Reverse this decision before its too late (NE hair)

Blizzard you let Night Elves use two of the prettiest options available on PTR for hair color, the light violet and the dark blue. They look just like night elves from WC3 which should be the standard. But then you decided to take them away and give us the ugly neon pink instead that looks like garbage. Why can’t Night Elves have hair colors that don’t look like scene kids? So many people I know were going to use those colors based on them being in the PTR.

Seriously: look up night elf rangers and wardens from WC3. Look at night elf official art. They use those hair colors. They don’t use neon pink. Its obnoxious.



I would love some red hair color options! :smiley: :+1:

I want to rock a transmog similar to this one, but it never looks good without a helmet.


Gimmie pink and you can have your non scene colors back. :angry:


I just want the Yandere hair style with the long bit going down between their eyes.

It just fits them these days…

Wait, did they really take out the light purple?
Noooo, I wanted that for my alt :frowning: I had her whole outfit picked out.


Why does your Night Elf look so worried?

OT: Not sure why they’d remove these colors. I hope it’s just a bug or something.

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Because my hair options are changing - this is very worrying!

((But also because the face I used to have got changed to have a giant nose and I hated it when the new models came out, so I swapped to a different one when they let us get face lifts with our haircuts to represent my constant pouting))


Meanwhile, Nightborne have six hair colors. Four are slightly different whites. Two are slightly different greys.


That’s actually interesting. I’d have done the same.

I’m sorry NB players you got shafted and everyone knows it. I hope you get better options when they work on the ARs.

Yea its really unfair and I know I’m not the only one who is let down. Plus we already had pink hair added in recently. Its a waste of a slot.


Hopefully they will put in all options!


Nooo those were the prettiest colors! Hopefully they will reverse this idiotic change!


Can somebody with beta please check if it’s still there? Maybe it’s a bug or something


Looking at the options for NIghtborne sometimes I wonder if they devs believe they are a morlock/elf hybrid. It makes me sad.


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Nightborne really got the short end of the stick, I hope they make it better when the time comes for the allied races customizations…

I only checked the PTR which was just updated so I feel like that reflects their most recent decision. Which is really really dumb. Sometimes I feel like Blizz isn’t even trying.


It’s bad enough that they won’t go through the trouble of making tattoos for female elves, now taking back positive modifications is a new kind of low


Like with the new Gnome colors, too. They just look like badly done color jobs in Paint, no shading with highlights/lowlights, nothing, just “here’s a massive blob of neon purple, enjoy!”

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They are missing on the beta as well. The character that was using the light purple color that I had now has hair with no color. (It’s white, but clearly a white that’s missing it’s color texture.)


I’m just sad that there are not 32 shades of green hair

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