Convert Forum to BattleTag

Oh so you’re saying use the name but don’t give out the numbers? I think the D3 forums worked like that. Technically I’d have little issue with that as long as I could still tie a character to my account. What can I say I like having my current character attached to my account and it’s always been that way.

I hear you.

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I don’t understand how their friends would be able to pile on if they can’t contact you or see your characters unless you accept the friend request.

It shows the numbers when you hover over the name

just like these forums show the realm when you hover over the name.

Lmao, I was bored and decided to dig a bit deeper. Apparently Zandrae thinks making the posting requirement to level 50, instead of BattleTag, will “Curb a vast majority of trolling”. Except he himself has an army of alts.

I found at least 60 of their alts, it’s hilarious. Of course Zandrae is against BattleTags, it’s because it would make their army of alts useless.


As does any other Blizzard forum that uses BattleTag … so much for “It’s not possible to identify which other Blizzard games you’re playing” and “it doesn’t include the numbers”.

But I’m certain you’re just spreading “misinformation” there ~laugh~

Obviously if you post on other game’s forums then you are showing them that you play that game. Just having someone’s BattleTag in itself does not allow people to see what games they are playing or have in their collection.

I wasn’t the one that said it “doesn’t include the numbers”. I actually said so what if it includes the numbers.

Yes, you are.

And obviously it’s still a valid interest of not having to make cross-identification possible.
Take a guess why I personally refrain from participation in said other forums?

Having the BattleTag and thus the ability to do cross-game profiling on forum participation is “bad” enough-

Notice that I haven’t made any claim to the contrary. You’re again deep in fallacy territory. This time it’s the strawman-fallacy

Which just demonstrates your ignorance.

No, you are … by using fallacies that in case of the latest strawman actually verge on outright lying (not just to yourself)

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How does that make any sense? You post on this forum so I can deduce that you play WoW. Even if we were on BattleTag and you post on this forum, I would come to the same conclusion. I wouldn’t be able to see what other games you play.

“Cross-game profiling” didn’t know we stepped into the FBI’s behavioral analysis unit. What’s the next case?

You are a fallacy-fallacy. Pretty much sums up the quality of your arguments.

It doesn’t. That’s like being paranoid about your license plate being visible to the public in photos even though people see them every day and can take pictures of it themselves.

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Lack of reading comprehension is showing again ~wink~

If you have someone’s BattleTag you can search the other forums for that BattleTag and can - depending on level of participation - also “deduce” which other Blizzard titles the person is playing.

This process can be automated and thus used for profiling.

Trust me, the FBI isn’t usually involved in collecting data for such purposes.

You still being “ignorant” ~wink~

A person cannot be a fallacy ~wink~
But nice to see that you start researching terminoloy. Now try to both understand and use it correctly … otherwise you’ll earn yourself just another Inigo Montoya reference.

The irony being: If anything of what I wrote actually were a fallacy fallacy then that would mean that I’m right despite using fallacious reasoning.
I’m fairly certain that your attempt of an “argument” there was supposed to mean something else. You’ll have to try harder I guess.

Dismissing others like you regularly do is textbook ignorance.

Aw, how I like bad analogies with yet another underlying strawman. ~giggle~

Lack of being able to form an argument again -wink-

Again, what would that even accomplish. Sounds like a lot of effort to get nothing out of it. Oh wow you play SC2 also? Good for you!

That’s the point. Went over your head.


Yeah, I’m not sure why people are freaking out over other people knowing what games they play.

Like… I see my guildies (who I also have on bnet) playing Diablo or Overwatch or whatever. Cool - they’re playing other games. Yay.


To which they still wont be able to do anything because they have to be mutual BattleTag friends.
-Can’t whisper
-Can’t see when they are online/offline


One person seems to have an potential issue with it.

We already post by our Battletags in all the other forums. IF someone does that, this data gathering entity he speaks of already knows what other games a person plays (or at least posts about). Adding WoW to that list changes nothing.

Blizzard already knows what other Blizzard games we play, how often, and for how long.

I have no idea what mysterious entity is going to “profile” someone by knowing they play WoW in addition to D3, or Hearthstone.

This already exists and I see no harm done.

Exactly. Sometimes fringe “concerns” and aggressive arguing are done for the entertainment of the person and not worth the effort engaging. You won’t change their mind and are wasting your time.


I don’t think it matters, this is just one of those threads where people argue about something that’s not going to happen anyways and wouldn’t make the difference intended if it does :person_shrugging: It’s not like you can only have one BNet for life.

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It’s true that it likely wouldn’t lead to change, but a lot of things that have been changed would not have if people didn’t speak out.

It is unless you put the person on your btag friends list .

Mousing over a btag name in the other forums doesn’t say every Blizzard game you play .

Now if you are in a certain Blizzard game forum it would make sense you play that game.


Honestly I don’t care. I’m sure others like yourself do, but we need some accountability.


You clearly “know” what a webcrawler is … or rather you don’t

That’s your prerogative but …

… that doesn’t change the fact that “I” (or anyone else) cannot have different feelings about it and thus aren’t objecting the idea due to a reason outside the black and white fallacy that originally made me respond to this thread.

And for that all we’d actually need just proper moderation but instead some of the folks in this thread quite obviously want a quick and dirty solution for what they conceiev as “problematic” behaviour that may or may not be against CoC / ToS while committing similar infractions of their own … hypocrisy at its finest.

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