Could you please allow us to purchase the Brutosaur mount

Many of us did not buy this in time, and newer players never had the chance. It’s a huge quality of life improvement and something fun to work towards. Could you please make this purchasable again (not on the BMAH), but just for the 5 million gold?


No reason it should have been removed, so I support this.


I don’t want to say no but it does open up a can of worms.

If they do that then some of the people that do have it are going to be a little annoyed let’s say because they had to get a lot of gold within one expansion. Now for some this is no problem for others it’s a lot of work put in because of the time restraints.

I don’t think it’s going to get put back because they did say they didn’t want to be as common as a repair vendor Mount where they’re all over the place.

I think a good option would be to have it available next expansion but a different mount same price and limited time. If you have it every second or third expansion it might keep things under control.


I like the idea of a different mount same price. We have season 4 coming out, and a ton of time to kill. Maybe they could add it in to the end of this expansion.


They warned you in advance almost a year advance

It was a limited time mount and if you snooze you lose, sorry


Limiting things in a video game is not how you keep a playerbase. STOP CHEERLEADING FOR BAD DECISIONS.


So why haven’t you quit then if every single gladiator mount/PvP elite sets retired?

The game went on especially when they started making limited time events for PvP since burning Crusade

Why didn’t the game die in WotLK/Cataclysm if every single limited time event existed went away for good?


What I think they should do is announce it now or soon that one will be available next expansion and this way people can start working on saving or making the gold now.

This would give people something to work towards next expansion and to stay in this one.

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Yeah I was going to say, I can see them maybe doing another type of mount like that for the same price and probably have a limited time also.


AH Mount aside, I need a barbershop mount, too. Then I’d have everything I need when I want my character to change his look!


Well this was one of the problems that blizz did not communicate with us at the beginning of the expansion.

They never informed us that it was going to be limited until a year into the expansion.

Not exactly responsible on their part.


I know what they did. I’m asking them to reverse their decision :slight_smile:

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A big gold sink especially a mobile AH like that you should had expected something to happen to the brutosaur

Everyone had the opportunity to get it, you even had a $1200 stimulus check that was 3 times more than enough to get the mount if you really wanted the gold due to being incapable to farm gold if that was the case


This would be nice but I would really like a portal mount vendor.

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Just make it so you can lasso a nearby Mage and force them to open a portal.


No one expected nor should have been expected for the auction house mount to be removed. It was irresponsible of them not to inform us at the beginning of the expansion plain and simple.

Also, I don’t live in the US so free money wasn’t given to me so this also wasn’t an option for me.

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So what? FOMO in video games is dumb anyways. Besides, the Brutosaur wasn’t tied to anything special beyond having the gold to buy it. It was just another gold sink. Why not bring it back and keep it around to continue acting as one? There’s so much passive gold in the game, why not allow new players to work toward something cool to spend all that gold on? Removing it for purchase outside the BMAH just to spare the feelings of gatekeeping snowflakes is just pointless and dumb.


I don’t think you have to worry about it too much. More than likely it’s going to make a return and hopefully they’ll inform us properly next time.

Again they did say they want to keep it under control so releasing it every second or third expansion is more than likely what they’re going to do.

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So do you voice out in PvP too or do you look the other way when the PvP elite sets/gladiator mounts and titles are gone next season?


Pretty much everything on the BMAH should just be back in the game. They need to just fix the amount of money coming into the system, so you don’t need insane gold sinks for whales.