[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

So we have a squirrel issue: at least one can climb the bird feeder pole (with baffle). So we do what any (maybenotso) normal family does: Send the dog out to chase them. Under normal circumstances, Onyx doesn’t have a chance, even if she is super-fast. In seven-eight inches of snow? Yeah, she can overrun them. She nearly caught one earlier this morning, and probably came in direct contact with one just a few minutes ago. It did, however, get away by climbing a tree (plus the fact that Onyx certainly can’t stop on a dime). Hopefully, that’s enough to scare it off for a bit.

Now, we need to move the baffle up just a bit, I think, to maybe keep the squirrels from jumping up onto it. That’ll be a lunchtime project I think.


And there’s the broom mount!

/Moonkin dance


Congrats on the mount! I’ll have to do my daily routine of getting five love tokens on my three characters here in a bit.

Hopefully Onyx chasing them down will dissuade them from trying to get into that birdfeeder again. From old living places though, I learned squirrels are nothing if not tenacious.

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Sigh… I make it through four hours of driving in the dark, get home, put the pictures from the house in San Diego away nice and safe, and so much for recuperating. I’m sick. My brother was probably sick and even with an N95 mask I caught whatever he had.

I’d seriously like a reroll on 2025’s seed. Nothing’s really been good so far this year.


Got mine, and I also got the Protodrake armor (which I’d totally forgotten about).

Yeah. Haven’t seen one for a while now, but they’ll be back. And she loves chasing them, so we’ll just keep it up as much as we can.

We may have a Carolina Wren at the feeders. It’s a little out of its usual range, but not unheard of apparently. But the blasted thing won’t sit still long enough to get a picture to verify that’s what it is.

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I assumed it would be like most moving parts in Azeroth, i.e. would just pass through player characters. But decided to get in there anyway and find out. I found out.


Goblin resources when? Do they even have that?

Also, I got the broom mount earlier. My mother and I queued together and she saw me get it.


That was a good laugh abot the squirells u need to video tape that.


I can confirm that squirrels are crazy. They’ve taken over my bird feeder!

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Hope you feel better soon.

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Well, the snow has started. Let’s see how accurate the weather guys are this time. :thinking:

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Yeah, we’re hunkering down here too. It’s supposed to be even worse just a few kilometers (not miles, you savages! :crazy_face:) north of here.

:snowflake: :cold_face: :snowman: :snowflake:


Ask and you shall receive:


Started here a little after one. We went out for our lunch walk with a little (very) light snow, by the time we got home 15 minutes later, it was pretty heavy.

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Stay safe on the roads. San Diego people don’t know how to drive in the rain.


Many Californian’s don’t know how to drive in sunshine.

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San Diego is mostly annoying due to how there roads and signals are. For example flashing red lights are generally considered universally to be “treat as a 4-way stop/intersection”. But in Chula Vista if the lights are next to the trolley tracks they flash red before, during, and briefly after the crossing arms deploy and retract. Didn’t used to be that way, but it is now. I’ve seen drivers that don’t connect the dots and nearly run into the trolley as it crosses. It’s especially bad at E St. for some reason.

And this 14 TB HD I got just before the stuff regarding my mom started causes Windows to go apeslag and BSOD on internal ports (no other HD I have does that), but works on an external SATA to USB drive dock. Looks like I’m stuck dealing with Western Digital’s abysmal RMA process.

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Our Weather here has been entirely inaccurate. Last night, was supposed to be severe thunderstorms, but it was a clear night. Supposed to be raining now, except it is clear.

The weather people can’t get anything right

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That’s the kind of inaccurate I don’t mind. When they say clear, but you get storms…

And so far, we have 4" of snow, and like twelve hours of winter storm warning to go.

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Best wishes, Tia.

Beat the illness! Borrow a submarine. Find some friends. Send them on an adventure.

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Reminds me of the roundabouts we have in my city, where the concept of ‘yield’ is apparently not common knowledge…

Sorry to hear about the whole mess of things, and hope you feel better soon!

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