Congratulations, you've made raids even more irrelevant in S4

Which has always been the point. The problem is what’s happened since M+ was introduced.

  1. Emerald Nightmare was a cakewalk because everybody spammed M+ and outgeared it before even setting foot in the raid.
  2. Blizzard overcompensated by tuning Nighthold on the assumption that EVERYBODY was already geared up from Mythic+.
  3. Blizzard has kept that design model ever since.
  4. Therefore, if you DON’T do Mythic+, the raid is massively overtuned for your ilvl.
  5. Raiders MUST do Mythic+, just to be geared in order TO raid. Most of the effort that goes into raiding is now from stuff you have to do outside of raid. It’s dumb.