[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

I would err on the side of caution and self-report.


Im sorry what now.

The whole bit about the new zone not being safe because goblin engineering and explosions. But near the forge is a hammer/pillar crushy thing and I am guessing if you stand in it you actually die and get an achievement? I had no idea and have not tested this. Just guessing based on the post.


It is this expansion’s “stood in the fire” achievement, yes.


So I discussed all this with my gf this morning and she kinda talked me out of getting my own tablet….for now :technologist:

I can just use hers if I need to but really my phone is enough. Would be nice to have a tablet for Hearthstone though.

Olive garden zuppan tuscan soup minus the kale


  • ▢ 1 pound spicy Italian ground sausage - use mild for kid-friendly
  • ▢ 4 tablespoons butter
  • ▢ ½ white onion - diced
  • ▢ 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • ▢ 6 cups chicken broth
  • ▢ 2 cups water
  • ▢ 4-5 yellow potatoes - cut into 1-inch pieces
  • ▢ 3 teaspoons salt - or to taste
  • ▢ 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • ▢ 2 cups heavy cream
  • ▢ 4 cups chopped kale
  • ▢ chopped bacon or bacon bits and grated parmesan cheese for topping - optional


  • In a [large pot saute sausage 5-6 minutes until browned. Use a [slotted spoon to transfer sausage to a plate and set aside.

  • In the same pot, add butter and saute onions over medium heat until translucent. Add garlic and saute for another minute until fragrant.

  • Add chicken broth, water, potatoes, salt, and pepper and bring to a boil. Boil until potatoes are tender. Stir in kale, and heavy cream. Add sausage. Taste and add [salt and pepper if needed. Serve garnished with grated parmesan cheese and/or bacon if desired.


The sausage: if you have regular ground sausage, simply add 1 teaspoon dried Italian herb seasoning or Herbs de Provence + a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes.


Calories: 833 kcal, Carbohydrates: 16 g, Protein: 25 g, Fat: 76 g, Saturated Fat: 38 g, Trans Fat: 1 g, Cholesterol: 246 mg, Sodium: 3849 mg, Potassium: 1084 mg, Fiber: 1 g, Sugar: 2 g, Vitamin A: 8563 IU, Vitamin C: 110 mg, Calcium: 241 mg, Iron: 3 mg

Course: Soup

Cuisine: Italian

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Make sure to report the unsafe work conditions to Azeroth WorkSafe!

Yup! I got the achievement without trying for it earlier this expansion. Stepped into the crusher trying to go thru it and got crushed to my death instead.


Back home for a day or two so I can recuperate, get some medical appointments set up for after I deal with the stuff in San Diego, and get my birth certificate, which I’ll need in order to prove next of kin status to change over my mom’s car to my brother’s name (no sense in letting that go to waste no matter what I think of him).

At least I’ll be able to view my mom briefly before they send her to the crematorium. Still wish I could give her all of her wish that she be buried near her brother that died five weeks before I was born, but since she had no life insurance and will have minimal death benefits this long after the death of her first husband (Navy), there aren’t enough funds for a burial, especially since she didn’t get herself a plot ahead of time. But her ashes can be interred in the crypt in the same cemetary as her brother is buried in so at least she’ll be near him. Some of the costs could have been mitigated had my mom listened to me and just filled out the form for $2k free death benefits that Navy Federal provides for all members. Once I’m on disability I may increase mine to $30k so I can be buried in the same cemetary as my mom’s ashes will be.

Will take a day or two to get stuff rounded up here and then drive back down to San Diego. Once the cremation is done the “on the clock” portion of the affair is at least done with.


Make sure u take some time to grieve do something for your self even if its something silly see a movie binge watch a show you always enjoyed maybe go to disney land since youll be close for a day if you got the money. Or just mourn however u want but take the time to grieve.


Grieving will have to wait until the time sensitive necessities are taken care of. I’m sure I’ll get a “spike” when I view my mom’s body before they send her to the crematorium. I’ll be making sure to ask if they can get a few locks of hair for family members that might want one.

I can also fairly reasonably conclude that my brother not being there this particular time to check on her wouldn’t have mattered. I saw the half dozen or so 13 gallon trash bags full of unconsumed medication, indicating that the alcoholism had run its course so thoroughly that no matter when my brother would have been unavailable for whatever reason, the same thing could have and would likely have happened. A 100 lb. woman that consumes 2+ pints of vodka a day isn’t going to end well even without medications being necessary. There are other reasons for me hating my brother, but my mom made her choices and no amount of leading the horse to water can make it drink the water.

Yes, she berated me, used my feelings against me, and played both my brother and I against the middle as it were, but it will be hard not hearing her voice, angry or otherwise, anymore. Familiar voices can be sounding boards for some people even when they aren’t kind voices.

Also, with the thermostat having been turned off the last few days while I was gone, the house got down to a rather chilly 50ºF, leading to my GPU still idling at 15ºC two hours after my computer was turned on. Hell, my amplifier is still ice cold as well even after being on just as long. Brrrr.


Those are also run by the Goblins. Can’t report anything to them.


Oh, you absolutely can. In fact, the Goblins will probably appreciate knowing about how dangerous awesome their stuff is.


It was 1° when we went out for our walk. Which makes the packed snow on the sidewalks sound like styrofoam when you’re walking on it. shudders

They’ve adjusted the snowfall predictions twice since yesterday afternoon. First, they bumped it down an inch, now we’re up two from that. So, six to eight inches of snow predicted. And they’re starting to talk more about Friday night into Saturday - it sounds less like “snow showers likely” to “accumulating snow,” but they aren’t predicting how much we’ll see yet.

Three Four day weekend coming up - since Monday’s a Federal holiday, we’re closed. And I’m taking Tuesday off, so a nice long weekend.




Good morning.

Wet, dreary day that may or may not freeze over. Had to do some minor scraping before leaving today. Going to keep an eye on the weather and make sure nothing dire starts to happen.

Outside of that, should be a plain day. My meds got shipped as scheduled, absolutely no hassle. Mark that off the ‘potentially really stressful and worrying thing’ checklist.

Hope you all have a good day!


Just watch the roads. They’ll be icy, too.

Good to hear your meds are on the way. That’s a load off your mind.


Got a pretty good dumping of snow 'round here. Roughly 7" and two more expected still over the next few hours. No blips in power, though internet was a bit sketchy this past hour.

Made the executive decision yesterday morning to hit my local bakery on the way back from a brief dash out, so about to start in on a massive cinnamon roll to compliment my coffee. There may be a nap involved afterwards, but we shall see.


Lovely!! Sounds really pretty! Hope you don’t lose power.

I got a whopping inch or two and the roads in town are clear already. The little we got is going to melt and then we get rain overnight. I don’t think I am even going to bother to shovel. No point.

gasp Now that sounds like an even better way to spend a snowy day!!!

/Makes sure there is extra hot coffee, hot water, fresh cocoa, marshmallows, creamers/toppings. Sets out warm blueberry and cranberry muffins.

:coffee: :teapot: :cup_with_straw: :bubble_tea:


Goblins will probabaly remind you of the fine print where safety isnt there problem.


One of our local restaurants has a grilled cinnamon roll. It’s huge. They also had a special a couple weeks ago for a Monte Cristo sandwich that used the cinnamon rolls for the bread. And that was amazing.

Things (and characters) blowing up are a normal and expected part of the process. It’s kind of a shame things don’t have a failure rate anymore.


At least goblins have it in there fine print gnome expect u to put it together your self.