Classic Update - March 1

Blizzard will most likely not comment or address these issues and will completely ignore them to avoid stepping on toes of the fan base and getting bad feed back from the community. They will simply ignore the fans and do w/e necessary to care bare classic to increase resub count.
The fans NEVER got them to make classic. They decided on classic SOLELY because they saw how much potential money they were losing to private servers and the popularity of it. They could care less about the community other than taking their money. And if you think ANY company thinks differently you need to wake up it’s 2019 !


Thank you for the update. If you believe Summoning Disorientation was not in classic, can you please tell us specifically when it was added?

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Thanks for the update and thanks for doing Classic!

I mean, you aren’t wrong, but at the same time, they’re offering the game free with an active retail account.

They aren’t making a ton of money off of it since you don’t even have to purchase the base retail game any longer.

Just download and purchase game time.


I am hoping for a release date so I can put in for a couple of days off to get to 60 on my main before the end of the first weekend and find a guild :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s going to be mad then cuz most of the Pservers I looked at are currently planning on shutting down on classic’s release.


How much they make off of it depends on how many new subs they land. $15/month x 12 months/year= $180/year per sub.

.5M new subs= $90million
1M new subs=$180 million
2M new subs=$360 million

The potential for earnings is huge. It all depends on how many come back.


While this was more substantive an update than the usual blue posts, it still imparted little information that wasn’t already known or expected. In the end, none of the real questions we want answered were even mentioned. For example, here’s Bajaa’s list from his “Everything we definitively know about Classic” stickied post:

  1. Which version of AV are we getting?
  2. Is it possible to have pre-1.11 warrior threat?
  3. Is “spell batching” being recreated?
  4. Will there be DHKs? If so - how will it be handled?
  5. Will there be different types of realms? (PVP, RP, PvE etc)
  6. Will servers ever be reset/forced to progress? (Assuming TBC/WOTLK later)
  7. Will there be Cross Realm BGs?
  8. Sharding - what would be a timeframe, what are “starting areas” and how committed are you to not sharing [sic] past those starting areas?
  9. What alternatives to sharing [sic] are being considered?
  10. Current status of content buckets? (This was mentioned as being malleable at Blizzcon)
  11. Hunter pet speed - normalized or dynamic?
  12. Will there be a beta?
  13. What version of the API is being used?
  14. Cross faction communication on PVP?
  15. Unarmored mounts?
  16. Server caps? Names before release?

Also, TipsOut had a larger list of questions from before Blizzcon (removed questions answered by Blizzcon and overlap with Bajaa’s):

  1. When will a Classic WoW alpha/beta take place?
  2. Will there be a collector’s edition?
  3. Will any services like server transfers, faction transfer, or name change, etc. exist in Classic?
  4. Will Blizzard implement Progressive Itemization for gear in Classic WoW?
  5. How many servers is Blizzard planning for Classic?
  6. Will we be able to reserve our names on servers prior to Classic launch?
  7. How large is the Classic WoW Team?
  8. What state will raid bosses be in Classic? Pre-nerf?
  9. Will old-school Vanilla weather effects be in the Classic WoW?
  10. Will world buffs be available in Classic WoW? If so, when?
  11. Will original TCG items be available in Classic?
  12. When do you plan on updating the PvP gear in Classic?
  13. Will all of the Vanilla quest hubs be available at Classic launch, or at some other time?
  14. Will the supply quantities for the AQ event be altered in any way?
  15. Will there be a faction restriction on PvP servers? (only 1 faction chooseable per pvp server)
  16. Will original Vanilla WoW accounts be given priority beta access or any sort of ‘reward’?
  17. Will there be holiday events in at Classic WoW launch?
  18. What will the guild caps be for Classic?
  19. Will Dire Maul tribute farm exploits be available in Classic?
  20. What state will Lupos be in Classic WoW?
  21. Will the right-click report feature have it’s current squelching mechanic in Classic WoW?
  22. What will the lockout system be for Classic?
  23. Will dungeon sizes be standardized in Classic WoW?
  24. How do you plan on dealing with dying servers after the initial hype wave?
  25. Will buffs like rallying cry of the dragonslayer have a cooldown?
  26. Will Warchief’s blessing be available to the alliance if they are mind-controlled?
  27. Will there be a keyring in classic?

Guess how many of these questions were answered…


Yeah-- I get that, but to get those servers and the game running. Zip. You don’t even have to purchase the game.

They still have to pay for the cost of it’s production before profits set in. So maybe in a year, those numbers become profit.

