Please let us use new models in Classic

Your opinion as that is entirely subjective.
More polys doesn’t necessarily mean better.

Let classic be classic and use the models from that era.
No to the retail models and animations (which I believe are garish).

editing my post since someone else edited above to include me

I am still not happy about that but they seem adamant about keeping it so I’m not banging my head against the wall over that.

However, the models and animations are a very different matter as that is the player’s avatar in the world. I get that people like the retail models but for me, the animations are ridiculous and the models for some races are atrocious (the new female tauren for example are horrid and Blizzard received numerous complaints before they were implemented that they refused to acknowledge - other races met similar resistance).

I understand that “Era is not 100% faithful to the original game” but all here are arguing in favor of their personal taste. When I said “let classic be classic” what I meant was that the model and animations are native to that version of the game and to keep the products distinct they should look different as well. Let the original models and animations remain in Classic.