Classic Era Patch Updates

At the end of the day…
All this is about, is parsing.

Some people don’t want to pay dual subs, some are tired of going thru other hoops to get the buff, and some are just lazy and don’t want to be shown up by others who bothered to get the buff.

I’m not one of these people. I have friends who very much enjoy both speed running and parsing. This is a pretty common mentality in the Classic playerbase (including Cata and SoD).

However, something could be said about how a person who goes out of their way to get rend by getting mind controlled etc deserves to do better on the scoreboards, and that changing this kind of takes something away from that.


I have gotten rend through means of a 2nd account for multiple years… Your point is 100% completely void. Don’t pretend that I am lazy.

We are proposing a change that will be for the betterment of anyone who wishes to use it for their purposes. And if they don’t want to, they do not have to. Simply click it off!

To be honest with you, even if this was a change, I personally would continue subscribing on my other account anyways as I have put in my own time on that separate account. So, respectfully, your points are not correct in my scenario anyways.

Ya, might wanna hang on to that.

Maybe not in this thread but others like this:

People are trying to stem the tide of changes to keep the little quirks and “imperfections” we love about this old game. QoL is not needed because as I pointed out - Horde has to work for WCB too. There’s no need to change it.

This is quite possibly the saddest and most disingenuous things you could say. Some of us have poured our hearts out (and acted out corny roleplay) for love of this old game. I’m sorry that WCB is just a chore for you to tick off. The Warchief’s Blessing is an honor and point of pride for each and every one of my characters that has had the stamina and strength to complete the feats required to obtain it.


They can’t help being anything but superficial.

Many of the old quicks of the 2004 edition have been gone and continue to be gone for nigh on 20 years. 2019 classic was an attempt to emulate the 2004 launch but as we know, many things were changed. On top of those many changes that happen at the start of launch, things continued to be changed. Small bugs/quirks patched out here and there, different rules changes, dungeon loot changes etc.

What we are asking for is already in the game we play. Everyone in the game can attain it. We are simply asking for the process to be less time consuming for those that choose to use it.

Not changing anything about the game, just rerouting how things are distributed. Like how many of the changes before 2019 and leading up to 2021 were implemented.

For the record, I agree with your sentiment regarding the models and animations. I greatly prefer the classic ones.

I said earlier before in this thread that I’m often in the no-changes camp, but I recognize that it can’t be binary; we can’t simply have zero change and expect the game to continue to thrive for years to come. The clusters are aging and minor changes will be necessary to continue to motivate people to keep playing. Might of Stormwind was an excellent examples of the type of changes we need. It did not introduce something net-new, but gave people more motivation to raid and encouraged people to start running UBRS again.


I’m also not entirely sure why you are here. Anyone who has interacted with you on the forums knows you are a troll, attempting to incite anger from players who have a differing opinion than you.

The proof is in the pudding. Nobody here is taking you serious.

Furthermore, there are far better people arguing your point for you, that don’t have to rely on insults to get their point across.

What’s frustrating to me is how many times “there have already been changes to Era and no one complained” gets repeated, and no matter how many times someone explains that people have complained the same thing keeps getting repeated.

One of my favorite posts on this thread was regarding faction balance and PVP servers. The answer to this was “people will roll horde anyway” and “there have already been changes”. They just COMPLETELY ignored this posters very valid points to parrot the same old thing, because coming up with a more thoughtful response would be too challenging.


Its the parse and speed run of the finest whataboutism.


There is a single reason I have continued to interact with you and that is because I felt you were giving some thought to having a dialogue. The false accusations regarding griefing and selling were unexpected and quite frankly repulsive. If I haven’t made my point clear that I love the roleplaying aspects of the game as well as the “dated” mechanics then I apologize and will RP harder.

This is where we have our fundamental difference.
The game is fine. When players decide to act in ways that break or are untrue to the original design of the game then either Blizzard hard codes the behavior they wish to see or players find a game that suits/caters to the deviant behavior.

Blizzard has taken the coding route with MoS and WCB. MoS is strictly for seasonal and was correctly removed from Era. WCB remains in game and able to be obtained as it has been in years past unchanged. Get to the Barrens and lok’tar ogar.


Out of curiosity:

  1. Are you opposed to all changes?
  2. Are you opposed to any change to Rend that would enable Alliance to obtain the buff without pvp or dueling a horde character?
  3. Would you still be opposed to MoS if it would have been implemented as a quest that required Alliance players to go to the crossroads, but without having to duel/pvp a horde character?
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To be honest with you are talking about people saying “there have already been changes”, it is a good point though, isn’t it? People are defending not putting MoS in the game by saying they want ERA to remain pure to the original game. That line of thinking, in my honest opinion, is coming from a place of ignorance.

I’ve said on here probably 20 times by now that this is not the game we all played in 2004. It has been changed every which way, in major, major ways. (Chronoboon, PVP) being 2 of those major changes. This purposed QoL update is not a major update in any sense.

No. Those apples dont look, taste or smell like these oranges.


Can’t recognize that I’m correct in the bottom part of that message. Keep picking and choosing what you respond to. haha

You’re correct that there were changes. Thats about it.


You want SoD elements brought into Era.

I know that this has been your primary argument the whole time.

I don’t think that it’s a great one because I don’t think that two wrongs make a right, and I don’t think that the “changes” path should keep being traveled because the more we ask for things to be changed the more devs will take it as being ok to use Era as their playground, just as they have used SoD and Cata as that.

It is nice to see that you are more willing to have a conversation now, thanks for that.

I don’t necessarily think that the argument of “there have already been changes” alone is bad - by saying that people have accepted Era changes and still play, but when “no one complained about that” is part of the argument it’s annoying. For example, for the PVP one, I very much complained about that one.

So yes, it’s very annoying to have someone say “Oh PVP changes are here and no one cared!!”. That’s like if MoS hasn’t been put in the game six months from now and something else comes up and people said “MoS still isn’t in the game and no one cared!!” I’m sure you’d find that annoying too.


Pretty much with some exceptions for botting, RMT, cheating etc.

I’d rather go back to 1.12 but even more fun would have been to progress through all of the Vanilla patches (as a release player), that’s just a pipe dream though that will never happen.

I think that putting something in Crossroads for the alliance to get would be a super fun and creative thing for a Classic +, and that would have been a way more fun way to implement this for SoD to make it more of a discovery, but I’ve got to stick with my stance for Era.

You can disagree and keep asking for MoS as much as you’d like, that’s fine. I don’t have a problem with you being a competitive player.