Good morning.
Was raining last night and then out of nowhere a ton of snow! Looks real lovely.
Enjoy your Sunday, everyone.
Good morning.
Was raining last night and then out of nowhere a ton of snow! Looks real lovely.
Enjoy your Sunday, everyone.
Mornin’ folks. This winter “storm” is a bust, at least around here. We did get a couple inches of snow this morning, though. Pretty much the whole time we were out for our walk. And it was pretty wet snow, too. We did get a little freezing rain yesterday, but it wasn’t enough to be a problem - just mostly covered everything with a little ice.
Had a guy try that shtick back when I worked in pizza. Driver delivers to a hotel, customer says “Oh, I was paying on a card.” So the driver has the customer sign the receipt (no credit card slip), which is what we did. Driver comes back and tells me, but we didn’t have a credit card order. Driver calls the room. “Hahaha. Sucks to be you.” So… we call the cops. The police come down, get the information, goes to the room. No answer. So he leaves his card with a note saying “If you want to stay out of jail, give me a call.” The dingbat calls us back and again tells us too bad. The waitress that took the call waves the officer over, who takes the phone. …“No, let me tell you how this is going to work.” … “Are you at your room? Stay there.”
Ten minutes later, the officer comes in with the …ahem… gentleman, who hands me some cash. “Sorry my trick didn’t work.” I take the cash and ‘ask’ him if the change is for the driver, so he at least got something.
I is bummed. DSLReports looks like it’s had its last rodeo. Most of the site is gone and what little is left is only available for the first five minutes past the hour. I guess after almost 26 years it’s the final curtain call. It’s a real shame since they provided a really good spot for actual ISP tech support that was more than just a bunch of script kiddies in CSR cubicles. They were also a supremely pro-consumer focused site. Gotta give’em props though, as virtually zero worthwhile sites last even half of the run DSLReports has had.
Good morning all and Happy Sunday. Glad to see folks are safe and having fun, so far. Nobody buried in a snow drift or turned into ice sculptures!
No snow here, just rain. Will be rather warm actually then a massive front comes through with a “wind storm”? First time I have gotten an alert for that. Winds 50-60mph. I have the yard closed down for winter so I don’t think I have to go tie anything down. Should be good. Our possible winter storm for mid week next week is looking more like a bust for me, again.
Today will be more painting/home renovation, and probably more Diablo 4. Enjoying my Blood Surge Necro right now.
/Stokes the fire , sets out the hot coffee vats, hot water kettle, some assorted cold juices and beverages. Sets out a breakfast casserole and some coffee cake.
It started snowing last night but it warmed up and turned into rain and much of the snow from the past few weeks just melted or washed away.
PS: My alt’s name was indeed flagged after I filed a self-report ticket, lol
We got an inch of snow, then a bunch of rain… which then froze into an inch of ice and dumped four inches of snow on top of it.
Welome to canada where is the road day.
Alrighty. As much as I hate being that person, whenever one of you lovely SFAs have a hot second? Where am I lacking this time? I’m going to assume it’s under posts read, since that always gets me. But just trying to get an idea of what/how much I need to get caught up on this time. Much appreciation for your time!
Im kinda curious on mine as wellni lost mine too.
Yup, posts read. Shy a little under 2k, Leilleath.
Darth, yours is posts read - a bit over 2k.
Ty not as bad as i thot was expecting higher.
Thank you kindly! I appreciate it. <3
Oh why not.
May I please ask – how far am I Orlyia?
Leagues, I’m sure. Forty thousand leagues under the read.
Happy belated birthday, to the birthdays, I missed!
I have IRL folks I’m celebrating their birthdays with, as well. A lot of Feb birthdays lol
We had a “visitor” at the bird feeders. Well, not exactly at the feeders, but within striking distance. A (likely) Red Shouldered Hawk. With the wind we’ve got whipping around today, he was looking a bit disheveled, but pretty amazing. He didn’t manage to get dinner - all the other birds decided they’d had enough for today and hid.
About 9kish, post read, Amaelalin.
Thanks for asking didnt want to bother there busy enough.
Just saw the new captain america movie was a good movie harrison ford can still pull it off.
/shuffles into the lounge for a coffee, then creeps back into the shadows.