Classic Oceanic Servers - MEGATHREAD

It is a heavy burden on every oceanic players mind, will we get oceanic servers?
For some it is make or break, nothing hurts quite like lag.
For others guilds are formed and waiting praying for oceanic.

For me personally it is a matter of community, the oceanic scene has many people and they will be lost and scattered if we don’t have oceanic servers.

I beg of you blizzard, even just a blue post saying “yes, details coming later” would put a whole community in hype and resolve a lot of stress.

Interested in discussing further?
Join the oceanic discord! 2500+ members!


just for the record its not 300-500 ping on us servers on the packed beta for me it was 150-170 MS max. i really hope we do get our own servers but would be amazing playing classic with 8 MS can actually play melee , wont play if we dont get our own localized servers


I feel that, I main rogue and you feel that difference.


a streamer did say that we have oce servers confirmed but im hoping we hear somthing more solid from blizz sometime this month

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It’s way past time Blizzard to announce server information. There have been countless threads on the topic and yet you ignore it.

We need to know if there are going to be local Oceanic servers or NOT.

Don’t pull a EU and cause a meltdown because you do not want to include other languages besides Russian for servers in Classic. By the way I’m sure that petition is going strong.

A simple confirmation is enough to end the misery.


Chinglish wouldn’t be enough for a wikipedia article for confirmation, hopefully we get something confirmed and soon.

We dont just want an oceanic tab in the server selection. We also want locally hosted servers for low ms. I think a lot of people outside OCE get confused about that. Just because we have our own oceanic tab doesnt mean we get low ms.


Would take them a single sentence to confirm or deny it and it would help an entire community.

@blizzard c’mon, one sentence cofirm/deny it #bluepost

Yeah, I don’t know if i’ll play if we don’t get oceanic servers. You feel so disconnected playing at 150-250ms.

An this is coming from a PvP player that constantly plays at 200+ MS vs US players. It’s one of the main reasons I quit 1st season BFA.

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International players take note, this is why it is so important to us.

We have servers for retail here already and trust me the difference is VERY noticeable between them and other region servers.

At the very least they could clarify which regions they plan to host servers in, so far all we know is NA and EU, maybe they’re not sure yet?


57 days from launch I would hope they would know their launch plan.

Would like to see Oceanic servers in Classic, BGs/Open world PvP at 150-200ms puts us at a disadvantage.


Especially for melee classes, really sucks to get into distance and suddenly they are 10ft away because the servers suddenly jump.

Absolutely. We’re not asking for much just whether it’s going to be a thing or not.
Cmon Blizzard, we need server information. :pleading_face:

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Please Blizzard, just a single line confirming them or not.

So would I, but maybe all is not yet decided.

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That would worry me a lot.

I’d imagine things can be set up a lot faster these days, but they should at least be honest about it.

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That’s all we want, just a confirmation.

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