Will there be oceanic server for us?

As an Australian player, the thing we worried the most is will there be a local server for us? Otherwise we have to go use NA server with a constand 300+ sometimes 500 ping

#NoChanges :stuck_out_tongue:

Though yeah I think you should get local servers.

I can absolutely 100 percent promise you that you will have a server to play on fear not! Sleep well!

emmm 15 years ago i wasnt live in Australia, No change does not means i have to move again to another country for vinilla wow.

i wonder if russian server will even be filled enough or i’d have to play on some eu

I totally agree. And by 1.12 there were Oceanic servers.


Sorry? Keep Vanilla Vanilla. And in Vanilla, there were Oceanic Servers.

Khazgoroth opened on November 8 2005, as did Frostmourne.
Jubei’thos opened up January 26, 2006.
Barthilas and Aman’thul opened on June 12, 2006.
Dath’remar opened up on September 27, 2006.

Nagrand, Caelestrasz, Dreadmaul, Saurfang and Gundrak are the only Oceanic servers that weren’t opened during Vanilla.

What’s next? Someone who says #NoChanges while trying to change things?

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I’ve got more mythic achievements this tier, More AOTC’s and a higher IO than you have.You do realise achieves are accountbound before opening your gob?

And that was the real beginning of the downfall of WoW. First it’s oceanic servers. Then it’s pathfinder. Then it’s WQs. Do you want a Classic cash shop with paid boosts and Naxx raid gear and battle pets? Because this is how you get it. As long as we’re rolling back PvP to an earlier version, why not do this too? Classic needs to be real Classic. Not the ez mode grindfest it became in 1.12.

No you don’t. That’s why you judge players based on gear alone just like some retail whiner. You don’t even know how to spell AotC. Enjoy your journeys in the Borean Tundra.

Right.Have fun getting reported.

Current Beta ping for NZ to what is US servers is about 220. Live able and less than the old 400. But yeah Oceanic server (ie Australia hosted but same as US otherwise) would be nice. NZ hosted would be better but I will give u Aussies this one :slight_smile:

There is something seriously wrong with you, seek help

You’re confusing game changes with adapting to modern time/technology. You may as well tell everyone to revert back to using computer hardware that was relevant back in 2004-2006?
I’m confused in understanding the correlation between those things.

If jumping around empty cities and sitting in queues all day is your definition of a “fun game-play experience”, then that’s fine. We don’t.

Last thing you should do though is come to classic discussion and just try to be a troll in every thread you half read and keep typing “nO cHaNgEs” when they’re not asking for game-play changes. Most of the community has already been extremely vocal about no changes anyways.

The only thing Blizzard is doing, as far as I am aware, is making sure that the game is 1.12 and bugs are fixed before release.

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Except there was Oceanic servers in vanilla…

He’s literally a troll, he’s on several threads trying to create arguments that aren’t arguments where arguments never existed. Just report and ignore.


I hear you.

Well there are OCE servers so goodluck with your #NoChanges

Heres one of my toons with 2007 vanilla Field Marshal title achieved on an Oceanic server. All the #nochanges trolls should go back to guarding their bridges.

I tried. My last four therapists told me to stop calling them.

#NoChanges means #NoChanges. Literally everything about WoW was better in 2004…including the technology. Everything that has happened in the last 15 years has simply ruined the game. That’s why people are so offended at the newer character models and animations. It’s not gameplay. It’s nostalgia.

It’s my definition of #NoChanges. I spent plenty of time doing that in Vanilla myself. Only, instead of a queue, it was watching the spam of “LFM Undead Strat. Come to the IF bank to be inspected or no invite”. And I was thankful for it!

And if your city is empty it’s because your server is unpopular. Probably because you smell bad or don’t know how to tank. But that’s life. Would you rather have a total loss of server identity by having it phased into a CRZ with people popping in and out of existence that you will likely never see again? Which is better, an empty server that is all your community, or a full server full of strangers you’ve never even met?

#NoChanges means #NoChanges. Don’t assume what others mean with that sentiment. There are plenty of non-gameplay changes that have been fiercely resisted by the community. I already mentioned the updated decent looking non-blocky 8 bit models. I also mean water detail, right click reporting, and paid character transfers. This isn’t a matter of gameplay. It’s a matter of faith.

Yeah right! We all know the beta isn’t a beta but a cleverly disguised multi-level marketing blitz featuring Blizzard shill streamers who probably had their brains reprogrammed to do nothing but shill for Blizzard. That’s why everything these people have done on stream has been to show what a wonderful game Classic is and how welcoming the community is. They’re the Stepford Streamers and Ion is holding the controller.

Yeah, once it sold out with their AP and flying and P2W server transfer cash shop services. Next you’ll be asking for buyable character boosts.
