Are they ashamed of Diablo Immortal?

just curious i mean no press releases from Blizzard no blues commenting heck Wyatt isnt even anywhere around could it be the game is actually so bad it scared them all into hiding hoping the negative feedback will die down?


They have commented. I have seen stuff on twitter. Check out the diablo immortal twitter account.

Diablo Immortal (@DiabloImmortal) / Twitter

For example, on June 9, they tweeted out that D:I had more than 10 million installs.

Wyatt has also posted on twitter.

They only need to appeal to a small group of whales. What the majority of users think doesn’t matter to them whatsoever. They’re probably just annoyed that we have a voice to even speak with. I think we can see that in how there’s no forum dedicated to D:I


the :cherries: on them to claim biggest launch ever.

Hype not even 1:1000th of the D3 hype…

most disingenuous release ever for sure.


Diablo Immortal generates $14.5 million on mobile in 1 week, Blizzard calls it “biggest launch in franchise history” | Game World Observer

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I don’t know why they would call it that big of a launch when Diablo 3 itself sold I think 8 million copies when it launched? Was that 50 or 60 bucks a pop? Either way, it blows this launch out of the water.


I’m not sure if this is a serious question but if it is the answer is a big fat no…they are not ashamed of anything they’ve done ever…they have never held themselves accountable for anything man. Why would this be any thing different in fact they’re probably relishing in the fact that people are paying obscene amounts of money right now


yeah well everytime they pull a stunt like this Blizzard throws out one of their apologies that amount to nothing more than to get players to get off their backs

well this time its not happening weve been down that wait and see road before and each time they always make things worse even as they tell us theyre promising to do better

Blizzard started this whole fiasco and when it didnt get the reception they hoped for they once again are trying to figure out how to come out smelling like a rose as always

theres only one way this is going to end either they finally admit they actually messed up and either remove or rework DI without the pay to win items

nothing less will be an acceptable resolution for this entire problem THEY created for themselves

Blizzard dug this hole for themselves and the only way out is by apologizing to the players for this mockery of Diablo they unleashed upon the world


That must be in installs (which is quite a silly measure for a F2P game) and not in revenue, surely.
14.5 million only translates to ~240k D3 sales.

Besides, doesn’t Apple and Google take 30% cut on that revenue. While they got to keep 100% on a PC Diablo 3 sale.


Yeah literally the only people I know in real life, about maybe 10, all just installed it to see what a dumpster fire it was. Though one guy said he played about 10 minutes before uninstalling it. The rest I don’t even think opened it. Just heard all about it and uninstalled.


Ten million installs for a completely free to install game from a franchise that has an existing fanbase the size of Diablo’s seems kind of weak. Especially when you consider how many years Diablo fans have been going with no new releases outside of a remake (and the remake I believe sold 5m copies so far). D3 sold 3.5M copies in its first 24 hours and had a hefty upfront cost in comparison.

Part of me thinks they’re working on some strategy to try to salvage the seemingly poor situation, but at the same time, I’m not sure what they would do. The game is already released, so if they suddenly gut a bunch of the P2W aspects, are the people who already paid a ton of money going to be angry and want a refund for what they already paid for?


Wyatt out there retweeting it like a car salesman says enough about his apologies about his lies of no buying legendary power ect.



well judging by their absence they dont seem proud of it either i mean all that money theyve claimed to make which is an indication of it being successful so why arent they out singing its praises? if you had a successful product making tons of cash wouldnt you want to be in the spotlight thanking the buyers for their continued support that made it all possible?

so why isnt Blizzard parading around and reveling in the popularity of their game?


They aren’t going to gut the P2W. They’re going to hide and pray that all the negative sentiment blows over, and if it doesn’t (say, like in the case of Warcraft 3 Refunded), they’ll silently move on and pretend it never happened. The game itself will go in maintenance mode and sit there quietly until the end of time.


yeah well the issues that plagued WC3 are nothing compared to the beartrap they stepped in with DI after all WC3 was simply overhyped and it caused a minor uproar which was easily rectified by refunding the peopel that bought it

DI however has caused such an incident its gained international notoriety to its predatory deceptive marketing practice

this isnt some simple misunderstanding they can simply shake off and move on from they have caught the attention of several consumer watchdog groups and governments which have already taken steps to deal with them for this

Blizzard already has a lot of legal issues on their plate and you can bet this is one predicament that is not going to go away any time soon


That would probably be the best outcome we can get from Blizzard.


Yeah, I’ll take that for sure. Hopefully this becomes the biggest gaffe gaming history. Hopefully they eliminate it from the launcher completely.


it was wyats trump card wtf u talkin about he dancing like boris in corona lockdown

I got an in-game email yesterday with a few hundred Hilts currency in it celebrating 10 million downloads of the game in the first week.

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yeah my only worry is that anything cash shop related in DI will carry over to Diablo 4