, the snow is underwhelming.
I’ve been playing Diablo4 with my husband the last few days and I am amazed that my computer hasn’t started on fire. The aoe ground clutter is incredible. We had to add extra fans to keep it cool. His too.
I have the graphics turned down a bit and my laptop sits on a cooling pad with an active running fan. I also take breaks with the game off. It does stress the computer!
Thank you, Vrak!!
Happy yearly rotation.
At least you don’t have to deal with the absolute clusterfudge that is the +12VHPWR/+12v 2x6 spec, not yet anyway. That spec alone has probably damaged or destroyed more PCs than anything D4 could ever do. For my money the entire spec needs to be written off, recalled, and reissued as regular PCIe power connectors. For all of Apple’s flaws, they did bring about one spec that the PC industry could really benefit from: MPX. No more power connectors on the GPU side, just one long buss bar and the connectors elsewhere into the mobo. Of course, designing components that don’t suck down almost a kilowatt of juice at any given time would probably help more.
I handle that by capping the frame-rate around 60. If not using Vsinc.
My favourite was hurting my back at the store, then being told point-blank that I couldn’t prove so.
This morning I went to the laundromat. During the wash cycle I went to the car wash & Aldi, and during the dry cycle two more errands, and another on the way home, so I was between inside and outside constantly. I feel like it was 5 degrees colder every time I stepped outside. And then the wind picked up. I wasn’t wearing gloves when I started, but had to put them on by the time I was unloading my car about noon. Snow finally started in the afternoon, but so far hasn’t amounted to much.
I’m ready for spring now, but I guess we have another month to go.
Wow you got a ton done today! That is actually pretty impressive to get that much done, in the morning, before it snowed!
I um… caulked more in the linen closet, scuff sanded the old paint (with a mask because likely lead), and primed it. Also got all the stuff I pulled out sorted and took out a huge bag of trash.
We only got a little snow before it turned to all rain. I did eat today though, real food even. Leftover pot roast and veg on rice. Easy, but healthy and tasty.
We had an individual who was carrying a clearance tag for like 37¢ in their wallet and scanning all kinds of stuff with it at self checkout. And while I can never know someone’s entire circumstances, I at least know this individual was employed at a job with decent pay for our area, so it’s not like they were desperate to afford food or something. So it really annoyed me. To the point that many of the things I’m thinking about this person right now are forum-inappropriate.
We’ve also had more than one regular return scammer who would use a product up, then ask for a refund because it was bad or moldy or something. Yes, sometimes if someone calls we will tell them to throw away the stinky chicken and just bring us the receipt,* but when the same person keeps coming in with an empty container and telling you it was moldy, you know they’re full of it.
Really not sure how I’ve survived 8 years in customer service.
*In general, I’m willing to believe you that it smells. Please do not shove the stinky chicken in my face, I don’t need to smell that.
Oooh, sounds nom nommy. Glad you enjoyed it.
A couple weeks ago, I had a delivery to a questionable apartment building toward the end of the night. The customer was waiting in the lobby when I arrived. He told me he was short on cash, and was going to call the store to put it on his card. Ordinarily, I would call the store and give them his card info, but it was late, I was tired and wasn’t thinking. Halfway back to the store, I realized how hinky the whole thing was. When I checked, of course, he hadn’t actually called. He made off with $50 worth of pizza.
Fast forward to last Friday night, I have another delivery to the same building. When I get there, the same guy is waiting in the lobby again. And of course he tries to pull the same schtick again. Told him he could either pay me cash or give me his card so I could have the store ruin it. He doesn’t trust me with his card details (but apparently expects me not to realize that he’ll give it to someone else at the store). After a few minutes of back-and-forth, I tell him I’m canceling the order. I put the food in the back seat, and get back in my car. Before I can lock the doors, he snatches the food out of my car and takes off running down the street.
I dialed 911 and within 90 seconds, there was a squad car parked next to me, followed in short order by three more (must’ve been a slow night). Long story short, within twenty minutes of taking the food out of my car, he had been located, detained, identified, and issued a citation for misdemeanor theft (and trespassed from the store… because I could). The cops recovered my pizza bag, but of course the food was already gone.
TL;DR - guy tries to scam me twice in as many weeks, ends up facing a $1000 fine and/or 90 days in jail.
It’s been a chicken soup day. Thankfully there’s not a lot of calories in it so four cans (+ 2.5 cans water) = just 600 calories. Well worth it though since it should help me get better sooner.