Congratulations, you've made raids even more irrelevant in S4

And we’re getting rid of all those unnecessary grinds next expansion, because people didn’t like grinds like Thorgast or AP. The point should be to make raiding easier to access. And M+ is now something that makes it harder to raid.

And yes top M+ people hate that they have to raid to perform at a high level.

So the solution is easy it’s to split both content.
One of the lesser solution that would still make it way better is to try to balance raid with m+, which would mean doubling raid loot to be able to keep up with M+ and have raiding also use valor.

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Just to clarify, this post is specifically about the uncapped valor changes of S4?

I’m honestly surprised you didn’t also mention that this season has 3 week rotations where you are locked out from specific raids on top of the standard weekly lockout.

But yes M+ gearing was always superior, and now not being restricted by valor cap makes it worse.
Especially considering the almost direct equivalent of PvP gearing being gated by conquest caps still.

Game is a joke, let’s be real.


SL raid trinkets (most of them, anyway) being complete garbage is nobodies fault but Bllzzards’. And tanks were using Splinter from sun king in S1

The concurrent issue with raids is they simply are not repeatable contnet. Which means of course any sort tof buyable PvP gear as seen with season 1. With the latter being M+ gear due to it being repeatable content is always going to be better.

That isn’t to say however that all raid gear is bad, some of it is really powerful, especially the trinekts. Along with end boss loot being very powerful as well. Yet it’s short coming this expansion was they did away with reroll tokens. So that de-incentivized people from wanting to engage with the content. Given that was the equivalent to what we have with M+ and PvP gear, to where you could target a specific boss for an extra chance for loot each week.

Which is why they added in the dinars to try and bring that back in some form, yet I feel like that system is going to fall flat due to it being so limited. Due to similar to how covenants were, it’s restrictive to the players that multi spec, like me. In which I’m going to have to choose holy over all other specs seeing as it’s my main one. Yet means in a practical sense I won’t have the same advantage as ret and protection paladins do with their three charges of BiS loot.

Raid loot just in general needs an overhaul, they tried to nerf all loot this expansion. Which resulted in what we have now of barely anyone touching the raids. Bandaid solutions to fix their problem, and seemingly little being done to fix the issue itself. Being to undo the loot nerf drop rates for at least raid, bring back re-roll tokens, and keep the dinar system in it’s current format. With the latter being adding more chances to the system to let the players that multi spec have a much more fair chance of being able to. Without another covenant punishment being what we get again.

2-3 items out of 5 players is pretty damn good odds. Especially compared to the equivalent 4 out of 20 players.

Or they could just upgrade it with valor because you know, it’s uncapped and you can just spam +2s?

Yeah, with raids you don’t get anything if you fail to complete it! Lol

Arguing M+ gearing isn’t better than raid gearing especially with no valor cap, is like trying to argue that $10US is of more valuable than $100US.


Yall want to make raid groups repeatable? I say go ahead. Let guilds play all day… that will go well.

Post aside, I don’t think it’s efficient to farm 2s if you can go higher, particularly with how random drops are and how expensive some of those pieces are to upgrade in the first place.

Raiding isn’t as fun as keys or pvp.

It’s also more inconvenient.

I was meaning for valor alone, not for pieces to upgrade. Just to clarify.

Oh I get that, but it’s second week. I doubt anyone has the exact piece they want from m+ in every slot, all ready to upgrade.

Or maybe people just dont like raiding in general…? they’re boring simple as

You can put Norma/Heroic/Mythic on LFG, increase loot drop by 100%, still not playing it. I dont like it. most feel this way. get over yourself & accept defeat.

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I bet if the great vault ilvl boost got moved from M+ to raiding that raiding would become way more “popular” than M+ overnight.

Not that Blizzard can’t do tons of stuff to improve raiding - boss-by-boss skips, flexible raid size for Mythic, double the loot drop rate, lower the trash, get rid of the spreadsheet fights… there’s a ton of stuff they could do.

Sadly, Ion’s been screwing over raiders since Legion. He’s even made raiding such a miserable chore than he doesn’t even raid anymore.


Yes not everyone likes raiding, but raiding still has a decent crowd. Wow raiding just has become one of the most inaccessible raiding. Which explains why wow classic has so many raiders and why some other games have gained a lot of players in raiding content.

That’s pretty funny and ironic when you think of it that way xd

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You’re loot locked. You can run a raid as many times in a week as you’d like to. I frequently pug at the start of a tier to practice the fights.

Also, Fated isn’t hard. By this point in the expansion, the fights are well known.

M+ isn’t easy for you. You haven’t made it through anything higher than a +13 for the expansion.

Not on Mythic.

Yeah it’s strange 5 man dungeons giving better gear than 20+ plus raids

It won’t ever make sense no matter what you tell me you can even get the same transmog

Get over it. Yes, this is the way it should be. Other and more gearing methods should be added to allow players to gear however they like.


Yes I agree. Less stripping of the options away and more support torwards more options for gearing.

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Uncapped Valor at the start of the season was a bad call. I’m already 295 ilvl and it hasn’t even been 2 full weeks. I would be higher, but can’t find a helmet.


I wonder why people are mad bout M+ loot. If raids give the best loot people complain that they are forced to raid or die. if M+ gives good loot then its OMG raids are pointless. I raid because I like to raid and I don’t like M+. I raid for the enjoyment of the activity and downing bosses with other people. The fact that M+ could provide better loot is not enough to get me to run M+ because I don’t like it.

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