Classic Era Popularity

Hello everyone,

Is the Classic Era crowd still going strong? If so, what realm? Anyone in SoM still going to play their character in CE following the end of the season?

I’m curious what the general concensus is on this. Thanks for amy replies!

You might want to edit your title to mention Era. I know they had a smaller community that was having fun on Whitemane anyway but I don’t know how it’s going now.

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For pvp the Whitemane cluster and for pve the Mankrik cluster, OP.

Pagle still raids naxx every week, but ‘strong’ is debatable.

it felt like an apocalypse happened when TBC launched. People rushed to swap professions to close consume gaps, etc. Who sells the mana pot recipe. where does the frost resist pot drop? it was fun.

Any other realms besides those? Do you still play any CE?

Lol was it?

uh… it had this eerie feel to it. some uncertainty… “will we survive? is this the end?” but then we did - and it was fine in the end. :slight_smile:

the AH was gone for a few days, with virtually nothing useful being listed, so we had to forage and gather and craft and build the oldschool survival style. less like WoW and more like Rust…

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Classic Era servers are mostly unpopulated but Whitemane seems to be the best choice if you don’t want to play SoM.

Blizzard simply does not have the manpower allotted to Classic to push out “new” content. What you are going to get is half thought out changes that affect the game drastically and ruin the player experience.

Hopefully SoM is a nice experiment that shows devs that Classic Era should have a fresh server and to stop trying to “make Classic better”.

This is where having a Classic Era fresh server up would be awesome. It could funnel all the players that don’t want to do a rushed season, would grab private server players, and appease the Nochanges crowd.

Merge all Classic Era current servers to 1 PvE and 1 PvP. Create a new server for CE that is designated as the “fresh” that resets 6 months after Naxx release where you can then transfer off to an existing CE server, similar to SoM. Do this every 18-24 months, minimal effort and easy profit.


Oh there are other realms but if you want people to play with I suggest those that are receiving the transfers. The guess being that Blizz is going to link all the pvp and all the pve servers in Era.

I still play but Bloodsail Buccaneers isn’t currently linked to any others. It is very very quiet.

The Benediction/Faerlina/Heartseeker/Incendius/Netherwind realms are another Classic Era cluster. We’re leveling alts, dungeon crawling, and casually raid on Mondays & Wednesdays. I should warn you that even though the realms are tagged PvP we have not seen any active Alliance presence for a couple months now. Feel free to check us out, you can always transfer over to Whitemane for free.

IK that the Horde side was always a smaller community even before BC Classic dropped. The Alliance side (even after BC Classic dropped) is still going pretty strong. One guild is around doing UBRS, Onys, ZGs and MCs. The HC challenge is still around, too. Then, there’s the occasional random guilds, that pop up (every now and then) with only one person online. Like I said, only one guild (aside from HC) controls that server.

I have no plans to move away from an RP server onto just a basic and normal server. BB has always been the one and only normal RP server (for Classic era but minus SOM), and I plan to stay here, until I’m forced out.

I actually like SoM quite a bit, im just thinking into the future. I don’t really want to invest time into a SoM character if CE afterwards isn’t “bumpin” in some way.

This seems to be a trend item. Are they all lopsided in CE like they are in TBCC?

It didn’t help that Blizzard screwed the pooch on Classic when BC hit. The download for BC should not have overwritten Classic. That alone would have saved several characters from feeling “forced into BC.”

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it … didn’t. you had a choice where to go.

my main classic toon’s guild remains in classic to this day, while my alts’ advanced to TBC.

edit: hell, as a premium option you could even do both.

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Silly boy. We had time to level up an alt for BC and one for Classic Era.

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Whitemane is pretty active with 2 guilds horde side raiding Naxx and 3 ally side I think. All pvp servers can freely transfer to Whitemane so it helps immensely.

Shadowstrike is still doing fine. No I will not play on CE afterwards. Zero reason to xsfr to a server that is quite literally worse than the one we are playing on. Dumbed down raids, slower leveling, dead zones

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Curious why you even play Vanilla style gameplay if you think it’s so bad?

Is this ongoing? I am totally oblivious then. I have some toons on thunderfury that I am considering moving because I never really see people.

What Faction should I roll on Whitemain?

I mis read this classic meaning SoM…

I’m playing horde (lowest pop) faction on Swamp of Sorrows.

It’s fairly quiet and getting a group sub 40 dungeons if you’re not tanking or healing can be rough. (Play a enh shaman w/ shield spec and you can tank dps or heal with one spec, making finding groups very possible)

but for me it’s really realistic to how classic wow was. I mostly like PvP so alliance being 2-1 horde is actually a good thing.