Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

It’s not a startup. They have a 20 year old loaded bank.

Do you want changes? Advocate for them to talk more to the community, to listen, and to play with the players in every PVP game mode. That will give them a glimpse of what the players go through, not some silly “blackmail/threat” that will never work.

  1. Is it technically an exploit? No.
  2. Is it glaringly obvious that blizz did not intend for single organised raids to queue into such content? Yes. Why? Because you literally can’t queue raids into it by default. End of story.
  3. Are the proponents of queueing such raids into such content twisting one sentence out of an entire quote from vrak from 2019 to suit their narrative? Yes.
  4. Has their been conflicting opinions on the matter by the blues themselves on this topic? Yes.
  5. Is the fact that this has been going on for many years whilst being ignored by blizz, evidence that blizz explicitly allows such behaviour? No. Else they wouldn’t have done what they did to the multiboxers after many years either.
  6. Do I have a biased narrative to support on this? No. I am being objective. Why? Because I am also a member of premades as well as being a pug. I therefore see both sides of the debate. The difference? I will still call a spade a spade. I have no interest in gaslighting myself.
  7. Do the proponents of this behaviour often resort to tired strawman arguments to try to argue about this? Yes.
  8. Has blizz possibly begun experimenting with potential solutions to this issue by introducing more severe account wide punishments? Yes:

Advocate… all these forum posts/reddit/social media aren’t good enough? Have you seem Blizz responded? What exactly must people do to get a response? How much longer must we wait?

Sounds like you have an idea that would work, how about sharing it? Lets get the OP’s question answered by Blizz.

Thats good, but how about Blizz to just respond to OP’s question? Just a simple response to clarify their stance on the matter would do. What’s holding them back? And how long must people wait for a response?


First off, it’s crucial to act like reasonable individuals with level-headedness. Avoid making threats or bashing the devs. If we approach discussions thoughtfully and with a broad perspective, we’re more likely to have productive conversations. Aggressiveness, abrasiveness, and narrow-mindedness often prevent meaningful dialogue and solutions.

Half of the way people handle themselves on forums is cringe-worthy. Would you respond to your own posts if you were on the receiving end?

Blizz will not respond. We’re left with two bad options: play with Premade and risk a ban, or stick with Pug and get crushed. It’s a lose-lose situation. That game time idea is a good one.

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its amazing how the blame for losing goes to the team who won.
those asking for epic bg changes received participation trophies for sports while growing up.

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No one is doing that. The OP’s question is simple and straight-forward. What do you think is stopping Blizz from responding to those questions?

Again, perhaps you could start a new thread presenting the questions in ways that would get us a response?

Anyway, this thread is getting too long already…

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All threads related to this topic get too long…and typically have the same few folks posting over and over and over ad nasuem. It the same people…everytime.

This was answer was posted 200 posts ago. TWO…HUNDRED…POSTS…AGO!!!

The very vocal minority of complainers just refuse to accept this.

At this point I feel like overposting should be a banable offense.


There is another option. Just leave the BG when you see a premade and log onto your alt and queue a new game. That’s what most people are doing.


If you lose to a cheater, you blame the cheater… those advocating to not ban cheaters never got told no as a child.

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out teamworked isn’t a thing

Want to try that again?

wut happens if u form a raid n q for ebgs?


individual groups are capped at 5.
if anyone makes a group of 6 and gets into a bg you’ll be the first one i tell ok?

Ironically, the Horde premades are very good at that, LOL.


Let’s not pretend all you premade’s don’t dodge each other lol


its funny teh ppl who cry teh most about these threds r also teh 1s always bumpin them 7/365/24

Forum’s garbage. Same half-dozen critters spamming the same topic with the self-awareness of an American tourist. Nobody who counts is reading this turgent mess.


see above :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I think the most embarrassing aspect of the people who premade Epic BGs is the unwillingness to own it. There are always players in every thread with the “the side with more teamwork won” and “you can’t queue with more than five people in your party.”

You actively work to give yourself a marked advantage over the other side by coordinating each party’s queue time.

Have the sand to own what you do, kids. You know what you’re doing, we know what you’re doing, and you shouldn’t delude yourself into thinking you’re doing literally anything else.

Clutch that last shred of self respect in your fist and say it with your whole chest, “yeah we give ourselves an advantage over the other team and we have fun doing it.”