It just seems obvious to me, doesn’t really matter who’s complaining, you know?
And with both Tyrande getting fed up with the inaction of the Alliance, and especially Sylvanas and Nathanos shaming the Horde into being cowards instead of the Horde standing up to them and refusing to go along with their insane dishonorable war crimes, the time is ripe for the Elves to go their own way.
No, they are Forsaken and not blood elves. They have never been blood elves. Forsaken should not be split across two races so that a race with significantly more options than them can have even more options than them. Dark Ranger AR, Dark Rangers as Forsaken or nothing.
That seems like a wildly contradictory opinion given your stance on Wildhammer.
It would be like the Forsaken humans suddenly rejoining the Alliance. They were forsaken by their people and had to build a new society, it’s literally in the name. Having the blood elves just welcome them back and have them turn their back on their people is about the biggest middle finger you could possibly show to the Forsaken lore.
One is only a Blood Elf if they take up the name. Undead Thalassians never took up the name Blood Elf, and are therefore not Blood Elves.
Model toggle in the barber shop is how I’d do em. If the Undead Nelves become playable in any way, this makes the most sense for them too, yes.
I’m not the biggest fan of Undead Thalassians joining the Blood Elves over staying Forsaken, but Undead Night Elves returning to the Night Elves is even worse imo.
I mean there’s no reason some haven’t been since raised, so it’s prefectly plausible some are or were belfs.
Lor’themar’s pathetic threat clearly only goes so far, while the banshee was Warchief.
And this assertion is kinda odd since blood elves are high elves.
The dead ones clearly don’t find their kindred with the high elves. They show interest and support for both the Sin’dorei and the Forsaken. One of them states this in BFA.
Adding just some long pointy ears and calling them the dark rangers is ridiculous. It looks terrible. It’s not what Dark Ranger fans want to play… At least I doubt it’s what the majority wants to play.
Why not just use the blood elves, the race the majority of Dark Rangers come from, so they can actually look right?
At least as a Forsaken option similar to posture then. I just don’t think that’ll ever happen.
if I thought they’d ever consider adding Dark Rangers as their own AR, you bet I’d be going for that.
Best we’re ever getting in that line is San’layn and honestly I’m pretty unsure that will ever happen.
The Blood Elves and Forsaken don’t hate each other. They’re closer to each other baseline than they are to the rest of the Horde. The only exception being maybe the Nightborne that the Blood Elves find a kindred with.
(I don’t mean this to sound so aggressive I’m sorry if it does. Not in the best head space right now. I respect your view on this.)
think of it this way - its like describing british americans who became citizens many years after the founding, as british. sure they’re brits but everyone else who became a citizen, refers to themselves as americans or british americans. rarely do they try to keep the former allegiance title as if it were the allegiance they currently hold. and in the horde, high elves became blood elves. being raised, doesnt erase that
There’s nothing concrete showing this hasn’t happened, true. But there’s nothing concrete showing it has either, so it would be something new we haven’t seen before, not the Forsaken elves people have been asking to play as.
While true, it would still be odd for the Forsaken elves to return to Quel’Thalas and take up the name Blood Elf. Sure DKs do it, but even that feels off to me.
I wouldn’t accept this as a solution. My ideal solution is a model toggle option being added to Forsaken.
Especially with this being a barber shop option. A Forsaken hopping between an elf or human body or mixing different body parts until they look like an elf or human, while still a stretch, is a lot more plausible than a barber being able to toggle whether a belf is undead or not.
They became Blood Elves before joining the Horde. For your metaphor to work, the undead Thalassians would have to be part of Quel’Thalas specifically, not just the Horde.
why? the entire horde views horde high elves as blood elves? blood elves would be insulted if raised horde high elves, referred to themselves as forsaken high elves. that’d be an insult.
then how would they describe a forsaken night elf vs. a forsaken blood elf? raised thalassians on the horde, would be referred to as raised blood elves, not raised high elves. its the horde.
this like trying to explain why former high elves on the horde, call themselves blood elves now but that doesnt mean they aren’t the same people who called themselves high elves.
I would assume that a High Elf who was killed and raised as Forsaken might personally identify with Blood Elves honoring those who died but could only be classified as a Forsaken Blood Elf if they choose to. But we dont’ know the minds of each individual Dark Ranger so I don’t see how we could classify them as Blood Elf when they weren’t there when High Elves took on the name Blood Elf.
Exactly. Blizzard would have to add a story where undead Thalassians take up the name Blood Elf for it to make any sense, and that would kinda suck since they would basically be taking them away from the Forsaken.
If it’s the only way to make them playable, I get it. But still.