Community Council won't change ANYTHING

The Blizzard disconnect from their playerbase is their own doing.

And yet we’ll be the ones Blizzard attempts to lay the buck of shame upon in the end.

It’s like Blizzard is actually trying to end itself… and it’s pretty sad, I guess they just don’t see how out of touch they are, and how little their attempts at prior appeasement efforts are quite literally just no longer working these days…

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People don’t look to dress them down without a good reason.

Let them.

It’s the only way they’ll learn now.

Even their own people aren’t happy with them.

Maybe you haven’t seen the fact that if this continues WoW, Blizzard, and all their games and settings that more of us seem to take vastly more seriously than said Blizzard all die?

Blizzard will end themselves in that case.

And no one in charge will care nor bat an eyelash.

We’re they’re paying customers, and we’re actively ignored.

They’ve built and contrived a Community Council and all so they can choose to ignore it too when it suits them.

This company isn’t going to change course nor tack for the sake of the players.

How people don’t see this truth is beyond me.


It will change everything.
Now blues will no longer even pretend they glance at the non-community council forums.


LOL, way too true.

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I think a lot of us have played Blizzard games since Blizzard was just Blizzard, not Activision-Blizzard or anything of that sort.

I am not saying old Blizzard was perfect, but where at least they had passion for their games and all, Activision just sees the money, and any more it is hard to tell if it is Blizzard we are talking to or Activision mouthpieces.


Blizzard has never been perfect.

It’s funny that the game’s content quality since Wrath has collectively been downhill thanks to the need to push time played on the players, otherwise known as the paying customers…

The truly sad fact is that sure, subscriptions spike up at the start of most expansions, however not a once have they stayed at the peak and gone up.

Shadowlands is the worst. Sure, it sold well. Do we have all those players still with us?

No? And yet Blizzard does this MT “tuning” of nerfing the work around items players try to use to make the MT at least playable.

Blizzard is tone deaf normally, this recent debacle must have taken real effort.

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So far it is looking like yes men and water carrier for the status quo.


Would that not be about the time Activision got their hand in Blizzard’s pie, and have been taking more and more of said pie since?. That might be one reason why we have had bad to mediocre expansions then one that more or less nails it then more bad to mediocre ones.

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Activision likely told Blizzard, “Maximize profits.”

And that’s the problem.

Fun is playing my / our way, time played is playing Activision’s way.

And yet they, Activision-Blizzard are confused as to why they’re on the path to failure.


It’s odd not seeing the green text to be honest, but I get it. Gratz on getting on the council btw. :slight_smile:

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Personally, if Activision-Blizzard dies as far as Blizzard IPs, I’d like to see those IPs get bought/taken over by the old Blizzard creators, maybe not released as often as newer titles but still in the hands of those that at least had passion for what they were doing.


And yet who would want to touch the tainted hand that is now Blizzard’s public image?

You do know some IP’s remain untouched because of their final state before they went available for sale, right?

Who might be willing to take a chance, even with a spiritual successor, but might want the IP just to avoid as much copyright issues as possible.

You do know how some want those IPs to return, not in their tainted form but how they are fondly remembered, right?

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And I’m firmly for both.

I just hope you can see that the list might be quite small due to the way Blizzard is currently operating itself.

I miss the suggestion forums way back. Where Ghostcrawler would often make an appearance to talk about things he saw on the forums. He legit wanted to know what we thought and he was truly interested in our suggestions. And he wasn’t the only one. Morheim would often post, too, as well as numerous developers.

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And you also had a response that was not in line with it straight from the get go. Your point being?

If this ends up being the case, I wouldn’t be shocked one bit. I was hoping Blizz would pick players with different play styles who indulged in all aspects of the game, but I always had the thought in the back of my head that they would pick players who only play certain ways. It’s seeming like the latter at least currently.


First off, congrats on making the council.
But I would like to maybe point out why some people are upset.

  1. The MT comments are a bit tone deaf and many people in the community who completed ALL of the variations for each class/spec the first time have come back to try again and it is very different. The tuning is messed up and Blizz have acknowledged that some classes it is under tuned for some specs while others are extremely difficult. We don’t have borrowed power, some classes have just changed dramatically since Legion and it’s been a while. So when some council members made comments along the lines of “I know the community is upset with the tuning, but I PERSONALLY think this is perfect and I’m happy with the challenge and not a pushover.” It can come across as a bit rude but also isn’t representing a very large portion of the community.
  2. One of the collectors is almost done with the game in terms of collecting and said they want less mounts added in the future. So less recolors and other things being more difficult. This is ALSO very tone deaf. A good chunk of people on this game have aged with the game and don’t have the same amount of time to just dump into trying to collect and having more drops and faster respawns is something a lot of people are grateful for just as much as you have some people in the top % just saying oh I’m tired of this. The RP community as well(As far as I know from many people I’ve spoken with) ENJOY having lots of recolors, toys and pets because it adds to that experience. Being able to match mogs, pets and mounts is something many people enjoy. So YES, as I agree new models and some special challenges would be great. That post didn’t feel great and I can’t tell if it was just poorly worded or they really just want things to be “special” which just isn’t the same as back in the day and lots of people didn’t have a very enjoyable time waiting on hundreds of hours for some things.
  3. I am slightly concerned with a few of the intros, but I will say there definitely are some hopeful members. I appreciate the members who have personally said they will be in community discords, reading forums and looking out for what other players care about and not just their one sided opinion. The others that acknowledge other people are upset with things while brushing it off is just bound to bring in some rage and questioning of the council because everyone still around really cares about the game.
  4. I know council members have lives as well, but with 20+ in there so far and less than 10 posts, it is also frustrating a fair amount of players. I know we all need to give it some time…BUT by signing up for it you are taking on a very big role that thousands of other players would love to have. So I will point out the people who made it and haven’t said much at all will hopefully post and stay active or maybe Blizz an implement switching people out sooner if they aren’t really going to contribute. But again it has only been a couple days so things need to get up and running.

But overall, the point I’m trying to make is I wouldn’t waste too much energy trying to defend yourself or argue with others in the regular forums and just focus on the positives moving forward.
Lots of different perspectives on this whole thing and to be fair some of the only posts on CC have been pretty out of touch for lots of people. You can’t expect to get a big role like that and have everyone like and agree with you, as much as it can suck.

**Little edit on the end to just emphasize people will appreciate it GREATLY if you spend some time looking at their point of view. So if you have ideas and even potentially talk with the community on discords or just browse some threads when you can, it can make things a lot more positive and people will feel heard. And the feeling of being heard and having a voice is something that means quite a bit to many people. :smile: **

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