Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

Yes, and we need more effective ways to move Blizz, and it seems Forum alone isn’t good enough. Earlier someone suggested using X, Reddit and maybe the official Discord? Either way, with more publicity (than these forums), it would build momentum and eventually Blizz would have to respond.

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Thanks for the suggestion Deckarcain, I went ahead and reached out. Will report back if I hear anything. Fingers and toes crossed. I do feel dirty though…made a Twixxer account…I need a shower.


Thanks, Kaledin! Please share your post if it’s ok, so anyone care to can show their support too. :partying_face:

This is not just for people who are against Premade, but people who support Premade should come and urge Blizz for clarification! If you truthfully believe in the legitimacy of the Premade actions, this is the best opportunity to settle it so no one can doubt it again!


Well, if y’all could finally get Blizz to answer definitively one way or another, that would be awesome.

You know in Classic, SoD I think, there was a large complaint about premades. Everyone was grinding pvp rep for gear. They’d get in groups, and just roll randoms all day/night long. Those are smaller games and older, so with how the timers were and all that one could end up GY camped for a very, very long time. The devs there attempted to address it, they created a system that attempted to put groups together against other groups. But they didn’t stop the groups from forming. I don’t know if more than 5 man are allowed there, I was just kind of skimming the forums at the time. I think the Blues addressed it a post, I want to say.

My point with that story is that I walked away with the feeling there that Blizz did not want to stop people from grouping. I think that is what we are seeing here. Clarity would be great, but I think Blizz is okay with groups rolling randoms. I think that is the reason RSS and Blitz were created, well those also attempt to address solo rating, but Blitz is an attempt to leave the status quo as is, while also providing options.

Anyway, I will keep an eye out here for whatever is found. A Blue post would be very, very nice. And not a vague one, a definitive one. It would be nice for us solo Q’ers to get actual random games. That would be very nice in epics.

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Agreed. I just want more communication and a good community. It really is what makes MMO’s great and clear rules for PVP is extremely important. Just hope they actually speak up.

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I think blizz should put out a clear and thorough current statement.

What I don’t understand though is why people keep using the term “full premade group.” To me that means a full 40-man premade, which rarely if ever happens.

That’s why a while ago I asked “What is a premade” and got varying responses. Is one 5-man group with everyone else solo syncing a “premade”? I don’t think so. Never see that complained about on the forums either.

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So 5 mans are already clearly okay. The issue everyone seems to want answered is re: q syncing. Now there are some Blue posts that seem to kinda address that. But it is not very clear. Further, when thinking about the problem, a clear solution may not be an easy thing to code. The one solution that seems to provide a possiblity that is reasonable and easy seeming to create is a stacking account-wide q-leaver debuff. This would prevent q-syncer from leaving as the Q would get prohibitively long. Or maybe it would not work as we think and maybe it would affect a lot of innocent pvpers. We don’t have the data.

Anyway, a Blue one way or another would be nice.

Buut, I don’t know if they will address the issue as it has been this way for a long time. And even with the increased q-syncing lately, well, that happened in other wow versiona lately and Blizz did kinda a sorta thing about it. Well, we’ll see…

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:100: %

Whichever side you’re on you should be wanting clarity.

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Yes, but do people mean only 5-man syncing? What about syncing 3-mans, etc.? Would people be OK with the situation being about the same if players were to solo sync?

I know it sounds ‘silly’ but the fact is you can get 20+ people into the same epic BG solo syncing with one 5-man.

I have no idea Velv. Maybe yes, maybe no.

A Blue response would be nice, but in the end, I have fun win or lose. I kinda like fighting premades. I don’t like being on the same side as them. I haven’t won a bg all night long, and I’ve had a good time (lots of great smaller battles with in the bigger one, as it were).

But, again, a Blue answer would be nice. Circumventing the Q to sync is weasily behavior and no one likes weasily behavior…except weasels I guess.

how about no sync queuing at all… why not just play the game how it’s made to be played…

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If people are going to say taking a 5-man into a 10-man regular BG is perfectly fine, I don’t really have a problem with people syncing 20 people into a 40-man BG.

Also, I’m for cross faction BGs which would essentially solve most of the pressing issues including queue times. If blizz did that it would make me feel that I could simply solo queue any time of day.

This is kind of the crux of the issue. We have no raid queues, a post saying it is unfair to have more than 5, and two posts saying timing it is not an exploit. That doesn’t make sense all together. Either more than 5 is unfair and against the COD or it is ok to get more than 5, but not a full premade. Something doesn’t make sense in the responses.

I think what that it’s ok to queue sync really was, is an admission that they can’t stop that so they won’t list it as an exploit. He even says it in the post…sort of.

It needs clarification and a system to stop the queue dropping more than anything I think.

Here’s another thought:

At the time of this post I don’t think there are any “premades” syncing. There may be a few small groups here and there of epic BG enjoyers queuing, but no actual multiple group syncing premades. Yet I wonder if the losing team will still complain they’re against a “premade” just because they see a name or two they recognize.

BG blitz proves this wrong.

syncing a big raid into non raid content is exploiting. Idk why that’s even an argument.

What needs clarification? Even in your original message you asked “is circumventing the limit of a 5 man group in a random battle ground to create a full premade group an exploit” that question alone doesn’t make sense because if you are circumventing something in a game you are exploiting.

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Because it’s the norm now. People are so used to running into it they expect it to happen and that should never be the case.

You keep replying to me like I am arguing for this to be ok by chopping up my posts in replies. I am very much in the camp thinking it is wrong, but the blue posts are contradictory.

How can both queue timing be ok and having more than a 5 man in a run be against COD? That makes no sense and it needs clarification.

Are you circumventing something in order to do what you are doing?

Not the issue. I totally believe that is true, but according to Blizzard queue timing is fine. I think that blue post saying queue timing is fine is contradictory to the COD.

It needs clarification because they said specifically queue timing is allowed.

As I said

Where have they ever said this?