Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I don’t know if Blizzard actually reads these threads but I made one to complain.


They 100% don’t. That was proven how they didn’t add anything regarding customization options that was actually requested.

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So Ion lied ;_;

I mean idk if we can say that, they alluded to the entire HE request in their April Fools thing last year, regardless of its joke/intention it did acknowledge seeing / being aware of threads.

Whether they take what’s in threads and run with it that’s another thing entirely and actually despite what I like or don’t like or want or don’t want I think it’s unfair to expect people to run with what ever is in a thread just because it’s there.

But overall yes there is much more they can do and hopefully they do listen I just think it’s more accurate to say they listen and choose to go other directions or what have you as opposed to flat out not listening at all. Though both seem unfortunate I think so long as someone does listen there’s hope where as your take kind of doesn’t offer any.

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Question for people on the Alliance that are gonna use the HIgh Elf skins

What mount are you using to go along with the HE fantasy?

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I’d imagine most would use horse mounts with horns on them for it (I dunno if the game devs considers them unicorns.), or farm for keal’s hawk strider.

My mount changes based on my transmog. I have a specific “High Elf” transmog that I use the Quel’dorei Steed with, but for the most part I color coordinate my mount with my outfit as much as possible.

I won’t be surprised to see more Void Elf players using the Quel’dorei Steed, Silver Covenant Hippogryph and Silver Covenant Tabard, at least for a little while once the pre-patch hits though.

That won’t be me however. I’m going to stick to my current mog for the time being, and with this outfit I use the Golden King for my ground mount and the Grand Armored Gryphon for my flyer (Alliance colors and all that). I’ll just look like this instead:



As far as the High Elf fantasy goes, my favorite mount is the White Hawkstrider. For flight I use the Silver Covenant Hippogryph, though a Phoenix would be fitting for a High Elven Magister.

In contrast to using the Lucid Nightmare, Voidstrider and Dark Phoenix as a Void Elf proper.

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It’s a shame the Quel’dorei steed is really starting to show its age. Its a cool mount but sadly looks like a Potato compared to some of the new mounts. Hoping it gets updated sometime. Or sometime in the looming future we get another Silver Covenant/High Elf rep faction for some patch and an updated version is a reward at exalted.


Man thats actually a really good idea to update the Argent Tournament zone or something.


That would be nice to see, maybe a mini campaign for the silver covenent too.


The Pureheart courser is a good substitute to the Quel’Dorei mount.

Too bad it’s a bit of a grind to get.


There’s also this mount coming in Shadowlands which may be easier to acquire!



What kind of ghetto barding is that? Where’s the plate or the maille?

That mount is walking on sunshi-- shot



I hope its not impossible to camp


I’ll keep my fingers crossed because I want it too! :smiley:

I remember in WoD the black warg from Frostfire ridge was a guaranteed drop and people were forming literal lines to farm it.

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