Could you please allow us to purchase the Brutosaur mount

They should bring back the brutosaur. But because they killed it, they turn it into an undead brutosaur. A big chonkey skeleton dinosaur with the death knight eyes.

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You know what would be nice if anyone uses your AH mount that you get the transaction fee.

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I support this even if I’ll never purchase one.


People that cry about this are the same people that cried about the Mage Tower and are now crying about the mage tower being too hard.

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I would prefer seeing them design a new AH mount maybe themed around the next expansion. They can make it last the entire expansion or keep it around permanently, wouldn’t bother me either way.

Blizzard decided to sunset the Brutosaur AH mount off of vendors, undoing that wouldn’t make much sense to me. Designing a new mount themed around the next expansion makes more sense to me.

Bringing back the Brutosaur mount to purchase as a regular mount with perhaps different color variations wouldn’t be a bad thing though.

I had fun farming for the Brutosaur mount because I enjoy farming and playing the AH, so it was right in my wheelhouse. Others having a chance to have a mount with an AH attached to it is fine by me.


I got the brutosaur when it was “relevant” and I still think they should bring it back.

The brutosaur isn’t the same thing as mage tower. Mage tower was already advertised as FOMO.

though if they brought it back, I think my feelings will survive.

I wouldn’t mind seeing it come back or have a new auctionhouse mount.

Give us a Zeppelin or something. Call it the Lead Zeppelin, because it can’t fly.

How about they remove the mount entirely from everyone who has it, gives them back 5m gold and everyone can get over it never existing and move on.

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Then land at any one of the billion mailboxes around the zones. And an AH alt isn’t remotely useless. It serves to quickly sell, buy, and deliver, and also acts as a repository to receive and accumulate items to sell in bulk.

Not sure how they would reintroduce the titles in a meaningful way, but they can slap those elite sets and glad mounts in a vendor and figure out something with that. Just tossing those assets away and not allowing players to work for them and unlock them somehow is dumb. What are new players to do when they see these cool sets/mounts and then find out they’re essentially gone from the game with no way of earning them through game play?

Feel free to pay my $1000 a month truck. BAM. GOTTEM WITH MY PRO GAMER MOVE. Haha.

I bought a longboi the day they were available, and I never understood why they removed it from the vendor. They should add it back.

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You realize the Bruto is still available, right? It just shows up (very, very rarely - once since July 14th, and that was in EU) in the BMAH rotation or BMAH gambling loot boxes. You can still obtain one by throwing gold in the maw.

What’s wrong with just putting it back on a regular vendor at gold cap?

They could have made a broker themed auction house mount. Would have been nice.

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5m gold is nothing in today’s economy. It wasn’t even that much back in BFA. This should go for the gold cap it always sells for on the BMAH. The idea was that it was a gigantic gold sink for a luxury item.

nope, you missed out on that opportunity in BFA, it’s property of the BMAH now, Brutosaurs are endangered, capische?

They removed it because of natural inflation within the game. $5MM gold in BFA is not the same as it is now, and will mean much less 2 xpacs from now. It’s supposed to be on the BMAH table, keep your eyes open for it, and it can be yours.

Honestly, I fully agree with bringing it back because I have it and I can’t imagine playing this game without it anymore. Especially as a raider and M+ player, we have to buy consumables at a moment’s notice every day played.

Why can’t Blizzard create a goblin casino (similar to FFIVX casino) and add it as something that can both be won through rng and at the same time with an option to purchased it for a large sum if so desired. Fun, engaging, and something to work towards. I hate the BMAH. A casino with prizes to purchase would be a way more enjoyable system to return old unobtainable mounts and pets.


Imagine saying that when they brought back Mage tower. lmao

Or, alternatively, lets not.

Its a big ugly thing that costs a fortune in gold and its only benefit is to be able buy and sell things immediately, which is something used by gold farmers, bots and AH botters. Note, Im not saying everyone who has one is one of those, but the percentage of owners of 'em who are least one of those things I suspect is very high and if you think about it, it’s understandable. Its purpose is to make selling and buying easy and you almost always see them parked next to a mailbox. So they are doing that generally for extended periods of time.

I would say this - for those of us who just want to buy something quick while out in the world, create a toy that let’s us do that. Let it be like Katey’s Stampwhistle, available to anyone who sees it for a limited amount of time, but only available every hour or so. And it doesn’t cost anything except whatever questline is necessary to get it.

And fer gawdsake, make it so the bronto dismount you within 10 yards of a mailbox.

:point_up: :point_up:

Nobody cares.

This isn’t a situation like the Gladiator mounts or the MT weapon skins. There’s no challenge or time sensitive event to make gold. This mount is one of many that never should have been removed. The others are:

  • Old unarmored epic mounts. They should have become a 40% option.
  • Plagued and Black Proto-Drake. No other meta mount has been removed and the hard part of the challenge (not dying) has it’s own reward. Bring back the mounts, not the titles.
  • Original Brewfest Ram. Removed for no damn reason with zero warning.
  • ZG Raptor and Tiger. Put a bronze drake in front of ZG and let us farm the old version of that zone.
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