Congratulations, you've made raids even more irrelevant in S4

And weapons lmao. There are still reasons to do both M+ and raids.

I’m already falling alseep in Normal Fated SoD - its soo boring literally like 2hours of this has been pulling trash bruh.


Yeah that’s why every tank kept farming De Other Side until the Hakkar trinket dropped, all expansion.

Changeling in Mists, etc. etc. etc.

Fine with us, what annoys us is that we have to do M+ in order to gear for raiding.


No it isn’t. The number of people you need for a raid is much greater than a dungeon and the margin for error is much shorter. Even if you have a top notch group that knows what they are doing the raid is going to take at least two-three hours. And that’s in a perfect scenario where no one drops or ever makes a mistake. Raids are far more difficult to gather and keep intact than dungeons and their drop rates are just as low. You’ll get one gear drop from the experience, two if you’re lucky.

So? They are the same dungeons from the beginning of the expansion, just on a higher difficulty with a timer.

I wasn’t even referring to mythic raiding, just normal and maybe heroic. But even in that case, Mythic raid where you have to herd 15 or so people all being on the same page is far more difficult than a dungeon where you are only dealing with 5 people.

My point stands. There is no reason to keep lockouts on raids while M+ can just spam over and over again.


And I’ve gotta sit in raids if I ever want a chance at slimecat or Hero of Fate.

Every bit of content requires some sacrifices sadly.

Or PVP to gear for raiding.

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That’s like complaining you have to do arena or rated bg’s to get gladiator title…

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Yeah, Shadowlands season 1 was particularly trashy in that regard.

Well you don’t “need” to do mythic plus to do raiding. There are people I know who exclusively raid just fine. Maybe they aren’t min / maxxing to their full potential but they can still clear the raid. If you feel the need to have to mythic plus then I can say the same, “I’ve gotta raid because if I don’t take advantage of the week I’m missing out on chances of the most powerful trinkets.” etc. But I make that sacrifice, because I just don’t like raiding.

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Wait you mean I can take 2 hours to do a +15 and still get 304 for free? Woooooooo

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Incorrect, at least for Mythic.

Well if you’re doing mythic raiding the assumption is you’re doing everything in your power to get the best gear. Same if I wanted to jump into level 23 keys and time them to get the .1% titles or something. If I’m not raiding to get the most powerful gear, then I’m likely not taking full advantage. Mythic raiders also had to do the boring Zereth Mortis dailies more than likely to get their 291 unity legendary just so they have the best possible gear they could have. Are they gonna start complaining they can’t just exclusively raid and have to actually do the story and quests of the new zones? Mythic Raiding will always require more than just raiding at the end.

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ZM dailies didn’t even give Enlightened rep.

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I know I mean the Bolvar weekly primarily.

You can do the Bolvar weekly perfectly fine with the world boss and world quests, you don’t need to touch the dailies. (or the rares)

If you started this season at 230 ilevel you were not getting in a normal raid group unless you were at least 265. Now you can LFR, but after one clear of those wings you can’t go back and farm bosses on it anymore until the next week. Meanwhile you can spam dungeons or epic battlegrounds over and over again and be geared up for the normal raid BEFORE the next week. I know because I took this character from 230 to 269 ilevel the first week of this season by just spamming epic battlegrounds. Why couldn’t I do that with LFR?

I don’t get why you’re focused on how easy it is to do. The fact is it’s something that was required of Mythic Raiders outside of the actual raid instance to min / max their character. Mythic Plus isn’t exclusive content that mythic raiders likely feel the “need” to do to min max their character. They also likely had to do Torghast earlier in the expansion. They also likely had to farm AP in both Legion and BFA. Mythic Raiders will always need to do the most to do mythic raiding. That’s the point, Mythic Plus isn’t this standalone thing and if I wanted to be in the top 1% of mythic plus, I’d also need to do stuff outside of Mythic Plus to achieve that, such as raiding for trinkets.

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They were talking about season 4, please keep up with the topic

So when a bunch of classes need a new Gambit trinket?