Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

Someone linked a Blizz response from 2007 re: premades here:

This is the Bluetracker from 2007:

https: //www. bluetracker. gg/wow/topic/us-en/3686814071-av-premades-an-exploit/

(Remove the spaces for the Blue tracker. I have not bothered to figure out how to link links.)

Here are the Quotes:

Question: On my 70 main I’ve been seeing a lot of premade groups in AV. Now I know how they are doing it but before I run out and do an AV premade of my own I want to be sure it isn’t an exploit.

So uh… are AV premades an exploit?

Blue Response: It’s definitely not an exploit to enter the queue at the same time using Voice Chat or another communication method.

No one likes premades but the people who premade. I solo Q into 'em all the time. It is what it is. To answer the question, they are not against the rules (until Blizzz says they are). Given this an MMO where people play together, I doubt they will do anything as they have not since forever. Other MMOs have premades problems too: Boon balls in GW2 and Ball groups in Cyrodil, ESO. Those games don’t do anything about it either. And, again, I think it is because, this is an MMO where people get in groups and do things.