Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

“iTs JuSt ChAtTiNg”

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I think this is incredible wishful thinking. I think all that would do is likely increase rewards for higher subscriptions. The dollar bottom line is much more important.


Some premade raiders can own up that what they’re doing is unfair to pugs. Others seem to be in denial because it would hurt the legitimacy of their easy wins and their win rate records.

It’s sad seeing people who enjoy driving other players away from PvP. They’re hurting the PvP community, driving the epic bg bracket into the ground, and laughing about it.


God what a perfect case in point.

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the general consensus is premade players aren’t any good so why can’t / don’t / won’t pug groups get together and outplay them?

Why don’t people get together and form their own premade?

no. in the match why cant pug teams do anything besides zerg hangar/sr/rush AV?

Yes, we can form a premade group, but roflstomping PUGs isn’t of any fun. It actually puzzles me: what fun is there in running a premade all the time like the infamous Axxgy group?

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Solo queue up for a few epic battlegrounds yourself, and you’ll see how many people complain about premades. Most PUG players don’t take their complaints to the forums. The premade communities are actually the vocal minority.


The irony of this is lost on you and it’s super funny. Also why did you switch to this from your mage?

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Most pugs split 6 ways, trying to do 6 different things,
messing all of them up.
Then as soon as the half dozen or so that did show up at the initial
zerg point get wiped, they immediately call out being up against a premade :stuck_out_tongue:

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During prime time, they do frequently face premade raids. Or, their team starts the game half-empty because a premade raid mass dropped queue pops.

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i switch to the toon im playing.
i honestly dont see what’s ironic. most pug players cant be bothered with any other strategies besides what i mentioned.
i forgot to add “zerg roc” to the list. i suggested take xr then smash the other team while they are clearing ogres and most of the players told me i don’t know what im talking about.


Sure bud, whatever you need to tell yourself to excuse being bad and needed to exploit to win.

You guys complain when they zug and then complain when they don’t zug…

I don’t complain, I just drink and enjoy the pretty colours.

You guys claim people are complaining all the time why is it different when you do the same?

What do you mean “You guys”?
And where did I (singular) complain?
Now let me get back to my drink. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sync exploiters of course.

Do you forget what you put or are you just pretending?

That wasn’t a complaint, that was an observation
after having just done 5 EBGs.
No part of it was me complaining about anything.