Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

There was also a much earlier post on it but it was before queuing in a raid was a thing and then blocked.

That’s costumer support… they don’t set the rules in the game.

It’s a blue post Thaed. Come on. There was also a much earlier one saying the same thing.

From customer support… that post means nothing in all honesty… what much earlier one?

Scroll up. I linked it. Hirav, who is very much pro premade is the one who found it. It’s from 2007. Long time.

Ayukama in the post right after mine did a much better job of linking it. lol

Don’t see it at all.

The one after mine does a better job of linking the Blue tracker.

That feels intellectually dishonest to me.

This is an issue to me and I feel like it needs fixed. Picking and choosing which responses from Blizzard are actually binding seems ridiculous to me.

I feel they need to clarify based on the totality of their responses. If you don’t…fine. I will continue to push for engagement and discourse with them to answer this.

I believe it is an exploit based on the COD but their responses about queue timing have muddled the waters and given exploiters cover.

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We have been over this one… it’s about AV back in the day when raids could join it together… it does not apply to now.

Well hopefully you get the answer you are looking for Thae. Good luck! Until then Q up for some pvp!

They need to clarify their own TOS? wild…

You made the claim it’s on you, you guys can never come up with an honest answer…

You should debate with Hirav. He’s a ton of fun as well.

There’s nothing to debate lol

Well he feels that way too! It would be intersting.

pretty sure he’s the guy that blocked me because I blew all his arguments out of the water and proved him incorrect at every turn.

lol. Well, again, I hope you get your answer, whatever ya looking for. And I hope the game gets better for you enjoyment-wise.

Well, again there is no question. I provided nothing but evidence and people have just screamed no lol

Maybe Blizz will agree with you and fix it somehow. We’ll see.

I don’t need Blizzard to agree with me I have quoted their own TOS. If they go against their own rules there is a big problem