Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Lanni is a belf Stan, of course he’s fine with punching down on forsaken so that the race with the most options for the last 12 years can have any more.

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maybe blizz could give san’layn to belfs and dark rangers to forsaken or the opposite. either way, they are both belf undead, so they’d need to look like undead belfs.


Dark rangers were never blood elves.


oh so blood elves arent high elves then? cake and eat it too. hehe.


All oranges are fruit, not all fruit are oranges.


all blood elves are high elves. unless you want alliance to have high elf dark rangers? dat rit der iz confuzin

Dark rangers are forsaken.

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/completes sentence properly

Dark rangers are forsaken thalassian high elves who stayed horde.
thalassian high elves who stayed horde are blood elves. and so, by extension, forsaken thalassian high elves are forsaken thalassian blood elves.

with that out of the way, would you accept san’layn thalassian blood elves for forsaken instead or do you think both san’layn and dark rangers should be forsaken customizations?


Just give Forsaken the option for Elven Ears and eyebrows and port a few Blood Elf hairstyles over and give Blood Elves the Undead skin tones and hair colors, even if just enabling their Death Knight colorations and an option for red eyes.

The Dark Ranger legacy is rooted in both the Forsaken and Quel’thalas, both races should have access to their own set of Dark Ranger aesthetics.


More hair, the last three are my first attempts at actually trying to draw hair.


3 is my favorite.


Amazing job! Belf new hairstyles look a bit uninspired, velf hairstyles are cool but i can’t use some of them because i hate the tentacles =( I would love to have these options for my ve’s and be’s.


its like asking for void elf hair colors for blood elves. if its not found in silvermoon i dont want it(speaking for myself)

Ew no.

Dark Ranger elves or nothing. Forsaken PC are all human.

The dark rangers should be options for belfs.


Oh, Dark Ranger Blood Elves or bust for sure. I just feel that Forsaken players could get their own version as well so they don’t feel shafted, so I wouldn’t mind both races benefiting from this concept.

Thanks, I tried drawing a hairstyle for a Night Elf.


I want the sombra hairstyle for my BE female.

When it comes Dark Rangers, i think they should make them a Forsaken and maybe even a barbershop toggle. Like when you’re creating a Forsaken you’d have the option to pick a “Classic” Forsaken or Thalassian Forsaken. Maybe even a Night Elf Forsaken if they’re staying with them.


If we could play all Elf races:

  • Night Elf :white_check_mark:
  • Blood Elf :white_check_mark:
  • Void Elf :white_check_mark:
  • Nightborne :white_check_mark:
  • High Elf :grey_question:
  • Felblood Elf :x:
  • San’layn :x:

All in their own Elven-only Faction.

Why not have three factions? There could be certain treaties, etc… It would certainly freshen things up overall.

i had a thread on this very thing. check the date . hehe