Could we get a ruling on whether this is an exploit for pvp?

Yes and this is what I like about your approach - Finding ‘suitable’ opponents to match/practice with can be difficult, and would be a good incentive.

You know, in case Blizz continues to do nothing, or decides to allow Premade, then maybe Pug player should form their own Premade too - it will most likely be the largest Premade (if Pug player population is the majority) and imagine what would happen :smiley:

Ideally, if Blizz could commit resources to address the Premade situation and need ideas, I think Velvitta’s idea above, and the Cross-Faction (assuming the queue system can’t be compromised with brute-force like now), should be considered.

I feel like this would just lead to more mockery and disrespect.

“We’re completely naked and we’re still roflstomping them! What else do you want us to do?”

How about you don’t circumvent restrictions to create this significant team imbalance in the first place?

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lol, I appreciated that response

Thanks for a great example :slight_smile: Also, there is no Referee making sure people adhere to the rules…

Btw, it would be great if WoW could add a Replay system (like Fortnite), it would solve many problems~!

I’m sure this happens on both sides, but I can definitely speak for the Horde side as I see it as someone who plays a lot. During certain times of the day, it’s the same Horde players, whether they roflstomp or not. They end up looking like a sync group because they’ve been put together in games for so long and know each other’s play styles. What’s next? Ask them to unsubscribe?

Most of the posters here complaining about premade syncs are Horde, so maybe Allies need to switch over and sync on the Horde side to even it out.

I get rolled when I play Alliance.


I get rolled when I play Horde.

It’s wierd.

I haven’t found the common ground btween the two yet.

scratches chin in contemplation

Happens to me, too. As near as I’ve been able to figure out, I just suck at PvP.

like someone needs to seriously ask them this question in a interview already

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It took a US senator on twitter to get them to ban literal slave cultist rp guild that was around for a decade.

Either be important, a popular well-liked streamer(.i.e NOT asmongold), or spam reddit all day like shamans do.

“thats a good question” is all they’ll say

I’ve sent tons of streams and recorded vids of teams cheating and hacking in RBGs and they never did a thing, they said video evidence isn’t enough proof(???).


lol that shamans example is funny :smiley:

Anyway, We are in this situation because people have either been reluctant or forgotten to use their best tool - “Switch from Subscription to Game-Time (this)”.

Subscription takes effort to leave, whereas Game-Time takes effort to continue.

It’s practically the same for Players, but there is a huge difference for Blizz.

If people were on Game-Time instead, Blizz would have to constantly be concerned about making players happy, so they would make that effort to continue.

People chose not to use their best tool, and are now taken for granted by Blizz. Who is to blame?

Actually wasn’t thinking for those purposes… Anyway, as to what you said, the real fundamental issue is Blizz wouldn’t kick people unless they have no other choice. Blizz knows too well that people will tolerate anything anyway.


The idea of switching to Gametime sounds good. I’ll switch over once my current subscription ends.

By the way, I have an idea about the Replay feature. It might be achievable with an addon.

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I don’t see any difference between subscriptions and gametime. What am I missing?

They are saying make it so you have to do something instead of auto so when bad things annoy you…you quit. I prefer to badger Blizzard about things I don’t like and hope they fix it. To each their own though.

This is the bit that hasn’t proven to work and place everyone at Blizz’s mercy. It’s time to try something new.

The relationship between Players and Blizz is purely commercial and should be mutual, and must not be one-sided like we are now with Blizz. Unfortunately, not just Blizz, but most subscription-based services made it easy to sign up and hard to leave, for better profit of course.

For Players, you still get to play the game as usual, except instead of auto-renewal of subscription, Player have to manually buy another game time when the current one runs out.

The need of having to perform a task (Buy game time in this case) does make a big difference. There is a study that any action (eg transaction) that takes longer than 5 seconds will make anyone reconsider their decision more carefully. In our case, are we really having fun with the money we paid? Do you enjoy WoW enough to go through the purchase process again? Or maybe you didn’t like it that much, and might leave it a few days and come back to it when you feel like playing again?

Actually, quit or not isn’t important so just do as you please. It’s the ‘uncertainty’ that is the key here. Blizz will constantly be concerned about “Are Players still happy enough to buy more Game-Time”, because there is no Subscription Auto-Renewal to rely on anymore. Therefore, ‘making Players happy’ will raise a lot higher in their priority list (if not straight to the top) !

Also, switching to Game-time would lower their Subscription number and raise a big alarm in their monthly report, and initiate an investigation. Imagine, if their sub count suddenly dropped by 25% (by PvP players?), how would their management react? Surely their Shareholders would want to know why.

While this may seem insignificant for Players, but is actually a great uncertainty for Blizz, and makes their budget and future planning very difficult, unless they make sure their customers are happy all the time.

Again, this is the best tool Players have in a negotiation with Blizz.


Sorry, I have no idea how LFR works because I never do it. lol

Unfortunately I don’t think blizz would ever implement this (more fun) group queue concept. Not convinced they’d expend the time/resources.

I also think cross faction is a generally better solution because it addresses the fact that people can and will try to solo sync, and it would lower queue times at any time of day.

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A friend just mentioned that how Team Rumble works in Fortnite might be perfect here. It’s basically a better Cross-Faction system but the queuing process is both friendly and very hard/impossible to abuse with brute force (eg queue-sync).

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Either way, you do know that the setup is auto charged for whatever payment info you have saved when it runs out, right?

The only button that matters is the one where it says “CANCEL” subscription/game time.

Not for Game-time :slight_smile: When it runs out, you must go to the Battle.Net shop and buy it again to get another 60 days.

This is how it always works for the past 4 years for me.


It’s a 20 year old cr#ack where most people have yearly subs.

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I suspected so and this is unfortunately the root of the problem… All I can suggest is, when this sub runs out, switch to Game-Time. It would create a healthier relationship with Blizz.