Nope they didn’t fix that yet either, nor did they change the High Elf Wayfarer’s eyes to the new blue ones instead of Death knight eyes.
Here’s the Forsaken I made though!
At least in the casting pose she looks good.
oh my gosh the middle one is so nice.
loooook at her! swan time. she looks like david bowie reincarnated as a woman. freakin’ beautiful.
i prefer the dark crystal
was bowie in dark crystal?
no i just think its jim hensons best movie
oh, muppet critique. hehe. as far as muppets, i’m a fan of yoda. even though we dont actually get to see alot of him before he turns into cgi in the prequels, they did learn from that and now baby yoda is a muppet again, and darn cute. i think he’s inspired a whole new generation of baby mania. not the best time in history to have babes in arms, however.
The first one is great for both style and color and while I do like the color for the other two I don’t care for either of the styles on Void Elves, but nonetheless great job.
oh my. apparently polygon wrote an article about the high elf controversy. haha i had no idea it’d caused such a stink. my favorite quote:
"And then Blizzard introduced the Void Elves,
and everything went to _ _ _ _."
Ahahahahahahahaha. My sides.
How are you acting as if they aren’t literally the core race with the least options by a huge margin?
they need more. but what they already have + straight backs, would help alot to increase their numbers. a right proper forsaken male with those new hairstyles and eyes is by itself a huge improvement and the females, the females are amazing. hope blizz gives them posture options.
yea, it must have been a really slow news day
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i guess they do report on gaming news.
Is it? Have you seen the rest of their hairstyles? You can count the pixels. They’re awful. And eye colours? Come on. Forsaken dks are even borderline unplayable since they don’t have any unique options and they have a physically painful voice.
Forsaken are in an awful place and pretending they aren’t is ignorant at best.
oh i think the new stuff is awesome. whatcha want forsaken to have? i’ll put it on the sign?
/carries sign
- dark ranger/san’layn customizations for belfs
- farstrider tats and runic tats for belfs
- sun elf style fx, like sunlit mana hair and other light fx for belfs
- botanist druids for belfs
- more haircolors, beards and hairstyles for velfs
- ear/eyebrow resizing for velfs.
- paladin class for velfs.
- straight backs for forsaken
- beards for trolls
- eyebrows for male orcs
- female nelf body tats
- more eyecolors for draenei
- shaved fur designs for pandarens
- happy faces for nelfs and nightborne
I’m supporting everything you’ve mentioned
I don’t want forsaken split across two races so that blood elves, who already have way more options, can have even more. Dark rangers are forsaken, not blood elves.
oh well i already promised lannisterian i would canvas for blood elf dark rangers. and some other blood elf poster, i promised to support blood elf druids. so those are super glued, nay, etched indelibly, on the sign. any other forsaken upgrades?