[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

Mmm. Bacon.

Good morning, giving blood and then off to work.

Hope everyone has a good day!


Takes advantage of the coffee

Good morning.

Another crisp morning. It’s snowing, but it’s super-fine crystals. And the moon was visible. Granted, it was a ‘hazy’ kind of visible, but still clearly visible. We now have a winter storm watch here. We’re currently sitting on a 65% chance of seeing more than six inches of snow tomorrow night. Maybe I’ll go dig my snowshoes out of storage. Whether I actually use them or not is another story. And I should probably dig out my YakTrax, just in case.


Quite coincidentally, literally moments ago, I stumbled across the website of a local BBQ joint that serves ‘bacon steaks’. Imagine bacon slices 3/8 of an inch thick, weighing four ounces each, four slices per serving.


/Grabs plate of eggs, some toast, and some coffee. Settles down by the fire to devour…I mean daintily eat delicious deviled eggs.

The snow today/tonight will be a bust for me I think. Just 1-3 inches overnight then rain. Blah. It will go south of me. Will be pretty of course and I don’t have to shovel much, if at all.


They are teasing that a second storm is coming Saturday with more snow than the first. Haven’t given an amount guess yet.

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Looking at my parent’s weather for Sat/Sun they may be getting something like 8 to 17 inches of snow. That seems significant. I don’t think I get any though.

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:scream: That’s a lot of snow.

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I know right??!! Then the temp will be -9 F so I worry about my parents trying to dig out given their age. I know they are doing well, but still. They are stubborn. Thankfully dad has a serious work horse of a tractor with a front loader, plow, brush hog, all that type of stuff. He always does all his own plowing and stuff, but the cold on top of it is what worries me. That makes it a bit more dangerous. He will be getting a frostbite reminder from me! That is goggles and face mask weather.

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That’s probably too much bacon for me nowadays! I like a slice or two on my breakfast sandwiches but that much steak I wouldn’t even know what to do with.

Maybe make a bacon sculpture, which I’m sure someone, somewhere, has that as an art form specialty.

Yeesh, arguably worse than the snow. Hope he’s nice and bundled up, doubly so if need be!


All we’ve heard is “snow showers likely.”

Boys and their toys. :laughing:

I may or may not be jealous.


I know right??!!! I think it is red too.

My niece can drive it and use it but I have only driven it once. He has had it for 20 years or so and it does so so so so much work. They have forestry land and pasture areas to take care of, roads to maintain, fields to cut, timber to move, rocks and gravel to move and transport. The old duel wheel farm truck has a dumptruck bed in it. Had to take the front wheel down yesterday though for an emergency tire repair. Thankfully they could without having to order anything. Would have sucked to have no tractor for the big storms. They have a plow blade that can go on my mom’s jeep, but that is not the same thing, esp if the snow is deep.

Dad has all the clothing for sure, hand warmers/foot warmers, etc. He is just stubborn is all. They also have enough firewood and food to last until spring if they had to. Might get bored with some of the options, but they have plenty! They tend to be on the homestead/prepper side so have a few months of food handy in the freezer and storage area.

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I have absolutely NO use for it. I just want to play with it.

Maybe I’ll go to Vegas to the place that lets you use all the heavy construction equipment. For a fee, of course.

I had to handpick tectonic plates of ice off my car this morning… smaller versions of the ones that serve as arctic landmasses. It was so satisfying to watch and hear them pop out in large chunks, though.


That’s the best time to have remote start available on your car.

I’ve also taken a bit of salt (table salt works just fine, too) and sprinkled it over the ice to get it started melting. I try to avoid hot water because it just gets cold and freezes the care again.

But yeah, taking those big chunks of ice off and smashing them is so satisfying.

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A goblin area not safe who knew.


Got my first Torrential Fragment.

Six more to go. :confused:


It’s not like anywhere in Azeroth is OSHA-compliant. As I think I’ve observed before, the many deaths by elevator boss are evidence. Looking forward to the place that’s even worse. :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Well, everything is built to blast :dracthyr_shrug:


I just restored an old character named “Bigbass” after the fish but I’m not sure if I should self-report the name because of the last part…

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Can confirm that Azerothian workplaces are unsafe, I got crushed to death in the blacksmithing area in Dornogal. At least there’s an achievement for that!

I’m hoping my cold wears off tomorrow so I can go back to work.