Classic Oceanic Servers - MEGATHREAD

If we don’t get at least oceanic labeled servers like we had towards the end of vanilla, im not playing.

I do not think it would be viable for them to make oceanic only servers. Reason being with how spell batching works the difference between a 250 ms person and a 5 ms person is actually fairly small and there will barly be points where you see that kind of latency difference. That and there probs isn’t enough people who will play on oceanic servers to warrant our own server.

I see there are some saying it wasn’t so bad they didn’t go over 200ping during the stress test, that just means the sun shone on your butt when it comes to the internet gods.
Ping never dropped below 200 ping for me and went as high as just over 400 ping for extended periods.

I played a tonne of pvp in Vanilla and the same detached clunky feel was there on melee toons skills not going off because my toon or the npc or player wasn’t where they looked like on the screen, as it was back in the day. It made me quit back then and would likely make me quit again as it would many others.

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2.5k+ on discord, multiple successful oceanic private vanilla servers in the past, untapped retail oceanic players who will play when it is legit, servers already in place with retail.

How could they not capitalise on it?


Keep in mind that they’re already struggling to get the game in a functional state in time for launch, which I suspect was internally delayed (with the whole summer thing). They’re copping flak for the various changes they’ve made and their overall unauthentic approach to the project. They don’t want to sow more discontent than they already have by confirming that they won’t cater to the Oceanic audience.

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And by not admitting that until august 13th when name reservations come up there will be less discontent?

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There’s less right this moment.

Oceanic community literally crying out for confirmation causing internal strife and disrupting community formation and launch plans

I would say there is more discontent without confirmation tbh.


You mean that 1 Australia Server which had 2 raiding teams, x6 rates on levelling and a lot of qol changes that allowed for a small population like that. Also 2.5k people is not enough people for even 1 server which if it does happen will be probs be PvP realmtype.

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I don’t know which server you played on, the last 2 I played on were well active and successful.


Clarification needs to happen sooner rather than later, I am lanning with 4 other people for a week long launch fest. I have another friend in a different city that has a group with +4 people which are also doing a lan launch as well, of those 8 people all of them bar 1 will not play unless there are oceanic servers so that’s 7 people of my close friends who i know personally wont play if there are no oce servers and I would imagine there are many many more people in the same boat.

All of those bar myself and 1 other do not have current active subscription and they quit through legion or start of bfa and are only coming back for classic so its ongoing income blizzard will be losing for not having oce servers.

Not to mention both OCE, US and EU guilds want to start planning better so its the entire community which needs clarification on what severs are going to be here and the names of them ect.



Some information on locally hosted servers for ANZ would be really nice.
The ping makes a huge difference


I would assume as there was an OCE tab in Vanilla there will be OCE servers, and I would also assume that seeing that they have server clusters in Australia now that they would host Classic on them.

But yeah, a blue simply confirming that would go a long way to making people feel more comfortable about the whole situation.


I’m a yank that got invited by a friend in Oz to make a character on her OCE server. I did. Unfortunately, even though I’m accepted into the guild, I can’t be relied upon to join a dungeon or raid group with them. Not only is the latency horrendous, but the random disconnects because of it (sometimes as many as 3 in less than an hour) pretty much rules out my being of any help on a run. To top it off, quite often it’s so bad I have to do an ipconfig /flushdns before it will let me back in.


I am using you as an example but obviously, your better than most with actually creating a character. However most americans carry on like a bunch of pork chops when they q up with oceanic players because of the ping, this is why we need our own servers, imagine dealing with that rage 24/7 with zero chance of it ever being different.

We have oce retail so fingers crossed blizzard does the right thing but their recent track record is what has everyone concerned…


If it helps any, you can add my voice to the hue and cry. I’ve been on your server for about 5 months now and I honestly don’t know how you diggers put up with it, and kept playing, for as long as you did. If that had been my experience with the NA servers, this game would have been uninstalled and deleted YEARS ago.


You will definitely see yourself dying to something on the floor after you moved out of it though.


That is just not true. Maybe if you had 250 latency on a private server but the latency wow gives you is far more responsive, even then the difference between 5 latency and 250 latency is less then the average persons reaction time. You’ will hardly notice the difference.

However if the server is basically dead due to inactivity you will def notice that.

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The entire community notices it, even when you play on american blizzard servers, it disrupts gameplay.


When you say oceanic server you mean a thing physically put in Australia or do you mean a realm tagged as Oceanic but located in the US?