The vast majority of epic gear that I got in BfA went straight into the scrapper without being considered.
They’re both disappointing. Thread done, comparison completed.
Classic re release left hunters broken in pvp for 8 months.
How DARE you talk about actigreedyvision that way.
Why do games have to be compared to each other all the time? WoW is WoW, Cyberpunk is Cyberpunk. They can do their own things. Most of your points are subjective opinions. Many like the fashion, quests and stories in WoW. It’s a different world.
Most likely Cyber will be marked as a good game, but eventually the hype is going to fade and people will move on to other things. It’s not an ongoing MMO like WoW, different rules apply.
It can’t be that fun if you’d rather be here obsessing about the forums
Its good to know there are some healthy options out there when Warcraft is clearly going through endgame accessibility problems where loot drops are a concern.
Even if Blizz bows to upping our loot drops for instance they won’t do it in a hurry.
It’s not even apples and oranges… it’s Oranges to Steak.
You’d rather be posting on the WoW forums instead of playing cyberpunk? Lmao yeesh
Let me know how the game feels after playing it for 14 years.
So I take it you love Borderlands. Sure, 99.8% of the mountains of guns everything vomits on you is absolute garbage, but there are so many of them!
Why did the OP get flagged?
Yup… I’ll take 1 or 2 meaningful drops over drowning in useless drops any day.
They flagged me for real life threats, there is a whole bunch of people who follow me around and try to take down my threads because they disagree with me. Every thread i make is flagged in 2 to 3 minutes
Never heard of you.
Probably still be better than what we have right now.
Sounds like you made some hardcore WoW fans really angry lmao
Likely flagged for blatant trolling, which seems to be Tuiie’s modus operandi.
Oh so they have a troll rep
I never troll, i speak my truth and people dislike it
I agree that the loot drops are bad atm and needs a shake up.