Convert Forum to BattleTag

Don’t forget gold.

That wasn’t the argument.

They shouldn’t, but there’s nothing stopping them.

Someone cute? :]

I’d like to mention the “You got 5 replies” message isn’t helpful at all :rofl: Having to scroll through the thread finding them is wack.


People will argue against anything.

I will never read the forums in the same way.

And your reading comprehension still fails you. I did not talk about “them seeing what Blizzard games I am ‘on’”
I specifically spoke about “identifying which other Blizzard games I am playing”.
So …

… your little explaination of how (not) to use the Blizzard Launcher is entirely irrelevant … again.

So this entire thing there is still unrelated to what I was talking about.

I’ll give you another hint then by repeating what I wrote earlier: Think about what you want to be shown / accessible in which particular environment and how that environemnt can be accessed.
Second hint: The environment in question is already scanned on a daily basis by a certain Alphabet subsidiary.

So try to “imagine” the name portion of your BattleTag above each and every posting you make in each and every Blizzard forum and then try telling me again that “identifying” which particular Blizzard games you are at least very likely playing is absolutely impossible. I’ll gladly hear you weaving it of with special case pleading and / or simply dismissing it as “irrelevant” to “you” because “you” think that this kind of information is “worthless” in the same manner as “you” think the identification cannot be done in the first place … but at the end of the day it’s not just “you” but “everyone” and some among “us” are allowed to see things differently.

to find what other blizzard games ive played before, obviously!

Or if people do then they should suck it up

Most people dont give a toss about other peoples username. I have prob seen a handfull of people using there real name or something close tp it. Do i remember them or give a toss? Hell no

But by the time the net came around you should of been old and smart enough not to out your rl info im stuff like passwords, pin numbers and account names

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You are highly mistaken. They originally wanted to switch to RealID not BalltleTag.

both - readid was issue on old forum

bnet tag was issue when the forum switched from old to new

end of story - I remember the threads about this.

you are continually wrong - I have repeatedly explained this - you are in pure troll mode now.

If it hadn’t been an issue at the start blizzard wouldn’t have changed it to character specific because the new forum software was setup for battletag id - like all their other forums.

I am putting this thread on mute know - you people are trying to fix a problem that really isn’t a problem with solutions that would cause more problems than exist now and figure you should ignore people’s concerns.

Total waste of my time.

BattleTag was an issue due to a bug across all of their games 4 years ago when it showed identification information which has since been resolved.

You are misremembering things.

“You are wrong” “end of story” is not a debate.

Your misinformation will not be missed. Bye now.


How dare you argue about people arguing for the sake of arguing.

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Come on now, we will just see a new name with the same arguments like the rest of the thread. :rofl:

I really do hope they make this change sooner rather than later.

The answer will always be cat gifs.

Yep, they should have, still wasn’t the argument.

Hey Ms. DJ can I request bear ones? :pleading_face:

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Awwwwwwe. Thank you :blue_heart:

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I thoroughly enjoy posting on whichever character I happen to be playing. I’m sure I’m not the only one. If I couldn’t be semi-anonymous this endeavor probably wouldn’t be worth my time. I do not want people knowing my battletag, I made it known to a stranger once, it was bad, and I had to change the tag and block him just to make sure his friends didn’t pile on cause he was the sort that would pester another person to ask “what did he do” after he was blocked instead of moving on.

And for the record that jerk knows damned well what he did.

My tag is known to RL friends only, that’s the way I like it, and that’s the way it’ll stay.

No one is gonna know who you’re with a btag name unless it’s your real name. 🫠