I mean, unless you don’t believe there is no production cost with rebuilding a game that huge, from scratch.

There’s a lot of stuff like demon summoning details that never got added to patch notes back then. Every major patch you’ll usually find some undocumented changes that were found out and never listed. It wouldn’t surprise me that this is one of those undocumented changes that never got listed in the patch notes and was never caught by data miners or even noticed much.

“community” yea. The people I see complaining about it are the same handful of people and are not indicative of the community as a whole. For as much as people are screaming the sky is falling, you’d think, if this was a big issue to the community, there’d be more than a handful of people posting against it.

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Without a subs added figure, your guess of a year means less than nothing.

Buuuuuttttttt… let’s have some fun with math shall we? How about we say a million new subs for your year? That means you think Blizz spent $180 million strictly on production costs for Classic without adding on extra for marketing. Surely you can’t believe that Blizz would drop that much on a game without marketing it and while many games have marketing expenses that are more than the cost of production, we’ll say Blizz went cheap on marketing and only spends an additional 50% on marketing. Total cost now is $270 million.

Congratulations. You’ve just given Classic a budget to rival that of GTA V, adjusted for inflation. Not bad for a game that Blizzard doesn’t consider a front line release.

That seems kinda high to me. I mean, unless you think Blizzard wouldn’t consider a GTA V size game to be significant.

A fair request.

I am guessing they are doing a straight dump of 1.12 and don’t have any content updates.

This decision was probably made months ago and as one poster mentioned it is to minimise negative player reaction.

The lack of basic human communication on the above leads me to this conclusion.

You can expect easy raids, Warriors taking over servers, 1 token Druid for MC, and other Vanilla shenanigans.

Sharing and loot trading means I know they are not serious about this project and treat the player base with contempt. Evidence: look at the appalling content provided at Blizzcon.

Seems Blizzlike to me.


Seems reasonable to me. If they actually cared they would get the game director of his chuff and tell us what’s going on.


Not even 90% of the people can ever be indicative of the community as a whole though so that is a pretty much a non argument I will accept that the majority of the community don’t view them as game breaking features and thus don’t bother to complain.

And while I personally agree that neither of them are indeed not game breaking features I also do think that the way they are implemented plays a key part in their success and can actually be quite alright.
If for example loot trading is only implemented to be in effect when master looter is used then it really has no harmful side effects.
And if RCR has no automated punishments and just leads to GM checking it if enough reports come in then it’s a fine way to weed out misbehaving players.

It’s not that these systems are inherently bad it’s just all about the implementation.

I would love for them to have a Classic Subscription that’s joined and also separate to the Retail subscription.

For example: “If you pay for a Battle for Azeroth World of Warcraft subscription (with a WoW token or $) you’ll have access to both World of Warcraft: Classic as well as Battle for Azeroth.”

OR you can pay say… $9.99 for a WoW Classic sub and not have access to Battle for Azeroth. (I would see this as an extremely good market strategy directly pointed at the market of people who want WoW Classic but don’t want BFA / people who played private servers and basically haven’t touched ‘retail’ in several expansions.

This would help them get a clearer view of just how many people are there for the Classic experience not just something to do. They can also be making more money off of Classic alone.

My only immediate problem with this is, if people in the ‘camp’ of players who are there for WoW classic and nothing else might want a “Gold” option / WoW classic token option… This is just me spit-balling but perhaps they could pay for a WoW classic sub for like… 150 Gold? Who knows… Maybe make it so that you can only buy classic tokens from Blizzard for a static gold price but not able to sell so the gold market doesn’t get inflated? Maybe this is a bit of an ambitious idea but I am curious as to what you all think.

But I imagine there’s plenty of people who would jump all over paying for a Classic Only sub only and not wanting anything to do with BFA, especially if it was at a reduced price.

So what about core issues that your player base is worried about such as loot sharing and sharding with the largest concern being the right click to report function. things that your PLAYERS are concerned with.
P.S. keep AV correct no timer please other wise this will be trash

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i agree, the player base who want true classic wow need answers before we waste our time such as right click to report and sharding. also a large concern is AV. AV was a WAR that could last an entire day from start to finish and thats NOT broken.

Thanks for the update and we appreciate the hard work going into this. As a long time TBC Mage I will be back once Classic is launched. /Cheers

It’s Monday. We can now hope for a new blue post through Friday.


Lets hope so, my wish to play Vanilla is starting to feel like a nasty itch.
You know. the sort that lives at that place on your back, that is so damm hard to reach.
Or under the cast off your broken leg.
arghhhhh i need to scratch feeling = I need to play feels

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