Convert Forum to BattleTag

We aren’t looking for a quick and dirty solution. We are looking for a solution since Blizzard is doing little for moderation other than their automated system, which in many of our options is falling short.


man, the people so concerned with people seeing what games you play, sure hope they dont ever use discord and join any communities there. cuz that shows everyone on your friends list and in any community you are in what games you play… all of them, not just Blizz games… so better get rid of discord too!


Advocating for BattleTag jsut because other Blizzard forums are using it while outright ignoring and dismissing the objections of others is a “quick and dirty” approach.

Then advocate for a proper solution(s) where they

  • actually increase their moderational interaction
  • rely less on automation
  • they provide a distinct identifier on a per forum basis

But hey, BattleTag will certainly solve everything for us, just not spam and trolling which allegedly are the main “problem” in here.

Not really, there are always pros and cons to debated subjects. People will agree or disagree for all subjects. That doesn’t make it “quick in dirty”, it makes it a debated subject.

This would be great, however, given Blizzard past history, I doubt this will happen. Since Blizzard used BTags for their other product forums, this seems likely to happen.

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In that case - and by your own logic - you should expect BattleTag not happening here either because of “history”.

No, that’s what you and other are hoping and advocating as the “quick” solution while still not giving a damn certain things and simply ignoring that BattleTag just won’t give anyone the kind of “accountability” you’re looking for.

You said it yourself, not everything is black and white. There is more of a chance of them switching the forums to a system they already have developed then to hire more staff which is more costly long term.


How can it be a “quick” solution when Btags have been used for years by all of the other Blizzard product forums?

Btags will provide the “accountability” I’m looking for.


Well, I don’t know about that. That would require me to know that things would not have changed unless they were spoken about.

fine with me i mean my tag aint thaat diffrent from my toon names lol

It could be done without converting to Btag and done easily. Many of us only use one character to post. The ability to post could be limited to just 1 character per account. Most people here would be happy with that.

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Not going to ask what other Blizz Games you may play but do you use the forums for those games too ?

If you do then you already use BTag for forums in Blizz game forums , so what makes this one any different other then it is easier for you to toon hop to upvote yourself or make multiple troll threads on different toons.

Is it because those other Blizz forums don’t give you that luxury , that you don’t want it in the WoW forums?

The other forums that use Battletag instead of characters work just fine. In the past I was active and opinionated on other Blizz forums and have never been harassed on those forums, or because of those forums.

I don’t know if it was this thread or another similar one but I saw one moron have the audacity to say “Friend request spam is harassment too” and I’m sorry but on what planet?? Check your fragility. Did you know that some people in the world have REAL and TANGIBLE problems?? I’d much prefer to let some imbecile’s friend request sit and rot than have to suffer fools.

The whole situation on this particular forum has become pretty untenable and I think Battletag instead of character hopping in combination with other forum improvements are way overdue.

Sorry to be rude about it but sometimes the fact that people will find a way to argue about anything and everything and the fact that some people are just too sensitive about… literally anything, gets super annoying.

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That was Maizou the Community Council member. Posting that nonsense on every one of these topics.
I had someone yesterday call me replying to them on the forums “harassment”.

Everything is harassment if it hurts my feelings. /s


I still think it would be best to tie the forum functions to Bnet, but not necessarily display your Bnet ID. Limited likes, limited flags, and make it so that an account can’t reply to itself. Switch characters all you want. I know it doesn’t solve multi-Bnet people, but I think it’s way better than what we have now.

This is the point I think some people don’t see. They come up with these one-off scenarios that are not likely to even happen as some sort of “gotcha” argument. Something needs to change and if it removes a handful of issues and no new major issues replaces it, then it is a good change.

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Yes please if it gets rid of troll threads on alts


Wrong thread earlier,
Just a heads up we now have most likely alts reviving the non-404’d threads that are probably safe from further moderation.

Are they completely safe? I remember there was a Straight/Cisgender thread that was flagged and restored, only to be 404’d later.

Since they passed muster the first time, and have the right wording, yeah most likely nothing will change.

I guess it also depends on the mod-of-the-day. lol

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