Classic Era Patch Updates

Then you can play without it, yes?

I choose for the game not to change on behalf of SoD which is available to you if you enjoy the buff that much.

I guess you’re only concerned with the part of the community that agrees with you. Red flag #1.

I gave you the answers you deserved, not the ones you wanted.

Incorrect. I disagree with the game changing on behalf of people who don’t understand the game they are playing.

According to the retail player with 16 total posts just in this thread alone.


Some people are playing Era’s version of vanilla because it is a Blizzard product and they have issues with endorsement of ip theft.

Blizzard did create the MoS buff for a version of Classic Wow - Season of Discovery - and it still can be found there. Plus there’s the original way to get it still available in Era that does involve some effort. You have choices!

Way to go, Classic team, keeping Era as it has been and should stay plus adding new things to try out in seasonal Classic. Win!


Again, more twisting words from what their original meaning is. It’s all you can do when you are incorrect!

Nobody is asking you to play a certain way. Everybody is at different levels in the game playing the way they want to. MoS doesn’t force a game style onto anyone, and you claiming that is the biggest red flag!

I hate to burst your bubble. But era is no longer vanilla. It never was the exact copy you think it is. Since its creation in 2019 there have been numerous changes that no longer make it the original experience. For people to fight MoS acting like its the 1st change to era is simply absurd.

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So WBs and chronoboons are completely optional for your raid, right?

Edit: Ah, the whataboutists have returned.


I gave you the answers you deserved, not the ones you wanted

Snarky replies are not answers. You answered nothing.

According to the retail player with 16 total posts just in this thread alone.


Outside influences have forced a game style on you.

Now you wish the game to adapt to it.

No thanks.

Thanks Blizz!
Keep SoD elements out of Era.


I stated “version of vanilla” so no bubble was burst. Thank you for honestly considering my feelings though. But this version does not have and/or should not have changes meant for seasonal so the reversion was just and appropriate.

Thanks again to the Classic team for keeping seasonal goodies out of Era!


Why do you care about what we do in our raids? What does that have to do with you?

On the the topic of chronoboons - we have them. They didn’t exist in Vanilla. There’s no reason for blizzard to revert MoS when we already have changes.

A lot of the people who don’t want this changed have been here saying the same thing for a lot of the changes. That this argument keeps being brought up is annoying.

Whenever I see this comment I consider it the equivalent of saying to go buy a counterfeit Gucci bag if you don’t like how the Gucci bags are made now. It’s so convoluted but the crazy part is that the people who are suggesting that don’t seem to even see how convoluted it really is.


Im saying I dont want Era to be SoD lite. You’re talking to me about how being anti MoS is me telling other people how to enjoy the game when Im not doing that.

So when you’re projecting your bias onto me you get a snarky reply.

I don’t.

Youre telling me you should have the Era changing MoS change because you want it when I dont want it.

Right, that’s all you need. No further changes necessary.

There’s a whole bunch of them but you need to remain ignorant of them so you have talking points. Otherwise, this is a dead issue.


Again, why do you care what we do in our raids. What does this have to do with you?

It’s not about what you do in your raids, it’s about how you want to change a version of the game, that is not meant to be changed.


The buff already exists and available to Alliance characters.

I’m starting to suspect that your actual motivation is that you enjoy griefing Alliance players getting the Rend buff or you want to benefit financially from selling it.

MoS exists for seasonal on seasonal servers.
Warchief’s Blessing exists on Era servers as it has since Thrall was a young orc.

We keep trying to weed out those disloyal but they keep popping up with their crazy caps and loud music. But the Barrens is a hard knock life. If you can scratch out a blessing then maybe you deserve it. All must work for it. Even the Horde.

It should stay that way.
Classic team agrees as MoS was removed and WCB remains unchanged.


Sure bud…
Don’t look at us to normalize your freakish behavior.

ERA would be nowhere close to SoD lite… You are reaching again.

SoD introduced class changes, complete world changes, raid changes, PVP changes, EVERYTHING CHANGED.

We are advocating for a buff that is already in the game and coded so that everyone in the game receives it. Don’t even try to pretend that this small change would make ERA resemble SoD in anyway other than the obvious MoS.

The arguments against Might of Stormrend are the following:

  1. We don’t like goal oriented players and making Rend more accessible benefits goal oriented players.
  2. We don’t want changes because we don’t want changes.

Classic Era has changes. It is not vanilla wow. Should Classic Era introduce new classes or class overhauls? Absolutely not. Are some changes warranted to keep the community alive? Yes. I don’t see anyone here complaining that the water effects from retail are in classic. The people making these arguments are against changes that benefit players that they don’t agree with.

Blizzard, please bring back Might of Stormwind. It only has positive affects for the community. Please do not be swayed by the vocal minority of griefers, gold sellers, and people against goal oriented gameplay.


Can’t wait for Corpseknife to quote that I said Rend is coded so everyone can have it and say “So why do we need to change it then”.

Here we go!

As an alliance feral Druid , getting rend (which was a substantial dps increase) was annoying … it was nice to just get it in stormwind.

That being said I’m not a child , so I won’t stomp my feet and “unsubscribe”.

Maybe revisit that stormrend change a bit down the road? In game poll or something where the real players are. Not taking anything you read on these forums seriously.