Could you please allow us to purchase the Brutosaur mount

I got mine and couldn’t care less if they sold it normally again. However, they won’t. If I remember correctly it was the function of an AH on the mount that they were regretting. Naturally they couldn’t take it away from people who had bought it, given the massive cost. There would have been riots. But as a super special BMAH piece, well that’s just fine I guess. Keeps it rare.

That said, I think they should add a bruto mount without the vendors. Make it a little smaller. Call it the Littlefoot Brutosaur!


as someone who already got it before they went extinct…

i have no issue with making them available again for the 5 mill price.

maybe a broker saved a few and stated a breeding program?

maybe there could be a proto Brutosaur mount made from the Protoform Synthesis
Season 4 could have little things like this added in as more casual content.

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Not sure how it’s irresponsible of them. They’re not leaving a child alone with scissors. They’re not responsible for making sure every player gets 5m gold and buys an optional mount

It didn’t start off that way because blizz didn’t let us know until about halfway through the expansion that it was going to be removed.

So about halfway through the expansion it did turn into a time sensitive challenge. It shouldn’t have been but I don’t like the call.

Yes please Bring back the Bruto mount getting it through the BMAH is currently impossible ive made another post about it

Or atleast have the mount show up more often at this rate getting this mount is most unrealistic thing to do in the game.

Same, it has been such a luxury to have and passively make a ton of gold I never would have made before.

The Mount provides great utility and quality of life upgrade.

There aren’t many things that provide such great utility that have been removed from the game.

The brutosaur quality of life upgrade and utility transcends expansions, but was still removed and the currently the rate at which it appears on the AH is extremely low like 1 player in the world will get the mount once every 6 months.

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I didn’t farm the Corrupted Ashbringer in time, can we bring that one back too?

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Heck yea why not.

I mean the mage tower appearances should be brought back but they only provide aesthetic value.

The brutosaur mount provides really great utility people who have it can testify how much of a quality of life improvement it is.

I know people who never liked using AH they would either vendor/Destroy the additional items such as mats etc that they got, but because of the mount they just mount up and put it up on the AH now they get so much passive income like that which other players are missing out on.

By missing out on i mean the mount literally endorses you to use the AH which many people dont use for many reason.

Linking back your thread for you :slight_smile:


Thanks Humanbeak you have been a great supporter of this cause.