Comparing cyberpunk to WoW

Versus other people’s truth, while the real truth sits in a dark room forgotten.

It’s ok to like WoW and cyberpunk. They aren’t in competition.


I mean I don’t disagree with some of your points but I can see why some people would consider you a troll. I find it funny tho

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Highly doubtful.

The Dev is still riding the Witcher 3 success train (they are even rereleasing it on the next gen consoles).
I bought Cyberpunk… I’m enjoying it. I also see a lot of flaws in the game. It’s good for what it is.

On a side note… The Devs also have a lot to answer for… what they did to the ps4 - xbox one owners was just bad. If your game looks like hot garbage on consoles you were developing it for… don’t release it.

This is the kind of thing that makes me wish there was some type of mental evaluation you had to go through to be able to post on the forums

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Don’t you have names to be reporting or something?

Notorious forum troll.


you’re the role playing elite right?

You forgot the Emperor’s Truth.

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Yeah let’s compare those 2 games, that sounds like a really good idea.

Thanks for taking the time to write up the comparison with your explanations. I was debating if I should reregister or get cyberpunk but based on your post the answer is obvious.

Dude you’re comparing apples to oranges here. This is pointless

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one is a mmo…

Takes away all the food

Stop. Feeding. Her.

She’s a Pandaren, she’ll survive without for a couple of days.


Cyberpunk is for participation trophy zoomers.

Stupid comparison aside the biggest complaint about Cyberpunk that isn’t about its glitchyness is that it is lacking in RPG systems lol

Hi, Snikrot here, casual elite.

Now that you’re quitting (although it may take you a few months/years to formerly do so) does this mean that the RP elite position is vacant? I may apply and try to expand my elitism.

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glad u like ur cyberpunk. you’ll get bored in another 15 hours of gametime i imagine when ur unable to find loot that is better for you

In this analogy McDonalds is WoW.

So go troll their forums, you won’t be missed when your sub runs out.