Community Council won't change ANYTHING

It is still day 2, I’m sure the critical posts will come eventually. I have one of my own planned(!) and I hope we’ll see others take up the opportunity to voice their concerns. Though I do think that if we get too antagonistic right off the bat, we’re probably not going to be heard.

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If you’re interested in taking a look at a suggestion of mine intended for the RP community.

Again, I’m thrilled that you are telling me what my experience and opinion has been. You must be in Blizzard customer service or on the “Community Council”. Having an opinion must now be against the Terms of Service, as the new “Community Council” now speaks for us all. It’s kind of like that whole weird thing in Germany that led to a world war. “My way or the highway” is not a good look, but it is what it is and pretty well sums up the “Community Council”-They will tell us what to say and we will obey, or else. Additionally, you should learn to use proper punctuation and capitalization if you want to be taken seriously.

There’s a few topics up on that forum now. All I see so far are PvP threads, how great they think 9.1.5 is with any negative feedback devolving into PvP talk, or how great the MT was implemented. Very few topics about M+ and no real suggestions about neat additions to the game itself.

I’d love for them to suggest every dungeon in the game with a M+ selection just like Legion has right now, except 100% of the time; not just during TW. That would give us 130 M+ dungeons we could do all the time. That’s the kind of variety the community wants. Legion M+ has been great so far. Even +2s can be difficult without knowing the mechanics (looking at you Vault of the Wardens). But it’s still fun as Hell.

And sure, I know having that many dungeons is a chore and the IO we get from each would have to diminish, but to me that would be worth it.

So the media runs it?

Blizzard is on strike, they aren’t listening, also clearly obvious they cherry picked the council

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Yeah, you already said that in your first take on a response. You already know the answers to that. Did you need to quote me a second time and repeat yourself? At this point, esp with your war references, you are intentionally trolling to get reactions. Like I said, you don’t get suspended for having a different opinion. You get suspended for breaking the forum rules. Trolling is a poor idea.

Council should have been picked at random, and should be rotated every 2 weeks.

She is doing no such thing, you, like at least 50% of GD, just can’t stand when you read something that goes against what you believe.

No, but being disrespectful to others, on the CC or not, should be, maybe then Blizzard would not feel they have to do something like the CC.

People get on Blizzard’s case all the time, but from what I have seen, most just want it their way or the highway, the exact thing they accuse Blizzard of wanting. Maybe people need to, before they come down on Blizzard, see if they did not have a hand in creating the current situation by being the exact thing they accuse Blizzard of being just on the opposite side of what they want.


I’d say 50% is a lowball. It really is an issue, not just on GD but for most online discussion these days.

Tribalism to the extreme.

Truthfully, I’d say it was more 75%+ but I was allowing for alts and the like…

So we are becoming high tech cavemen? or other similar people?

That would be the Warsaw pact, and oddly enough ALL of Europe signed it… Germany’s alliance just happened to be the one to trigger world war I when Princip of the Blackhand assassination group assassinated Austrio-Hungary’s prince in a parade.

The laughable part? The first 3 members failed miserably (Seriously look up how badly the Blackhand flubbed up this assassination attempt, it’s hilarious how AND why they blundered) Princip only got a shot on the car with the prince and his wife because it pulled over from a detour not planned on the route with the prince not even supposed to be in the parade to begin with (he was supposed to be with the rest of the Austrian-hungarian royal family in a safe place, however his wife being a peasant could not attend due to the rules that dictated the royal marriage of commoners).

In all fairness, no one could have predicted the prince would defy the rest of the royal family and ride around masquerading as a military head just so his wife and kids could be with him…

Uh, what is know as the warsaw pact is more akin to what was the soviet counter to NATO

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My favorite part is Blizzard saying they want players from all types of gameplay, but almost all of them have been M+/Raid/PvP.

God forbid they give casual world questers, LFR players, pet battlers, etc. some sort of representation.

And I know people in that demographic applied because I’m in that demographic, as are about a dozen of my friends, all of which applied. I fully didn’t expect to be chosen due to my polarizing opinions I post on the forums, but there’s still tons of qualified people in that demo.


Pretty much~ Got to only stick to your own “kind” and if you run into someone who has a different opinion it’s time to get out the clubs and fight for your survival.

Even on things that are 100% subjective people draw deep lines in the sand and make every issue into Us vs. Them.


It really does not matter who they have in the council, whether it’s total casuals or the best mythic raiders in the world. The issue has NEVER been feedback; there’s plenty, from forums, to youtube, to reddit, to twitter, to discord, etc. The issue has always been that they just don’t agree with the feedback (see legion legendaries, azerite respeccing, conduit energy and covenant swapping, PVP gearing, etc). As long as they keep their big egos and refuse to do what the community wants, the game will not change.


Thats the selection criteria.

  1. Must be big blizzard fanboy, no negativity in their safe space
  2. Must love the direction the game is going because it takes too much effort to steer the ship right now
  3. Must play exclusively blizzard games like an abused spouse who can’t have any friends, for the same reasons.

How do we know it won’t work? Because it literally already existed and failed and devolved into “you say you do, but you don’t” bickering until it was abandoned.

Look, no one likes dealing with criticism, especially on passion projects (all blizzard games must be passion projects because no one else would take position with such crappy pay). But creaking open the door for the most timid fans to come and tell you how awesome it is is NOT the recipe for inciting change, and change is needed. You need Ret hot debate and criticism more than you need a safe spac, devs.


Exactly. I’ve seen a bunch of twitter posts from people who’ve gotten into the council and yeah they all seem like hardcore blizzard fans (which is pretty gross after everything that’s happened recently and even over the years).

In fact one of the devs (I think it was Afrasiabi, yeah that one) had a saying "no negativity in the dojo); as in, don’t bring criticism and negativity in here. We can do no wrong.

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Pretty much.

Feedback is only useful if the party asking for it is actually willing to listen. But hey, maybe the devs are slightly more humble and open to feedback after the pounding Blizzard has taken over the past year or so.

The Blizzard brand isn’t good enough to get away with the “you think you do, but you don’t” attitude anymore.


I went to peruse new posts on the Community Council forums. I sure am glad that common players that represent the general opinions of the people who play the game are so well-represented by the posters there who have the ear of the developers :roll_eyes:

Let me start by saying the Mage Tower is awesome. I’ve rarely had more fun dying over and over and slowly making changes to get further into the fights and closer to my elusive transmog sets.

I’m personally very happy that it is a difficult challenge, and not a pushover. Yes there are tons of posts complaining about how it is too hard, impossible, or a waste of time. The beauty of it is that there is no power gain associated with the Mage Tower. All you can get is cosmetics for completing a very challenging, solo encounter.