Hey there! The guild I’ve led for eight years recently relocated from a dead realm to Stormrage with the goal of raiding and completing M+ keys. As we are small, we believe our target audience is those with past raiding experience returning to the game or those who are looking to be rewarded long-term for their commitment and efforts (i.e. not immediate raiding).
This is a succinct list of what we would expect of a raider here:
- Very consistent raid attendance. Obviously, having people frequently go in and out and failing to achieve consistent attendance can significantly hinder progression in Mythic.
- A genuine desire to learn more. This would include doing research on your own regarding your specs, practicing outside of raid nights, and doing fight-related research beforehand.
- Equally as important, a progress-minded approach to raiding, understanding that swaps are a necessary evil and that everything is designed to maximize guild progress.
- The ability to play multiple classes/specs is extremely valuable and is a huge plus.
For example, the resumes of those currently on our roster include feats such as:
- The Chosen title from the Legion expansion
- Mistwalker title from MoP Challenge Modes
- Siege of Orgrimmar Mythic progression in MoP
The idea at CC is that exceptional players of past and present can come together, enjoy the game on a seemingly rarer weekend schedule, and progress through content as it is current.
That being said, guild community is important and the guild should feel like a living, breathing community. Since the guild has just transferred, we are quite small for the time being. While some shy away from that, we are more often than not planning something together when we are online with members. When time permits, activities such as Meta achievement runs and other forms of Legacy content are available for members to enjoy outside of raid nights, as well.
Who Do I Contact? We can be reached either by this thread, which is checked daily, or by my BTag, Bluraze#1450. I generally maintain very quick turnaround.
Thank you for reading!