Community Feedback and Honor Issues


I missed out on this as well, I stayed up till Midnight on Tuesday hoping to farm, got screwed.

I worked Wednesday. By the time I got off work, they fixed it within a few hours.

I now have 2 Weapons. Just get grinding, thats Classic PvP.

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The issue is, I farmed for 14 hours and donā€™t have a premade carrying me through them. You must be in a premade, its legit afk or premade. Its horrid if you havenā€™t been reading all the threads going around. I know how classic honor is supposed to be but im not gonna waste my time when I have legit anything else to do when its lose after lose after lose to premade garbage. You farmed 34k really? Cuz I promise it isnt possible that easy without a premade.

Once again, a level 30 posting about how they have 2 weapons and a hidden account for profiles of characters.

Nope. Horde, 5 party max. Just grind.

So a premade? Yeah exactly. Donā€™t complain if your in a premade full of geared players that can solo win games.

Last night, it was me and a rogue for over 6 hours. You dont have to believe me, Iā€™ve got my axes and I couldnt care less :stuck_out_tongue:

So you farmed 34k in a night? yeah i donā€™t believe you. Your just some troll on the forums cuz i farmed for 14 hours and got 6k honor. So pretty sure your an idiot too.

No dude. I farmed it from Wednesday 4pm, till Friday 1am, working 8 hour days in between.

Wed - Max honor yay! - Get 1 Weapon. Honor Nerfed! Grind to Midnight.
Thur - Start at 0 - Grind till 12am.
Friday - Start at roughly 7k - Grind till 1am.

Boom, 2 Weapons.

Why are people complaining about someone wanting Blizz to actually do what they said they would. Blizz made it AB weekend, which should provide double honor. They also said there would be a bonus honor event further doubling honor. Except weā€™re only getting the bonus honor event not hte AB weekend honor. It should be 880 a win not 440.

Yeah, Im pretty sure you didnā€™t get max honor with this horrid honor that your getting unless you winning literally every game under 5 min. Hence a premade.

Delimicus we get it man, you didnt play back in 2007.

Who said anything about max honor?

I lost easily 70% of my games last night. I LEGIT pvpā€™ed from 3pm to 1am. 10 straight hours to go from 7k, to 19K.

Get to work.

This is my rank 10 Warrior from Vanilla. You can see that I started in 2005 here:

You can see me on the threat and DPS meter (at the start) of this Brutallus kill from 2008 as well. I was DPSing as Slam spec Arms with a Cataclysmā€™s edge:

If you look carefully, you can see me timing Slams during that video.

At this point, because people of this community are apparently retarded. I am gonna just wait out till blue post with the fix or im gonna sit out till tbc. The issue is, blizzard isnt listening to their community. Fix their garbage game or stop making games. So many people have quit playing bgs because its legit premade or afk.

Wrong, but keep clinging to that victim card while the rest of us gear up.

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