Consolidated list of ideas to improve rated pvp participation

If I was in charge of the PvP balance, I could have this game balanced in a few months, simply by consulting with 1 rank per week and doing a checkin and providing them a standard $100/hr for their time, or whatever they feel they are worth.

It is not just PvP balance either; the open world is very lacking, and the only challenging content requires a 5-person party for M+ or Mythic Raid.

I had a 2000+ word feedback thread on beta forums in spring before they launched the TWW and Activision Blizzard did not take 1 point of the advice I provided. Several others held some of these same views. It’s hopeless to provide feedback; they do nothing with it and will go their own direction for profit, always. Actually, I have a feedback thread for WoW open right now. It is getting no traction, and their changes are already set in stone, so it seems. You can view it here:

and the one below it:


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