Classic Update - March 1

Post was unpinned.

Hmmm, interesting.



Happening time?

More things coming? :thinking:

Watching like a hawk atm, and feeling silly while doing so.

In before “just removing the sticky as protocol”. Don’t play with my heart like that, blue guy.

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oii my hart … oii

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Seen that message flash by as well, just cant find where it went. it was in a small window. And faded in like a sec.

That right there says it all.

Why was this thread unstickied?


I was thinking the same thing. This was pretty quick weekend sticky and yet its here in the page now.
Thinking Emoji…

To make room for a new post?

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Asked the same, and had a little window pop up saying ; just folowing protocol. Could not read it propperly, it was there and gone in like 2 secs. But i think Nakadahi seen the same looking at there post.

I didn’t see anything like that. I was joking that we’re all hoping against hope and that this being unstickied is probably nothing notable.

I don’t think they would of put last weeks post up at all if they had something planned for today that seems to soon even for “soon” non tm

ahh mhh oke lol… now i,m feeling silly. probably it was your post i seen flash by. damm feeling dumb now

I mean, if they do release a new update, it’s a gutsy move on their part. At least releasing 1 on late Friday means they don’t really have to deal with the response to it right away.

Probably because they don’t have the resources / support to make it happen? It’s not supposed to be a Vanilla release simulator…just a Vanilla release.

I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth…I know that 1.12 is set in context with the upcoming TBC expansion, which we aren’t getting, and introduced some mechanics that made content easier than earlier releases…but even at 1.12 it is MILES and MILES improved to what is available in retail.

Let’s get the game launched and then talk optimizations that are in kind to the spirit of what pre-expansion WOW was meant to be.

probably unstickied because the 7 minor bug fixes in the “update” could be easily added to the existing sticky topic.

/Casts Ancestral Spirit
/Casts Healing Wave

Moar buffs please.