The AV Choice

On the flip side, make it too much like what people are already getting on PSs, and those players will simply remain on PSs.

Note that when people say they prefer the later versions like 1.12, their reasoning is very much different than those who like the old versions. No details are given concerning “finding 1.12 funner” that do not relate to quicker games and faster loot acquisition.

I’m fairly certain that most Private Servers have stated publicly that they’ll be closing down with the launch of Classic.

And I am fairly certain that Acti-Blizzard will snuff out any remaining Private Servers with the whoop-butt stick and hit em’ with a “C&D” letter.

Edit to address your actual comment: People are HOPING (From my understanding of the Classic Waiting Room movement) is (Most people) are basically like “If this isn’t exactly like X server I’m not playing” so if anything I am hoping it’s extremely close to what people are experiencing on private servers.

And unlike private servers. People don’t risk losing their progress at any given moment due to Blizzard telling them to shut-down or a corrupt dev/GM just doesn’t like someone and bans them or something. There’s always dumb risks for stuff like that on fan-run servers.

One private server announced that, IIRC.

If they could have they would have beck in the very beginning of the PSs. Regardless, wouldn’t they be better served by creating a better product?

Made a quick edit. Sorry friend.

And back then it was a relatively harmless thing. Kinda like cutting in line at the cafeteria. But now that it will be going directly against Blizzard and a challenge against their current content I imagine they’re going to go to greater extents to protect their IP (But that’s just an assumption on my part)

For such a similar gameplay experience, $15/month is a hard sell simply for character retention. Again, if they want to actually entice those players to play classic rather than PSs, they would be better served by making a more attractive product rather than threats.

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Yeah I agree. I am HOPING Blizzard will make a separate form of subscription for Classic…

(Refer to my post here: Classic Update - March 1 - #213 by Protnshock-korgath )

Though I honestly don’t have the greatest idea for it all I can really do is serve as a springboard for ideas for the future. It’s such a delicate / fragile topic.

This is the phrase I am talking about. You are assuming they made 1.12 for the specific reason to give the people who want easy rewards what they want. Which is nothing more than an assumption. They did it because they thought this was better for the gameplay of AV because day long BGs weren’t really attractive to the mass amount of people playing at the time.

Or… OR! You could think of it from a logical point of view and go with the one that makes the most sense. For example, I personally would have wanted Classic to go patch by patch exactly like vanilla happened… but I can think logically that since they said they are making the game from the foundation of 1.12 that I probably shouldn’t ask for old talents. It’s a tough concept for this forum to think logically, I know, but just try it sometime.

Honestly, I am not trying to argue that your opinion on what version should be used is wrong or not. I am calling you out for saying something as dumb as “They should just use (my version) of this thing, and everyone else who doesn’t like it JUST SHOULDN’T PLAY IT!!”. Because that is probably the weakest argument you could have and it could (and did) get flipped around on you.

I would rather you maybe put some thought behind an idea and actually list the reasons why you think it’s better.

But, this is the classic forum so I don’t know what I expected.

I don’t think Blizzard should worry too much about people who are going to be flaky on their subscriptions in the first place.

Anybody threatening to leave or go back to private servers because they didn’t get precisely what they want should honestly just not be considered.

Blizzard should focus on making Classic the best possible Classic WoW that they can.

Now personally I think that means 1.5 AV and things like earlier versions of threat and I’ll argue in favour of that, but I’m also going to acknowledge that some people will legitimately find the 1.12 versions more fun.

It’s just that fun is so subjective a topic that naturally my response will be “I hope they use the one I want, and other people can just not play it if they don’t like it”. Sure it seems selfish, but so are the people who want 1.12 for whatever reason.

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I think 1.12 is a great place for them to start at. Tbh it seems like the only / earliest place for them to start at that makes sense.

I prefer 1.12 version of AV because I do not find turtle matches very fun. I find no fun in these ‘epic’ battles 24/7 where all you do is spam aoes or if you don’t have an aoe you just either sit back and attempt to hit someone with a spell without getting one shot or if you are a melee just sitting back doing nothing or charging in and getting one shot then waiting on a rez. 1.12 spreads the people out a bit where some are defending the base, some are taking towers, some are defending the towers, some are attacking jaina, some are defending galv.

I have, and many others have listed reasons why they prefer the 1.12 version but most of the time it is just responded with sentences such as “LOL GO PLAY BFA THEN”, which I find it hilarious when the context is a version of AV in vanilla.

EDIT: That isn’t to say I hate the older version. I do like that playstyle every now and then which is why I love city raids… But when it is non-stop and that is all you are getting for sometimes days in an AV… it gets old fairly quickly IMO.

Technically unless Blizzard comes in here and tells us why they changed AV, you also just made an assumption on why they did it =P

However, what I assumed was why Blizzard changed it. I didn’t assume that everybody who liked 1.12 only liked it for easier rewards.

Which is the thing I’m being accused of.

The logical thing to work on is that, all other things being equal, I should ask for the game that I desire the most.

