Community Feedback and Honor Issues

Blizzard, please listen to your community. I see hundreds of threads about the honor problems, and thousands of comments on it. People were enjoying the game with the exploit. Who cares if it is an exploit? You reset honor in retail every season. You reset honor in retail every expansion release. The original tbc patch was 6 weeks, and with the correct amount of HK honor and honor to win/lose you were able to farm rank 14 year out easily. You had 12 hours of maintenance to get everything working and you didn’t get much backlash from the forums. The 10x exploiters should either have honor reset and gear taken OR give the 10x back, or even like 8x back just to be fair. 2x is worth nothing. I play retail currently and in an easy day of grinding, I can get a full set of pvp gear (because the honor works there) and the honor items are way cheaper in retail. 1720 for a 2 handed stave VS 32k for a 2 handed stave in tbc. Lots of people are quitting, unsubbing, and giving up because you won’t reply with an legitmate answer. I personally have been playing since wotlk so I never got to play tbc. I wanted to come play tbc and be able to get some gear prior to tbc dropping. Back when I started, I only started with the base game and farmed out the honor for the 60 set, then leveled and farmed for the 70 set, then finally got wotlk and farmed for the 80 set. It is absurd that you have thousands of comments, hundreds of threads, content creators and community leaders posting videos about this, people leaving the game for ffxiv and other mmorpgs because of it.

Also, why give a boost out to people if you can’t gear them? In a retail scenario, you have 10 levels to level meaning you have a chance to get atleast some practice and gear on the toon. Personally, I boosted. My friends quit and I got to 55 in classic so I was happy about the boost and I farmed for a good 12-14 hours and only got 6k honor prior to the 2x buff which is still not enough, I gave up on the rank 14 gear grind and bought the cheaper blue pieces just to get out of the greens. I also got some gear out of dungeons and off the ah because I couldn’t bring myself to keep pvping.

We get that a grind is one thing, its what an mmorpg is. We as a community will grind for the gear but we also don’t have 6 weeks of a prepatch nor do we have the correct HK/Honor gain that we did back then. Most people also don’t have 18 hours a day to play either like it used to be too. Even the people who had the 10x exploit still had to farm for a good several hours to get the whole set because of the marks of honor required. At this point, the whole #nochanges is stupid and shouldn’t be listened too anyway, also the person who posted about the exploit probably is sitting in full r14 gear on a boosted toon then they posted about it and then everyone lost the fun in the game.

Give people who are leveling alts (draenei and blood elfs), people who are boosting to come play with friends in tbc, people who didn’t have time to gear in classic because of whatever reason the fun that they deserve and want. Everyone wants the 10x back or atleast something because this right now is not playable, its not fun, and everyone is sitting on the forums because of it. Queues are 25+ minutes long on some realms, most groups are premade or afk because the honor is so bad. Give your community what they want. I bet you thousands of people including me bought the collectors edition to come play with friends so you could atleast budge and give the community what we want. A lot of retail players are also coming to tbc because of the 9.1 drought too, you have to think about that as well.

I understand from a community leader situation, you can’t post a blue post unless the devs say okay but try to give us something.

Moderator: Edited title to comply with forum rules. It is a violation of these rules to call attention to your post by using words like “Blizzard,” “Blue,” or “Devs.”


Just highlighting some important tidbits from that post.

Correct, but we didn’t have a paid level boost back then to skip 58 levels of grinding either.

Correct, it’s actually higher now. I know you saw my thread, why are you ignoring the facts I posted?

Another original and enlightening post.

You are out of your mind if you think current rate of honor gain is similar or higher than what it was in original prepatch or during TBC

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I wasn’t ignoring your post. I was giving another post out so blizzard would have more reasons to get more information out. Boosting isnt a bad thing because guess what, you can BUY BOOSTS IN GAME FOR GOLD. All I see in LFG is mages selling boosts. The first 60 pally was boosted too. Boosting is here, and it is here to stay. So might as well take advantage of it. A ton of community creators are buying boosts, a ton of t3 geared people are buying boosts too.

? In the post, I said “nor do we have current or even close to current than we did back then”.

The grind right now is like the phase 2 grind. Back then a freshly level 60 draenei or blood elf could get a full set of r14 prior to tbc in a 6 week period AFTER leveling. If you haven’t been reading all the posts that were put out.

I was replying to Delimicus saying current rate is higher than it was. Total farce.

Here’s my thread, feel free to prove me wrong:

The issue is, we are not getting 10, with the 2x. We are getting around 200-300 for the end of bg. We are getting 3 per HK. We understand having a grind as a community. The issue is the the people who got to exploit 10-14 hours of 10x honor exploit. I am willing to grind the gear out if i had a 6 week prepatch. Thats the issue. You are also so scared and complain when your account is hidden to even look at your gear. 6 WEEKS of a prepatch with the original post of 8k in a few hours is one thing. 2 weeks of prepatch after 12 hour maintenance and 10 hours of a 10x honor exploit. I would be willing to farm out gear if it was even viable to do it. Its not the retail players who are only complaining. Its the classic andys like yourself who are in t3 raid gear who want to gear alts for new people in prepatch too.

Did you even play back then or are you just being a google warrior? You think people got 100 marks before having honor to buy one piece back then?

I farmed 14 hours of bgs, and got 6k honor. They did 14 hours and got 8k so there is still a problem, 8k in that many hours, ON A 6 WEEK prepatch is understandable.

I had enough marks to buy 1 piece easily in just a few hours of farming, I had less than half of the honor to though in 7 or 8 hours of grinding.

Meh, I trust his research more than I trust “people that played back then.” The reality is memory is fallible.


You could have 2 weapons by now.

Honorable kills have ALWAYS been split amongst your allies near you. If you get a solo kill right now, it’s 28 honor. I got a solo kill in WSG the other day (no one else around) and I got 14 honor for that kill:

I’m pretty sure people have confirmed that the scoreboard doesn’t display the 2x honor but your honor sheet does.

I did play back then and I grinded out the R14 two-hand sword, it took forever. Is that the insult directed at people who care about the truth nowadays? Blatant misinformation goes mostly unchecked today. I don’t care if Blizzard increases the honor by 100x for the pre-patch; I don’t like how quickly people accept whatever they want to believe without questioning anything anymore.

Confirmation bias is rampant in our society and it’s not a good thing.

You guys must the classic andys of #nochanges because its TWO 2 WEEK PREPATCH. 10x is better than this horridness they are giving us. Might as well take out boosts, and refund money too or let the classic community die like blizzard wants it too. You guys are more toxic than the league community. I understand a grind, but this is stupid in a 2 week prepatch ya idiots.

Take the r14 gear from the people who exploited or people are gonna keep quitting.

Did you read my post? Here, I’ll highlight it for you:

Did you also read what i said? people in 10 hours got a full set of r14 gear on the first day of prepatch. This prepatch and blizzard is doing nothing about it. Thats the problem I could care less what it was years ago. In less than 10 hours if not, they got a FULL set up r14 gear. They nerfed it to 2x and now its impossible to grind out a full set of r14 gear in a 2 week period for someoen who works a normal job and has a life out of wow. Mr. hidden account.