1.12 is the foundation so I’ve stopped asking for patch progression(which is what I would truly want), but Blizzard saying 1.12 foundation doesn’t rule out using earlier versions of very specific things like BGs or dungeons.

Especially considering, you know, they specifically asked for our opinion on those things.

I quickly stated my opinion and didn’t think it was necessary to repeat the reasons why people like 1.5 AV for the 982349239th time. That wasn’t really the purpose of my post, as evidenced by the fact that it was only 1 line of it.

I’m sorry if I insulted your intelligence by assuming I did not need to repeat those reasons =P

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Classic is launching without raids beyond MC or Ony. So already it’s not a straight 1.12 experience.

I don’t think it’s particularly likely they can restore an earlier version of AV…but it’s possible, until they say it’s not. My hope is that they see the desire for it, and put in some extra work to make it happen.

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To be honest if they’ve kept a 1.12 backup all these years then I’d generally expect that they have one for each major patch in Vanilla at the very least.

I’ve seen weirder things to be sure, but I don’t see Blizzard keeping just one backup and deleting all the others.

Only time will tell my friend.

considering they already made it somewhat clear they’ll have the 16 debuff slot and not the 6 or 8 I doubt we’ll see older AV.

Personally I’d prefer only iterations of AV as the 1.12 was a faceroll style making everyone disliking it but because reverting it to older style still had the draw back of a longer BG then they wanted, they can’t do much about it.

WoW changed a lot in the two years between launch and Burning Crusade .

A good example is U.B.E.R.S. — is a dungeon that had a 10-person version and a 5-person version. At some point in development, we dropped the 10-person version. Was that the right decision? Do they want a 10-person version? Do they want a 5-person version? Those are the types of things [we’re figuring out].

The logic to discuss different versions for AV follows suit with the logic Blizzard has set forth.

Correct, I meant to say maybe and it seems I left that part out. So you admit you were assuming, we are making some progress here.

You straight up said 1.12 was made because people wanted easy loot, are you really suggesting it is a stretch to say you were assuming people want 1.12 because of easy loot? Even reading that out loud makes me scratch my head.

That’s not logical. That is called biased. Logical is the decision that makes the most sense. Think about that for just a second.

Says who exactly? This is your bias opinion creeping in again. With the platform in mind you have to use logical thinking to realize what the most rational answer is. Sure you are still allowed to have an opinion that differs from this, like for example I would honestly prefer old talents at the start.

Does that mean I am going to be arrogant enough to say “They should have the old talents in classic WoW at the start and everyone who doesn’t like it shouldn’t play it!”… no… I can use my head and realize that probably isn’t whats going to happen so if I were to make that argument for old talents it would sound something more like “I prefer old talents because…”.

Once again I am not bashing your opinion. I am bashing the way you stated your “argument”, a very feeble minded one.

Not at all. I just see something stupid post on the forums. So I call it out as being stupid. That’s it.

I’ll try to spell it out clearly since you keep missing my point: Between 1.5 and 1.12 AV there is no one that makes more sense than the other from a purely objective standpoint.

Which given that there is no objective measurement to go on, the logical conclusion is to use a subjective one.

Which ANY subjective thing has my bias in it. It’s completely inescapable.

Says Blizzard because they asked us on our opinion on these sorts of things. I already said this, do try to keep up =P

What you’re doing is nitpicking one line of a post and not my actual argument.

My actual argument was about people who want 1.12 AV for the purposes of fast rewards and just getting it over with as quickly as possible because they don’t like the BG.

I’m not sure if you’re doing it intentionally to feel superior to us feeble minded individuals or because you genuinely just didn’t understand my post, but I assure you: The thing you’re bashing was not actually my argument.

1.12 as a foundation

Which version of AV makes the most sense?

That aside, I am not really worried about your actual stance on the argument but that arrogance of “They should do as I want and if you don’t like it don’t play it” is really what leads me to believe you have no sense of logic.

So I will really make this short for you from how I see you write.

1.12 in the foundation of classic

Most of the things confirmed, are 1.12 features

You say they should go with something that isn’t 1.12 and people just shouldn’t play it if they don’t like it.

You really don’t understand how dumb this sounds? No? Oh, okay.

Well now you’re just assuming that’s what that means again =P please try to keep up

You need me to post your original post again to show you that you have no real argument? Or do you want to do it yourself and save yourself of the embarrassment. Either is fine with me.


Wait… You JUST got done saying that ISN’T what you said…

You truly are the most simple minded person I have met on the forums in the last couples weeks. grats!

You never had an argument. You had a- “IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT MY WAY THEN DON’T PLAY IT”.

Unless… you think that’s an argument.

[citation needed]

I guess 2 out of 3 BGs being over quickly was not enough. :roll_eyes:

The mass amount of people playing were not attracted to raids, either.

Ugh, you are missing the point. If after 10+ years you decide to unearth a game due to popular demand, would you really want to simply make it nearly identical to something people are already getting elsewhere for free? Or would you make the extra effort to make it memorable, and something that sits apart?

Turtle matches were no more in one version than another.

It did a lot less of that by 1.12, the bulk of the armies simply riding past each other in the field of strife with not a speedbump to be found along the way.